what types of steroids do mma fighters use?
I have already done a cycle of test c at 250mg per week and 200mg of equipoise per week, and i did that for about 6 months or so
my next cycle i was thinking about test and anavar and equipoise
my main concern is to preserve my muscle while i cut bodyfat and add some size i dont want much
a few steroids i had in mind(ill stack anything i do with at least 200mg of test per week)
equipoise(what dose is safe that i wont get a heart attack from increased rbc count?)
deca (my only concern was the water weight and how that would weigh down my cardio)
primobolan( i liked this cuz the gains are slow and steady and no water retention, and i hear its similar to anavar just an injectible)
Anavar( i heard this was my best bet Im just not sure what dose to run it at)
my plan was to cycle for at least 12 weeks id like to go longer but 12 weeks is fine
anyone have any advice id really appreciate it thanks!