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Thread: How effective is Aikido in street fights?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    How effective is Aikido in street fights?

    I know it takes many years to master Aikido,would love peoples opinion how effective it would be in the street? One thing in the dojo,the reality is when you hit the street.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    hmmm idunno, my dad is some sort of black belt in aikido, he teaches classes and all that kind of stuff, goes out of town for seminars and all that stuff. I use to do it when i was young but that was just because my dad made me...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    For the street learn to box. Everyones instincts are to swing, and you need to know how to take a punch(most important), and throw one back.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Pride Fighting nuthugger
    Akido is to damn hard to master, and i dont think its anything good for the streets against an experienced fighter

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    the gym
    boxing is very effective for astreet fighting, I heard Jiu Jitsu was some nast ystuff for the street as well

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    The only place Aikido is effective on the streets is in the movies. Boxing/jiu jitsu(sambo etc..) combo is King.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    The thing with Jiu Jitsu it`s very poor for multiple attackers,if your on the ground against 3 guys,it`s over.I hear Akido is good for this,but how can we tell if it is street effective for sure.


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    If you're just looking to learn how fight some schmuck on the street, join a boxing gym. Any street fight I've ever seen is people mimicking some crued form of stand up similar to boxing. Boxing is rather simple so you will more likely pick it up faster than anything else.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    from what i understand about aikido, it's very much a martial art that demands 2 experienced combatants to be effective. like you might grabs and jam a guys wrist and hurt it but he's not going to know to roll so he'll go down, and might just pucnh you in the effing face while you're jamming his wrist.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    detroit michigan
    well if you get in a street fight I hope you have some friends with you and if thats the case all you need is BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU and MUAY THAI because about 90% of street fights go to the ground and if you know BJJ strength plays no part its all leverage and you just choke the bastard and he will wake up nice and calm or you bust a limb!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    I think you can be a black belt in anything but if you dont have a fighters mentality you're gonna get KTFO.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    I think you can be a black belt in anything but if you dont have a fighters mentality you're gonna get KTFO.
    and that rite there is 100% true man there is a guy at my school that is a BJJ brown belt and just a bad mofo but man he wont get in the ring or cage none of us can figure it out! my thoughts are , I bet he got his azz whooped bad one time and is afraid to get hit but if he got in the ring man i swear the guy would go would do well who knows how far he would go with it!

  13. #13
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    Jun 2003
    I love bjj but as everyone says it sucks in the street. How many fair fights are there in the street, not many. My last street fight I used it but because it was just me and him and no one around. Boxing above all else. also heavily agree with the fighters mentality, seen numerous black belts get the shit kicked out of them. Then again most were tae kwon do, kunfu, karate guys that thought they were bad ass.

  14. #14
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    I'll tell you if i'm in a bar and I dont know how to fight and some guy who knows BJJ and just pulls guard, i'm just gonna pick up a bar stool and slam the shit out of him with it, thats why to me BJJ doesnt work in street fights.

  15. #15
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    Apr 2003
    anything is probally better than nothing against a typical street fight, that is against a plain old pissed off guy and not some dude training mma for 5 years. you at least have the advange of being comfortable with close quarters and aggresive contact

    many say what good is bjj on the ground if you have like 3 guys...well what good is akido if you get tackled and there are 3 guys, same problem only worse chance...and ya if you pull guard and just sit there, thats pretty dumb instead of trying for something like a rnc

    imo, the best option would be an effective striking art and avoid going to the ground if possible, prefferably something like boxing, kb, mt, etc.. you will at least have a better chance of not being kicked in the back of the head by his friend

    a good throw to the ground knocking the wind out of someone can be quite effective as well

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    detroit michigan
    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    I'll tell you if i'm in a bar and I dont know how to fight and some guy who knows BJJ and just pulls guard, i'm just gonna pick up a bar stool and slam the shit out of him with it, thats why to me BJJ doesnt work in street fights.
    man I have agreed on everything with you so far in these forums until now! in a street fight you get guard and you break the bastards arm with an armbar he doesn't know a damn thing or you just side choke thats the easiest thing to grab against a bar brawler or the rear naked,my personal favorite, then they go to sleep and wake up nice and calm. so in my opinion BJJ would work in all situations and you look at your enviorment to see what you could use as a third person like a curb or a wall and they are all done.

  17. #17
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    Nov 2001
    Tell you guys what. The only one here who sounds like he's had a street fight is USfighterFC. I'm tired of hearing this shit about 90% of street fights going to the ground. In all honesty I have never had a fight go to the ground. The again I'm primarily a kickboxer, but Judo has prepared me for the ground too.

