In recent months I've been training at a boxing gym, and following what you could call traditional boxing workouts. That would include daily roadwork, jumping rope, almost no weight lifting, regular calisthenics and bagwork etc. For a variety of reasons, including a hand injury, I'm taking a break from boxing. The university where I study for part of the year has a fairly low-level wrestling team that I can join for free, and I've decided to give it a try. I've never wrestled before but my conditioning and general athleticism is considered pretty good from a boxing standpoint. Our school is not a powerhouse by any means in wrestling and it's common and encouraged for people who've never wrestled before to join. I've let my membership to the boxing gym expire and I'm just working out by myself, lots of uphill running, sprints, jogging and calisthenics.

Any advice for how I should train differently. Are there types of strength I would especially need more of? Any of you who've wrestled, do you have advice as to what kind of strength & conditioning work helped you the most? Or what you wish you had done more of when you wrestled?

For example, I don't do weighted squats at all, and I'm pretty sure that's something a wrestler should do. Agree/disagree?

If any of you have a general philosophy of what a collegiate wrestler should do for strength & conditioning please post it or refer me to it.