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Thread: Floyd Mayweather "I don't think that punk Hatton will fight me"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Floyd Mayweather "I don't think that punk Hatton will fight me"

    Las Vegas, NV (June 27, 2007). . .Floyd Mayweather, the recently crowned super welterweight champion and recognized pound-for-pound best boxer in the world today, has heard enough trash talking from Ricky Hatton over the recent weeks and is ready to step in the ring and "beat him all the way back to England." The announcement comes just days after Hatton's title defense win over Jose Luis Castillo Saturday night and less than two months after Mayweather's win over Oscar de la Hoya May 5th.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I really really hope that they do fight,so ricky hatton can get beat on,he is like a smaller version of ruiz,he hits and holds hits and holds,he has good speed and good combinatons but I honestly think mayweather will beat on him

  3. #3
    mayweather should fight that guy from the ufc that clowned him out after his victory like 2 ufc's ago... i forget his name though...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009camaro
    mayweather should fight that guy from the ufc that clowned him out after his victory like 2 ufc's ago... i forget his name though...
    Din Thomas. And its hard enough to get Mayweather in a boxing ring let alone a UFC octagon. He will never do it. No money in it and nothing to prove. Mayweather only fights if theres alot of dollar signs.

  5. #5
    well the money is starting to get there in other orgs like Bodog and elitexc where bodog paid fedor emelianko 3 mil for his last fight... i know its not like his last boxing match but i fight like that in Bodog is possible being that the multi million/billionare (whatever he is), calvin ayre, im sure would pay big bucks for a fight like that and to out do a UFC event...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2007
    was reading on secondsout today that they are talking about a nov 10 fight date, shit this would be awesome hangin to see if it goes ahead

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