Last edited by Odpierdol_sie!; 11-20-2013 at 07:23 AM.
Pointless? I don't know, it can at least get you out of the house and keep you active.![]()
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Last edited by Odpierdol_sie!; 11-20-2013 at 07:23 AM.
No martial art is pointless...
Though it is utterly worthless thats for sure.
It's not going to win any MMA championships. But it might get you a gold medal...which seems really messed up to me.
I'd much rather see Fedor winning a gold medal than a dude wearing his pajamas and performing high kicks like he's on Broadway.
see that Cuban kid who highkicked the Ref?
hes banned for life!
Its all over sportscenter..
Last edited by Odpierdol_sie!; 11-20-2013 at 07:24 AM.
Last edited by Odpierdol_sie!; 02-09-2015 at 11:44 AM.
Last edited by Odpierdol_sie!; 11-20-2013 at 07:24 AM.
TKD is not pointless and depending on the fighting style (Dumb bunny jumping) it can be very good.
Its all about timing, the push kick can be used very well in a fight followed by a back kick.
TKD did not evolve and is based on flashy kicks, why do you think its the most practice martial art on the planet.
Another thing i hate about TKD is the clinch, pointless, i hated it when i practiced the art and still hated it when i saw it in the olympics.
Punching in competition is not encouraged because there are no points for a punch, i used to punch my opponant in competition just has he would try to clinch me, that worked quit good.
Since there is no muay thai around my place i just took up kickboxing, its complete boxing with basic kicking, front kick, side kick, back kick, drop kick, basic the teacher doesnt teach us the spin kicks because he says that in a fight you have one chance in one million to hit the kick and its too flashy.
Problem with fighting a real good TKD fighter and if you are not used to it is that the kicks come in all angles, and if the guys has knock out power well you can get KO pertty fast.
The weakest part of TKD is close combat, unlike muay thai where you have the lethal clinch, knees and elbow strike, and the sick conditioning that comes with it, TKD is far from having all theses weapons.
Most of my friends are TKD masters 5 degree black belt, i still spar with them from time to time but its always the same thing has soon has we get close its the clinch then the kick to the face.
In kickboxing sparring i can honestly say that TKD has help me a lot keep the edge, there are tones of faints that you can used to trick you opponant, and small moves and steps to confuse him even more.
There is the often forgotten counter back kick which can be lethal if the timing is right.
In order to be effective TKD would need to get some serious boxing technics.
You must also keep in mind that most people who practice TKD have no interest in street fighting nor MMA, TKD is an art that you practice for fun and since there is so much kicking its one of the best art for weight loss, because kicking is so much more demanding then punching.
We used to do mix competition with shotokan karate and sometimes kyokushin, shotokan guys where easy to confuse and beat, kyokushin was a different story since they where allowed leg kicking.
Last edited by yannick35; 08-24-2008 at 08:49 AM.
war4BTT spinning back kick, you must have a really good set up for this kick.
I was able to land that kick has well in TKD but never knocked out someone with it, also i never threw the kick right away, it was always followed up by an opening kick, like a side kick or wheel kick.
The counter spinning back kick can also be used instead of the counter back kick but it is a lot less effective.
Has for Kenpo karate i cannot say nothing about this, my kickboxing place is actually a kenpo karate place too, there fighting is based on point system.
Has for me kyokushin is the best karate mainly because it pushes your body to the limite, the training is so hard.
When i switched to TKD everything was easy, since Kyokushin sparring was done without protective gear and i was used to getting hit a lot.
