I was a professional arm-wrestler for years, there are very few money tourny's, and your friend is very lucky if he had travel paid for. As far as trying it to make money, forget it. This would be like saying im going to put on a football helmet and go play pro football. Those people train and live the sport, and it takes years to become good, and most will never be great. Yes, the arm gets conditioned after time, and you will get better, but forget about it unless you can devote your life to it, just like any other sport. There is so much to it, and being strong in the arm is about 10% of the total game. I hopeI dont sound rude, but I too have seen arms break from guys who enter with strong Bi's and no skill. BTW, ask your friend this, why do people always fall down when they break their arms? I never understood that, but every arm I have seen broken the person falls down