    As for arm bars on the ground, NOT A CHANCE. Some asshole tries to armbar me on the ground I'm going to take a huge bite out of the sorry fvcker. I think if BJJ has anything to offer in a street fight it allows you to gain top position and pound the fvcker from there or it allows you to escape to a standing position (the sensible option) and kick the head off the bastard from there (or make good your escape).

    Another thing the dojo can't prepare you for is the violence of a street fight. It can go someway towards replicating an aggressive fighter, but only someway. Because no one wants to seriously hurt, or even kill you in the gym/dojo.

    My 2 cents worth!.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    detroit michigan
    well bouncer, you sound like your pretty tough, and as for me im 309 lb'sand ima kick boxer as well as BJJ and i have been in the street situation and and all that i had to do was use my punching power as well as a clinch and down the big fella went giving me side mount and i broke the bastards shoulder with a key lock so it worked for me and it wasnt that violent. maybee I got lucky huh?

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Pride Fighting nuthugger


    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    I think you can be a black belt in anything but if you dont have a fighters mentality you're gonna get KTFO.
    Right has hell, black belt mean nothing, hey in TKD there where 3 and 4 degree black belts that would have problems lifting there legs to throw a kick.

    ITs all in the fighter, the way you train, your cardio, sparring and more that will get you a better fighter.

    A guy at my job is going for is black belt in shotokan karate, he smokes near a pack a day, and when i sparred with him for fun being out of martial arts for a good 10 years and having back problems i did not have any problems feinting and faking blows, create oppenings for stikes in the liver and face.

    I guess you never forget everything you learned and i am talking Tae Kwon do here so its not the best martial art on the planet and quit nothing compared to muay thay and boxing.

  20. #20
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    Pride Fighting nuthugger


    Quote Originally Posted by BOUNCER
    Tell you guys what. The only one here who sounds like he's had a street fight is USfighterFC. I'm tired of hearing this shit about 90% of street fights going to the ground. In all honesty I have never had a fight go to the ground. The again I'm primarily a kickboxer, but Judo has prepared me for the ground too.

    As for arm bars on the ground, NOT A CHANCE. Some asshole tries to armbar me on the ground I'm going to take a huge bite out of the sorry fvcker. I think if BJJ has anything to offer in a street fight it allows you to gain top position and pound the fvcker from there or it allows you to escape to a standing position (the sensible option) and kick the head off the bastard from there (or make good your escape).

    Another thing the dojo can't prepare you for is the violence of a street fight. It can go someway towards replicating an aggressive fighter, but only someway. Because no one wants to seriously hurt, or even kill you in the gym/dojo.

    My 2 cents worth!.
    Once again depending on the guy you are fighting, if the guy has no knowlege of what he is doing and you have the proper training.

    But then again a street fight is always funny to watch, there are lots of punches thrown at very close range and it usually start off with some shoving and cursing LOL.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonar1234
    Once again depending on the guy you are fighting, if the guy has no knowlege of what he is doing and you have the proper training.

    But then again a street fight is always funny to watch, there are lots of punches thrown at very close range and it usually start off with some shoving and cursing LOL.
    LMAO!!! so you agree with my last statement then?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    fighting on the street is all just positioning and situation, outside of that, willingness to fight & fitness, and lastly, application of knowledge

    I personally would say a sport jujitsu club, boxing or kickboxing club would be the best place to train. These high tempo places prepare you mentally to deliver violence in order to win.

    All yah gotta know, really, is the carotid choke & a strong overhand right (or whatever dominant arm you have)

    remember, no squeamishness when it comes to combat, it's kill or capture or be captured or killed!

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    look beyond what you see
    remember also, with traditional MA, they stress rules & discipline (not so much with sport MA)

    on the street, dont think of the opponent as a person or even an opponent.. dont even associate them as being a human being, just another piece of training equipment - never worry about breaking the law, that should be the last of your concerns - never stop beating him until he is unconcious, or, until your satisfied that your revenge is secure

    .. and those are pretty much the summed up points on what they'll teach you in these high-temp fight clubs

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by davinci191
    well bouncer, you sound like your pretty tough, and as for me im 309 lb'sand ima kick boxer as well as BJJ and i have been in the street situation and and all that i had to do was use my punching power as well as a clinch and down the big fella went giving me side mount and i broke the bastards shoulder with a key lock so it worked for me and it wasnt that violent. maybee I got lucky huh?

