Originally Posted by
Pussy Exercises? Is that why Rodger Clemens does them religiously? He is about the furthest thing from a pussy. You just made it clear to this whole board that you are in fact, clueless. Don't listen to this **** head. He doesn't play and probably never has played. Now.O.T Jobes are excersises that you do for your Rotator Cuff muscles in your shoulder..used for Deceleration. They are the most common problems with shoulder injuries. You need to use light weight..start with 3-5lbs no more than 8lbs. The reason you use light weight is so that you don't call on the bigger shoulder muscles to lift the weight. It would be tough to explain them in writing, there are alot of them..but basically side raises, front raises, thumbs down and raise at a 45 degree angle. Ask you trainer..they should know what they are..if not they need to find out. As for the stack. I personally wouldn't do it..first of all Deca is detectable for 12 months, and I don't want the added bloat and weight that comes with Test..Anavar is right for me..I need just a little size, but mainly strength and speed. How old are you? What level are you playing at?