when you boys do dynamic speed bench what are your sets normally like? we do 6 to 8 sets of 3 quick explosive reps w/ about 30 seconds rest? what do yall's coaches have you doing?
when you boys do dynamic speed bench what are your sets normally like? we do 6 to 8 sets of 3 quick explosive reps w/ about 30 seconds rest? what do yall's coaches have you doing?
we got speed bench once a week. .we do 8 sets of 3 with 60 seconds rest using between 60-70 percent of our max. . . doesnt impress the ladies too much with 200lbs on but its a great explosion exercise
do you all prefer the bands or the chains? i like the variety of both. we switch it up like this, chains, bands, empty....repeat
we mostly go empty. . but man i would live to get my hands on chains and try em out
chains and bands are awesome
Is this a recent trend among all universities, I know when I went to a football camp they were telling us to do box squats with the bands or chains.
oh yah and it was like never over 65% of your max just 2 reps for 10 sets or 3 for 8
yeah its a good workout. i know alot of you do box squat and speed bench. but does ne one else do speed squat???
we do speed squat but always on a box and most of the times with chains. This is a recent trend and a good one at that. not goin anywhere any time soon. The chains and bands really add tension at the tops and bottom of the lift that you dont get with regular squat
hmmm, we dont have chains so our speed bench is go down, touch your asss to your calfs and spring up and literally jump off the ground. so like a speed/jump squat. but i would love to try chains
THe strenght coach said it really helps with core strength too using bands cause they jerk you around, many people neglect training their core and they are lesser players because of it
true datOriginally Posted by SickNasty
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