Can you do heavy bag for cardio? I've only been on a bag a few times, but it didnt take long for me to build up sweat. I was just wondering how long on a heavy bad would be needed to get sufficient cardio?
Can you do heavy bag for cardio? I've only been on a bag a few times, but it didnt take long for me to build up sweat. I was just wondering how long on a heavy bad would be needed to get sufficient cardio?
I dont even remember how long it ook for me to build cardio.....all i remember is my shoulders being on fire. It's been a while since i hit a heavybag.
the heavy bag is torture - are you training now?
Not training as in hitting a heavy bag. but i run 2 miles once a week. i don't even really want to do that because i hate running. I don't have to do cardio to keep weight off, my diet and weight training keeps that under control enough. I liked hitting the heavy bag so i figured maybe i'll throw my running out and hit that for 30 minutes 3 or 4 days a week. Is that too much time? too little?Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
you need to learn proper technique, otherwise hitting the bag is detrimental bruthaOriginally Posted by GunTotingHipGangster
and unfortunetly your gonna have to run fairly often
im not trying to get into boxing, i just want to hit a heavy bag FOR cardio, replacing my running. I know a guy who can show me proper technique, my question is, is hitting a heavy bag good enough for cardio.Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
Bro I agree with GQ. I wouldnt want to just sit there and hit the bag as hard as possible, your likely to fracture your wrist. Gotta learn some footwork and how to properly (snap) hit the bag for a real workout.. But until then if you want to lightly shadow box tapping the bag, Id say go for it.. Get yourself some wraps and have fun
Then the anwser is yes, try hitting the bag for 3 to 5 min rounds. Within a half hour you should be sweating your a$$ off. You should look into some sort of kicks to incorporate, front kick, round house and throw some knees in there as well.. If your buddies got some knowledge, maybe he can train you and then you could start doing some light sparring.. Want to sweat? Thats the best cardio in my opinion and you'll leave the gym feeling great
He'll break or sprain something.
i worked in gyms for afew years, and some of my mates used to use heavy bags for cardio, the one guy used to spend about 90 minutes on the thing, non-stop, he is an animal
Start hittin bag 2x per week or as USfighterFC said you will sprain or pull your shoulders etc..Done this myself so take his advice!!!
Just remember when you hit a heavybag you dont want to have it swinging back and forth from your punches. You are more of pushing it with your first body rather than hitting it with a resourceful impact. The heavybag will bouncer and swing in place when you hit it correctly.
Originally Posted by GunTotingHipGangster
out of curiosity why are u just hitting a heavy bag ?
the more punches you throw the more exercise you are getting.
There's alot of ways to work out on the bag so I'll avoid that one and give some other advice.
If your new at this get some tuition and don't waste your time thinking your a boxer. Most guys couldn't throw a punch to save their lives. Tapping away at the bag is alot more than just a workout, you should be working off your combinations on it and lots of other studd. Only proper instruction will get this correct.
One word of warning. DON'T be tempted to use bag mitts! Depending largely on your weight, go with heavy gloves and wraps. Its very important you learn to wrap your hands properly and always use them. If for nothing else they'll stop you grazing your knuckles in the early stages of your training, later on they'll protect your bone structure.
I use 16 oz SELECT gloves w/velcrod cloth handwrap
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