Hell to think of it i should have stayed in Kyokushin LOL.
blah blah blah......
i am in twd the last 30 years..so here it comes..
twd is not that what you see even in the olympics..thats crap.they try only a side kick and most of the action is all that!side kick and contra side kick. it sucks.once in a year they try a round kick but then they fall...stupid.i wonder ''where'' in the hell most of them have learned twd.
twd is not about only fast to kick,or hard to kick it all a matter of when to kick!see most athletes of twd are really confused about they skills.they believe that kick hard and fast is the way to win,but they dont think that the mind is the way to win since the mind can tell someone when to kick,where to kick,and how to confuse the opponent for the real point kick.or even ko kick. no it is not one in a million to do that kicks its one in a million to find a good teacher i guess.
small example..
I did Taekwondo a few years back. I actually really enjoyed it, you learn a massive array of kicks and I was fortunate to have a teacher who just happened to be the Head of the Taekwondo federation in the UK at the time. I was taught quite a varied range of blocks, side steps and disarming techniques (should someone come at you with a weapon), and the patterns you have to learn for gradings are pretty cool. The down side is there is virtually no punches you are taught. Brilliant for getting flexible though.
and a damn good fighter example...
..and ok much good timing(when to do what)examples...
I suppose it's good if you want to take out useless Chinese olympic refs. I mean, did anyone see the boxing final between TGB and Cuba? We got gold, but the match itself was hillarious. What the ref was doing I dont know.
If my history on Taekwondo is correct, it evolved from Military combat training in Korea.
that's right
Has i said i have done TKD for a long time myself and it all depend on the fighter, the timing and the speed of execution.
Has you go up in grade it also is a chest game of who will make the first mistake.
The best knockout reels was very good, but then again you see how TKD doesnt have a lot of blocks.
Last edited by Odpierdol_sie!; 11-20-2013 at 07:24 AM.
I do have one question tough, i was a blue belt in TKD that was a long time ago i was 21 years old, now all my kicks are really good i practice kickboxing.
If i would go back into TKD would my belt still be valid or i would have to start all over again being 36 right now.
Odpierdol, did you find a Krav Maga center in the end?
your belt is valid
Last edited by Odpierdol_sie!; 11-20-2013 at 07:25 AM.
what was the reason for the cuban guy kickin the ref?
This guy was pretty impressive... Btw yannick, at 52secs in this vid, was the type of spinning back kick i landed...
But just so we are clear, while im a fan of TKD, generally speaking, Muay Thai dominates the standup landscape... Its just a fact...
I trained for 9 years in BY THE BOOK Korean TKD. This wasnt the Americanized point fighting garbage thats used everywhere these days. This was full contact. You could get your jaw, nose or collarbone broken VERY easily. Now after training Gracie Barra for a while I will agree that there is alot of wasted movement BUT it gave me the foundation I have today. It also made me VERY fast and sure footed with great power in my kicks.
Watch the KO at 1:10. The kids head almost comes off.
Last edited by Bullyson; 08-25-2008 at 06:07 PM.
yeah someone already posted it bro... Good video...
What Gracie Barra are you training at? Gracie Barra's are mostly McDojos at this point...
Btw, you should change your avatar, its against the rules!
Video doesnt play it has been removed.
The flaw with TKD is that most of the time they dont protect the head. I had that problem too when i used to practice.
Me and my trainer started to work on this a lot because after i got my green belt light kick to the head where allowed in competition.
I was pertty good when i turned blue belt, but after that i got tired of the unfair judging in competition and left TKD, school i was going to was just filling up with jerks and i wanted to do something else.
Who knows maybe one day i will get back in TKD and get my black belt, after all i can work on my own boxing technics at home i got a huge wavemaster punching bag and did boxing back in 1998, also got the bas rutten training cds.
Bas Rutten streetfighting DVDs? Those are the funniest vids EVER! I love Bas!
I train with Jon Butler out of Gracie Orlando. He trained under Jon Burke.
Gracie Orlando is a Royce gym isnt it? Not Gracie Barra...
Hes a Royce BB isnt he? Im personally not that impressed with Royce as far as world-class BJJ practioners, but still, ITS ROYCE GRACIE! haha! Ive heard of Jon, hes a good instructor from what ive heard...
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