just watched a program that ufc had on tv about riggs vs hughes, i couldnt beleive it.
they were saying (dana white) that riggs has an excellent chance against Matt. He said riggs looks bigger(physically) and saying hes just as strong or stronger. thatpissed me off ,cuz i think matt is much stronger if not the strongest in the welterweight. also saying that only thng matt has on riggs is wrestling. that riggs is faster matt wont be able to throw punches like riggs(which is true) and that riggs says he woud beat matt on his back. i know there both great in submissions whatever, only thing is that ive seen matt in many terrible situation where hes almost been submited while on top. i mean im a huge huge matt hughes fan and i would hate to see him loose to this punk kid who thinks hes everything and no one can stop him, matt better win is all im saying....
ne one else wanna input on strengths and weakness' ofboth and who theyll def think will win and walk away champ(i think riggs is talking to much trash saying" hughes will b takin off on a stretcher bleeding to death"