Bad news for Rampage....even worse for the parents.
Bad news for Rampage....even worse for the parents.
aw to bad rampage. he will be back the ufc will get him out of it but i hate him n e ways. hes just a street gang banger but he does got skills but still.
wow, that's an aful turn of events.
I'm not a parent, I don't know the family, and I think that makes me bias. But I honestly feel worse for Rampage. He went though some hard times, had a bad night and unintentionally does this. Could and probably will ruin his life.
i agree with stpete.
From what I understood of the situation, it was a minor accident, a side swipe. I don't know what was going though his head, and I don't know him, I tend to give people the benifit of the doubt. I doubt he thought she was seriously injured.
We've all made mistakes, I've made bad ones as well. It's more complex than being a looser, or a bad person. People go though hard times, this is really unfortchanate for Jackson.
Honestly, anyone who would be stuck in this position I would feel greatly for. I recall the guy who got in a fight with another guy over his son's baseball game. Punched the guy and killed him. We've all hit somone, whether that be a little brother, or your sisters boyfriend. You don't plan on killing them or seriously hurting them, you are acting out of fustration and anger, emotion.
I wanted to add too, a lot of people don't grow up in the manner in which they should have, or we did. Some people are born with a great athletic gift, one so great they can be demi gods among men despite the poor habits they have been taught.
Mike Tyson is a prime example or this.
Some of these guys are not business minded, they don't know how to function under that much stress. They crack, people take advantage of them. When you let people in, you trust them, they build faith and then they take advantage of you, it really hurts. We've all felt this, whethe it's the girl you love cheating, a family member ripping out off, it puts you in a wrong frame of mind and some people deal with it better than others.
Wow, poor Rampage...
I do how ever have to side with the third party here. He should not have carried on going... at very least stop to leave his details with them.
Im my eyes he has brought this on himself. If you hit someone whilst driving your car its your civic duty and responsibility as a huma being to stop and take the blame. Had he of stopped im sure it would have been a trivial accident where he was made to take the blame. Instead im sure they will hang him out to dry for this.
Im not sure how the court system works in the US but id imagine it will take a long time to get to a court to make this case final. In which time no one is gonna wanna touch Rampage for anything even as little as advertising etc. If he goes down for this, which he just might do that will also add to the impact on his career.
I do feel bad for him, he is a star and i really like him, but honestly he should have manned up and stopped the car, if this ruins him, its his own fault.
^^^ hes right, he brought it on himself...
Hes going down, and if he doesnt, its a damn shame
I don't think he'll get it too bad to be honest.
If anything, he'll get it civilally not jail time. He is going to be on probation, I don't think he'll do a heck of a lot of jail time, if any.
The UFC and himself will make sure he has good lawyers. He is an asset to them, even still. I don't know the details of how major or minor the swipe was, but I can tell you it's not going to be hard to get a doctor to testify "their must have been pregnancy complications prior".
That sucks, the baby lost its life.
That really adds an emotional spin to the whole ordeal.
I feel bad for the parents, for losing a child, and for Jackson, for having to live now, with the feeling of knowing he might have canceled out someone's life. Who knows though, maybe Rampage is one of those people who don't really delve on things like that, he's prolly in his own world mind wise.
One name...Leonard Little. Killed a woman in a DUI wreck and didn't receive any real punishment and was allowed to continue his career. We don't know all the details of this and we probably never will.
thats crazy!!!
i thourght it was a joke wen i first saw it.
he was such a funny dude in TUF
they wont be able to convict him for the miscarriage. cuz when my fiance had a miscarriage she was about 10 weeks pregnant. she was perfectly healthy. had enough fluid. blood work was perfect. but the doctor said that about 25% of all women miscarry during their first pregnancy. so scientifically it cant be proved that she wouldnt of had the miscarriage even if she hadnt been in the accident.
Yeah but having a truck driven by a high profile millionaire hopped up on "energy drinks" isn't exactly something that is going to wow a jury.
^ lol true
Wow, he definitely got a lotta breaks from the police, no sobriety test, no drug test, $25G bail? Guess his luck finally ran out, I wouldn't doubt they try to make him due a little time, depends what angle the judge takes on the situation.
i mean definitly he should take the blame for it. he should be a a man and say hes sorry and that he'll do the time.
but im sayin in terms of a FAIR trial, evidence, jury and so on... they probably wont be able to JUST convict him on the miscarriage. Yes he could get other charges. But it will be a tough battle to really scientifically prove that he and he only caused the miscarriage. When a certain percent of women are prone to miscarriages before you factor in situations that could also attribute to one
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