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Thread: another question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    planet earth

    another question

    Any of you ballers out there ever use gear while playing ball? If so what was your experience......type of gear, results, do's and dont's?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    well im starting my first cycle and unfortunatly my knee had become injured so im out for the season but even without gear and im working hard in the gym i find my shot is a bit messed. i was also thinking maybe using the gear might help with the pain in my knee so i could possibly play rsox1 should be able to give u more info on this ask pm him

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Houston, TX
    i have played ball on all of my cycles. I gives you more aggresivness. Also the first time i ever got a technical in a game i was on the sauce. it slows you down though i usually put on weight fast when it starts to hit me and that slows me down.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    The Lab
    couple of times, the usual stuff didn't cause many sides, winny though made my joints hurt more than usual, although when i started winny i swear i was quicker than ever. but it was also a cutting cycle. and would also get killer headaches if taking clen.

    the worst was on dnp, playing half court, pouring sweat, i probably drank 2 gallons of water within an hour.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    planet earth
    Quote Originally Posted by Harvey Balboner
    couple of times, the usual stuff didn't cause many sides, winny though made my joints hurt more than usual, although when i started winny i swear i was quicker than ever. but it was also a cutting cycle. and would also get killer headaches if taking clen.

    the worst was on dnp, playing half court, pouring sweat, i probably drank 2 gallons of water within an hour.
    yeah a few weeks ago i was using clen and i was playing basketball and i look down and my shirt looked like someone dunked it in water. I was like WTF? Then i remembered the clen.

  6. #6
    I have played lots of baskeball(pick up and mens league) while on cycles and I feel it helped me big time. Its all how you train while on a cycle. If you are training for huge mass you will slow up your game. Get on a speed program and you get real explosive. Deca and Equipose are some of the favs among basketball guys i know that juice. HGH obviously too. Also if you are a competitive basketball player I would say never practice any type of shooting while sore from work out. You can get bad mehcanics on your shot by training that way.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Worcester, Ma
    I have played basketball at the high school and college level in my life, and I have never juiced while in season, I usually would pop some ephedra before the game but thats it, the drug testing wasn't even what I was worried about, it was more the rapid weight gain, However I never tried Winni or Tren while in season so maybe that could help, but to be honest I found just going at the season natural was the best way, and juice in the off-season

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    san diego, ca
    juice in the offeason is good

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    No to D-Bol. Used that while playing Ice Hockey and Ball at the same time, ruiiined my Shins. I had the most painful Shin Splints within 2 minutes of every game. Horrible.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    san diego, ca
    i had the worst back pumps while on dbol and playing football

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by AustrianOAK14
    juice in the offeason is good

    That is all relative.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    san diego, ca
    yeah dbol sucks, wait till the offseason to use it

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Galoot67
    Any of you ballers out there ever use gear while playing ball? If so what was your experience......type of gear, results, do's and dont's?

    used test while playing. not a good idea! got too bulky and no finesse

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Galoot67
    Any of you ballers out there ever use gear while playing ball? If so what was your experience......type of gear, results, do's and dont's?

    not too mention i started throwing the ball too hard cuz of my drastic strenth increase!

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