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Thread: TMA challenge MMA (vid)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    TMA challenge MMA (vid)

    Found this on the UG:

    Not sure if anyone has seen this already, but a dojo challenge match took place in japan last week between an aikido master and a karate guy who was also a purple in bjj.

    im living in japan and someone from my work program apparently went to this. the story he is telling people is that this aikido guy was going around telling people that pride sucks and all this shit and that he is always being turned down to fight because they know how deadly he is. anyways, this was a big fight because the terms were that if the aikido guy won, then the karate guy gives him $50,000. if the karate guy won, then the aikido guy would close his dojo in 2 weeks time.

    pretty silly, but hillarious at the same time. here is other funny link regarding the aikido master: (his dojo webpage)
    ***No source checks!!!***

  2. #2
    ha thats funny kinda reminds me of the old gracie in action videos when there are open challenges

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pride Fighting nuthugger
    OMG was this guy trying to slice him up, funny stuff LOL

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    the true north
    HAH! my little brother could have beat that "master"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    i cannot believe that!! WTF was that fool doing? He should be ashamed!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    mobile, al

    too funny

    aikido is purely a self defense art. i cant believe he thought he could fight like that. if youve ever taken a aikido class or watched them train everything they do is dependent on you the attacker moving forward and commiting to the attack. the whole stick and move thing really throws them for a loop. you notice he was standing stationary waiting for the attack. but when the karate guy would just jab and move then jab or punch then kick then back away the aikido guy looked lost. kinda like hey what now? then at the end the karate guy almost played into the hands of the aikido fighter (if you wanna call him that) by grabbing his shoulder. they train for that sorta thing all the time. however what he didnt do was move foreward while grabbing, he kept his distance and threw punches and kicks which baffled the old boy and lead to his demise. great video and thanks for posting.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Aikado Master

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Pride Fighting nuthugger


    Quote Originally Posted by bently
    aikido is purely a self defense art. i cant believe he thought he could fight like that. if youve ever taken a aikido class or watched them train everything they do is dependent on you the attacker moving forward and commiting to the attack. the whole stick and move thing really throws them for a loop. you notice he was standing stationary waiting for the attack. but when the karate guy would just jab and move then jab or punch then kick then back away the aikido guy looked lost. kinda like hey what now? then at the end the karate guy almost played into the hands of the aikido fighter (if you wanna call him that) by grabbing his shoulder. they train for that sorta thing all the time. however what he didnt do was move foreward while grabbing, he kept his distance and threw punches and kicks which baffled the old boy and lead to his demise. great video and thanks for posting.
    Its not the art its the fighter, depending on the way you train, karate can be very effective but you need to spar a lot and i dont mean that light contact crap, you also need to practice leg kicking, and heavy bag work, you said it jab, straight and more, Kyo kushin has all this in its style, plus the fights are full contact, you are even allowed knee strikes but you cannot grap, self defense is also learned, aikido seems like a very peaceful art but and will work against a newbie who doesnt know how to fight but with someone who has techique forget it.

    Sad that kyokushin has forms and katas in the art.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    mobile, al


    didnt i agree with you on another post about karate. and where do you think mas oyama originally trained? under funakoshi. the founder of shotokan. he and funakoshi had a little falling out and mas went his own way. i trained in shotokan as well as bjj. and the founding father of aikido Morihei Ueshiba wanted aikido to be purely defensive. he once said anyone can be trained to return agression with agression and hurt someone to win a fight. but a true master can defeat his enemy without hurting him or causing serious injury. i personally think he had been drinking way to much herb tea but i understand his logic. theres alot of forklore surrounding ueshiba like the story about how he was once attacked by a bear and after defending himself and defeating the bear they sat down together to enjoy some lunch and tea. oooookkk.? me i would have shot the bear and had bear burgers with the family later on. Bently

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    R.I.P My friends
    I wonder what kind of tea bears like?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    mobile, al
    i believe they like a salmon and blackberry blend.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Pride Fighting nuthugger
    Mas Oyama started is how brand of karate, but its still the best cause its a karate that is opened to other arts, some kyokushin dojos even started teaching arm bars and subs.

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