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Thread: George st pierre training routine (OUCH)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pride Fighting nuthugger

    Wink George st pierre training routine (OUCH)

    Since i am a fat bitch ass that gained nearly 30 pounds since summer time, and my back is getting better but each time i train heavy i pay for it afterward, i decided to try George training routine.

    I got some fat burner, my diet is good and i wanna lose theses 30 pounds fast. YAGGGGGGG

    This morning i decided to put George routine to work for me.

    Giant set number one

    Bench press 135 pounds 10 reps
    Incline push ups 10 reps
    incline flyes 35 pound db 10 reps
    bent over barbell rows 70 pounds 10 reps

    Rest 1 minute between set repeat 3 times

    Giant set number two

    Squat 135 pounds 10 reps
    db lung 35 pounds 10 reps
    pelvic tilt 10 reps
    jumping squats bodyweight (A la Tito Ortiz pre fight warm up) 10 reps

    Rest 1 minute between set repeat 3 times

    Third and final giant set

    db press 35 pounds 10 reps
    clean and press 60 pounds 10 reps
    bb curls 50 pounds 10 reps
    triceps skull crushers 35 pound bb 10 reps

    This might not seem like much but beleive me for someone out of shape it will get your heart pumping and the second time around its gonna be freaken hard.

    After this workout i saw how badly out of shape i have gotten, my back is a bit sore but nothing compared to when i lifted heavy last time.

    I will try to alternate this 3 times a week with some evening cardio boot camp and melt that gut away.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Thats a great post sonar..thanks... As a heavyweight/ Should i use heavier weights for each exercise and keep it as a circuit or use these weights??? Wat do you think??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pride Fighting nuthugger

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by simm
    Thats a great post sonar..thanks... As a heavyweight/ Should i use heavier weights for each exercise and keep it as a circuit or use these weights??? Wat do you think??
    Simm for sure you must be in greater shape then me bro.

    Using heavier weight yeah why not, give it a try and tell me how it worked for you.

    My weights are really low cause i dont want to reinjure myself or make my back injury worst.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sorry to hear that your back is still giving you probs! Hope you heal soon and take it easy bro!!! I'll keep you posted on the heavier weight routine ;-)

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