    Didn't mean to sound like I was being a tough guy. Just stating my personal opinion. I think going to the ground is ridicules, but as 100% of my fighting on 'the street' comes through my job I try my best to stay away from there. Its just way too dangerous for me, down there I'm within biting, knifing, glassing etc distance, as well as being assaulted by more than the guy I'm fighing. Really, I prefer to stay up where I'm comfortable, and thats standing up. Even in an mma fight I'll escape to a standing position at the first oppertunity. Failing that I'll go for a RNC and send the guy fast sleep.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    **** aikido...Learn banging/boxing skills and tune up on explosive escapes from the ground ''incase'' it ever happens that you end up on floor..Stick a weighted rucksack on your back and practise escapes from kneeling position as this how most people land after swinging...Also look for objects to to trip the guy and land his head on the curb etc...This is streetfighting not the cage..Therefore it is not pretty and ''can'' mean the difference between seeing your family again or not!!!!!

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Brooklyn, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    fighting on the street is all just positioning and situation, outside of that, willingness to fight & fitness, and lastly, application of knowledge

    I personally would say a sport jujitsu club, boxing or kickboxing club would be the best place to train. These high tempo places prepare you mentally to deliver violence in order to win.

    All yah gotta know, really, is the carotid choke & a strong overhand right (or whatever dominant arm you have)

    remember, no squeamishness when it comes to combat, it's kill or capture or be captured or killed!

    so if i train sambo for 15 years like i have what good is it if "application of knowledge" is last on the list?

  27. #27
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    remember also, with traditional MA, they stress rules & discipline (not so much with sport MA)

    on the street, dont think of the opponent as a person or even an opponent.. dont even associate them as being a human being, just another piece of training equipment - never worry about breaking the law, that should be the last of your concerns - never stop beating him until he is unconcious, or, until your satisfied that your revenge is secure

    .. and those are pretty much the summed up points on what they'll teach you in these high-temp fight clubs

    With your experience how often do you see fights go on the ground?


  28. #28
    Join Date
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    id say boxing is one of the better fighting styles for the street i train muay thai and boxing but if i was in a street fight i would throw mostly punches and some low kicks the higher you kick the less power you throw and also in a street situation you may loose your balance and fall which is not good haha

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Brooklyn, NY
    the last thing you do in a street fight is throw a high kick....i wouldnt even throw a low would be strictly punches

  30. #30
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    In the Gym, if i could
    training gives and builds confidence in one's own self, the ability to take care of you and those you are protecting..

    In a street thing people know and see this..

    and you as a trained person will avoid at all cost..
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  31. #31
    Join Date
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    look beyond what you see
    Fighting only goes to the ground when I want it too, but typically ( i guess its diffrent for every culture) the people we've gotten into scraps with like to keep standing at all costs. (allthough, many times as a doorman, we've restrained people on the ground waiting for the police to arrest them.. though i'm not sure if thats what you meant)

    USFighterFC - application of knowledge is last on the list, because situation, fitness etc. has to all be taken into account.. for example, my jujitsu training wont mean anything if the opponent has a gun, my training wont mean anything if i'm a 450 lbs fat couch patotoe slob who hasnt trained in 10 years... again, this is just my school of thought

  32. #32

    street fight?

    Almost 98% of the time your opponent has no skill. Learn to put him away quick if your one on one then down him and f***ing break his s*** in half. Choke him out whatever. But as we all know in this day and age most people who talk s*** have a herd of friends with them that's why they're so tuff all of a sudden. You never want to go to the ground with more than one opponent ever. You will surely get hurt. Wait sor another day call them out by themselves and tear them a new a**hole literally!! Akido is a redirect art it is good but you have to be good to time the moves. Wrestle, Kickbox (THAI), and work on some joint manipulation. You could also throw in a fasination art like flesh tearing or biting which is old school battle field arts.

  33. #33

    add on

    I almost forgot: You always have tommorrow and if it's unavoidable then pick something up and make them a pin cushin or make they're head a melon and smash it. If it's self defense just remember dead men tell no tales. If they got weapons run or protect yourself and try not getting stuck or shot in the process of putting them down. I don't mean to be so morbid but that is your alternative just be smart on the street and be ready for anything be prepared at all times and my bet is you'll never have a problem no matter what art you know.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Person pulls guard in street fight, power bomb/slam person right down onto the pavement and watch how much movign they do with the wind knocked out of them or a concusion. Learn to box!

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