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Thread: taping?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001


    Whenever i play i always get both ankles taped, but as of last season, in addition to getting both ankles taped i get spatted as well and i havent rolled my ankles since and can cut on any type of turf/field with more confidence....anyone else do this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The South
    i love how the spat feels. but unfortunately we are not allowed to by nike b/c it covers up their sponsorship. so my spatting days are over

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Fullback57
    Whenever i play i always get both ankles taped, but as of last season, in addition to getting both ankles taped i get spatted as well and i havent rolled my ankles since and can cut on any type of turf/field with more confidence....anyone else do this?

    I did that in high school as well... it seems like all high school kids like to tape things. In college you kind get away from it. You're actually making your ankles weak, and taking a lot away from your speed. Not many college or pro player (skilled positions) tape their ankles... most of them even wear low cleats.

    I know tape makes you feel more stable... buts its actually hindering your speed and ankle strength. If you cant get away from it, it would be to your benefit.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    funny.....just this past year i switched from wearing mid's to low cut cleats and go with getting ankles taped and spatted as well..........I dont totally agree with the comment of not many skilled college or pro players get taped...any university camps i ever attended, you had a 5 mile long lineup to get into the taping far as the pro's, you dont see the spatting as much in the NFL anymore, but some of that can be due to not being able to cover up sponsers logo's, however in the arena leagues and the CFL a good 75% of the players get spatted and some still do both.

    I can see why it could possibly take away from ankle strength, but thats a big reason why i get taped in the first place....been doing it ever since bantam football. I can say i noticed a very slight drop off in speed, but nothing that has hindered my game..thus far!!! We'll see next year, though maybe i'll just go with the spat and see how it feels and if i have some liquid courage in me, maybe i'll....(gulp)...practice without tape

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The South
    we have to get our ankles taped before each and every practice. I've been under three different head coaches since i've been in college and that was all of their rules. Most skill players do get their ankles taped, mainly to prevent injury and nothing else. The loss in speed would only occur if you had your ankles taped all the time and your tendons became dependent on the tape. the loss in strength of an ankle is minuscule compared to the advantages it offers in the area of injury prevention.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    im just jealous you guys are still playing ball.....that was the decision i had to make out of highschool. go play ball d-1aa and pay a **** load for tuition or go to UF for free. i still get football flashbacks all the time. when you play for 11 years and than its over its a horrible feeling, i miss those days of getting spatted up and just destroying people. you guys appreciate what you have

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    for real bros. . esp highschool ball.enjoy it. B/c once you get to the next level its a whole different deal. instead of 35 kids you got 135 kids and it feels like 10 diff teams goin on. and not everyone on your team is your bro. . b/c they would slite you throat for a starting job

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    ive always have gotten my ankles taped wore low shoes and spatted them ...i think it makes me run faster then with out it , just feel more secure that my ankles arnt gonna twist or roll when im making my cuts but i love getting tapped and probaly will untill i retire...haha..................when you get taped do you use pre wrap or do u go old school and shave ur legs and just use pure tape ??

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The South
    pre wrap, but i did go just tape last season before games. Thats fun stuff to get off

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Fullback57
    I dont totally agree with the comment of not many skilled college or pro players get taped...any university camps i ever attended, you had a 5 mile long lineup to get into the taping room

    Exactly... when you go to camps.. you're at camps with high school players. I played college ball at two different D-1 schools. Taping it really a high school thing.

  11. #11
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    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dalcowbag
    for real bros. . esp highschool ball.enjoy it. B/c once you get to the next level its a whole different deal. instead of 35 kids you got 135 kids and it feels like 10 diff teams goin on. and not everyone on your team is your bro. . b/c they would slite you throat for a starting job

    135 people... I'm guessing you play D3 ball. I had a few buddies that played the the OAC and PAC conferance.

    But you are right... college ball is NOTHING like high school ball.

  12. #12
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    Apr 2004
    The South
    Quote Originally Posted by EastCoaster
    Exactly... when you go to camps.. you're at camps with high school players. I played college ball at two different D-1 schools. Taping it really a high school thing.
    Spatting is a high school thing but taping is very much a college thing. Just about everyone on the field has their ankle's taped.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    yeah everyone in college is into taping

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    im playing in the OAC thats where d3 ball is at ...... haha the only reason i went d3 cause of testing probaly go big time after 2 years was eathier go d1 ride the bench see the field when im a jr or sr not worth it i couldnt stand to sit the bench and have 20 guy splaying my spot ...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    any one eles go old school with me and shave the legs and just use tape ??? i hate that pre wrap stuff ,,, the tape is lose by half time and you always have to get it redone ...maybe its just cause i was playing ball in florida and it was soo hott and going both ways but does any one eles feel me on that pre wrap is a huge joke ??

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Albany area
    Quote Originally Posted by dalcowbag
    for real bros. . esp highschool ball.enjoy it. B/c once you get to the next level its a whole different deal. instead of 35 kids you got 135 kids and it feels like 10 diff teams goin on. and not everyone on your team is your bro. . b/c they would slite you throat for a starting job

    I hate to say it, but Dalcowbag is right. Offensive guys in college ball barely know the kids who are on the defensive side of the ball, yet their names. Your team cares about you as a person and a player, but if they were given an opportunity to start over you, I'd sleep with one eye open.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The South
    yeah we all know each others names. Just so we know who's job we are tryin to take haha. Def a different + politics = college football

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    for me its just wrists and hands, dont get into the whole spatting thing

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The middle of nowhere.
    i've only played for about 1 1/2 years now.. what exactly is spatting? I've never taped my ankle.. it never helps for me, the place I roll my foot is down where that ball sticks out on the inside of the foot.. when I roll it, that hurts sooo much even to touch.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The South
    spatting is gettin taped over the shoe

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by EastCoaster
    Exactly... when you go to camps.. you're at camps with high school players. I played college ball at two different D-1 schools. Taping it really a high school thing.

    yeah i guess thats why 3rd and 4th year guys represented over half of the people getting taped...... Bottom line, i think it comes down to the fact that i like the security the actual tape to the ankle brings (no pro wrap, just tough skin spray and tape) and the i like the way the spat feels and looks, if you feel good, you play good....always worked for me

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    ALL TAPING IS FOR PUSSIES J/K LOL. Naw just playin I get taped w/o pre wrap that stuff is horrible (yes I shave my legs ) dont do the spat b/c of the Nike A**holes but if I could I would. At our school we make freshman get their ankles taped w/o prewrap, so they learn pretty quick. LOL

  23. #23
    i have to get taped and spatted since in the past two years i've broken each leg a couple inches above the ankle. its pretty funny to see how much tape they actually use on my cankles, i swear my legs go straight down from the thigh.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hitting bitches
    I allways get taped and I cant notice much speed
    difference or weekness.

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