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Thread: Do you see wandy and AS going at it soon?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Killa Kali

    Do you see wandy and AS going at it soon?

    Entertain this for a moment: Rich is fighting wandy. Rich is training with AS. Wandy made comments about AS. AS talked shit right back, and now there's a little hostility brewing. AS's move to 205 near-permenantely is invetable. If Wandy beats Franklin (and he will), I don't see him fighting AS as far fetched....and I would give it to wandy.

  2. #2
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    Wandy can't beat AS. It's the perfect match up for Wandy to loose in.

    A accurate, fast, long striker Vs a rabbid pitbull

  3. #3
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    I dont think Wandy is gonna beat Rich. So no, i dont see the AS vs. Wandy fight happening.

    Plus, AS is likely moving to 205 and only fighting at 185 to defend the title. And Wand is moving to 185 so not likely he'll win enough fights to earn a 185 title shot.

    Oh and Rich is moving to 205 for good. Or until AS retires.

  4. #4
    BG's Avatar
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    ^^I agree, I don't think Wandy will beat Rich, I feel Franklin's on the rise again, he's very skilled, I think he went just to straight striking which wont get you far these days, but unlike Chuck he has a good ground game. Question is....will he start using it. needs to use his kicks some more too, back in the day they were devastating.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    ^^I agree, I don't think Wandy will beat Rich, I feel Franklin's on the rise again, he's very skilled, I think he went just to straight striking which wont get you far these days, but unlike Chuck he has a good ground game. Question is....will he start using it. needs to use his kicks some more too, back in the day they were devastating.
    Franklin was nasty back in the day, It seems like he somewhat lost some drive in his training. I remember him doing an interview and him talking about retirement in the near future. He just seemed like he wanted to move on to bigger and better things and his heart was not totally in it. But I guess getting dominated my AS twice would probably do that to a person.....LOL

  6. #6
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    Thumbs up

    Rich F vs Wanderlei i think i have to say Wanderlei takes that one. I still dont think Rich is a "GREAT" fighter. Maybe im blind but i just dont see it. And Anderson Silva vs Wanderlei? I think Silva takes em in both weights. But at 205 it will probably be more dangerous for him. No matter what, those are a few fights id like to watch.

  7. #7
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    come on now war. I know you're all for btt and everything, but you gotta give wandy some credit. We're talking about someone who was truly the world's best at 205 for 4 years straight. Yes he's aged a bit, and his style got too predictable, but franklin was never (and will never) be a fighter of wandy's caliber. jmho. in any case, I guess we'll just wait and see. While I don't predict wandy making a comeback to his pride days, I definitely don't see him pulling a chuck anytime soon. (yes, I know he got beat by chuck, I still consider that a fluke).

  8. #8
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    ^ Youre blind...

    Wanderlei has been knocked out cold 3 times in his last 5. And hes lost 4 of his last five.

    Im not ready to say hes 100% done, but he needs to move to 185. He cant hang with the top dogs anymore.

    Including Franklin.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by 48volts View Post
    come on now war. I know you're all for btt and everything, but you gotta give wandy some credit. We're talking about someone who was truly the world's best at 205 for 4 years straight. Yes he's aged a bit, and his style got too predictable, but franklin was never (and will never) be a fighter of wandy's caliber. jmho. in any case, I guess we'll just wait and see. While I don't predict wandy making a comeback to his pride days, I definitely don't see him pulling a chuck anytime soon. (yes, I know he got beat by chuck, I still consider that a fluke).
    Bro ive got no biased towards Wandelei. I agree he was one of the top dogs at 205 for YEARS! But those years are gone.

    Read my other post in reference to him "pulling a Chuck." Hes lost 4 or his last 5 too!

    You guys need to get off his balls though. This isnt 2005. Hes not the man anymore.

    As a matter of fact, since he lost in the MWGP in 05'. he seemed to be going downhill ever since. Slowly but surely.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by WARMachine View Post
    Bro ive got no biased towards Wandelei. I agree he was one of the top dogs at 205 for YEARS! But those years are gone.

    Read my other post in reference to him "pulling a Chuck." Hes lost 4 or his last 5 too!

    You guys need to get off his balls though. This isnt 2005. Hes not the man anymore.

    As a matter of fact, since he lost in the MWGP in 05'. he seemed to be going downhill ever since. Slowly but surely.
    I wasn't claiming you had a biased, and unfortunately, I think you're right. I am mostly speaking out of a fan standpoint, but he has been pulling a chuck. The only difference is wandy is still relatively young (def younger than chuck) and has more drive and determination. wandy is surely not a top dog anymore, but I'm still gonna disagree with you on the franklin fight. to be quite honest franklin hasn't been that impressive either. Yes, he won against hamil and lutter, but those guys aren't wandy caliber either. His fight against henderson wasn't that entertaining either (jmo).

    Regardless, I really don't see wandy losing this. We'll have to wait and see.

  11. #11
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    Hendo is one of the best fighters ive ever seen. Ever.

    And youre right, Franklin isnt the best either. But he isnt Keith Jardine. Wanderlei isnt gonna go out there and knock him out with a punch in 30 seconds.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by WARMachine View Post
    Hendo is one of the best fighters ive ever seen. Ever.

    And youre right, Franklin isnt the best either. But he isnt Keith Jardine. Wanderlei isnt gonna go out there and knock him out with a punch in 30 seconds.
    I hope not. That won't do anything for wandy besides given him a much disputed W. most critics will claim it was a punchers chance, and he got the luck of the draw. I'm hoping he gets in there, outclassing him, and beating him decisively the way AS beat him.

  13. #13
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    i would love to see it as vs wandy , but i think rich might pull this out . from a fan stand point you just keep rooting for guys like chuck , and wandy hoping that they can reclaim the fire they once had ,but all as your doing is building yourself up for a let down .this is wandys last chance if he looses thats it .. although rich might pull this out its not going to be easy and if the old wandy does show up rich is going to be in real trouble , and might even get knocked out , this is mma where anything can happen !

  14. #14
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    I think Rich is the better fighter at this point in their careers but Wandy can be so tough when he just keeps coming at you. I think that will be the difference and he can land something that will put Rich to sleep. Hell the Crow almost did it!

  15. #15
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    I say Rich gets caught in a clinch and get kneed to a pulp. I like Rich but... I dunno .. Not feeling his abilities are par with Wanderlei. And i must confess im not a huge fan of wanderlei either. But i say he takes it.

  16. #16
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    well something tells me he's not getting ko'd in a clinch for the 3rd time. Especially now that he is training with AS. I see this going to a decision or TKO in the first. both by wandy/

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brown Ninja View Post
    I think Rich is the better fighter at this point in their careers but Wandy can be so tough when he just keeps coming at you. I think that will be the difference and he can land something that will put Rich to sleep. Hell the Crow almost did it!
    Almost hahahaha, then he ran away and Rich kicked him in his ass.....the funniest thing Ive seen.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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  18. #18
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    Rich has come a long way but I'm just saying......

  19. #19
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    I kinda wanna bet something that wandy will win.

  20. #20
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    agreed. I could never bring myself to bet against him

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