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Thread: Cut-this year, have 1 year to train. Help Plz.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Cut-this year, have 1 year to train. Help Plz.

    Last year I played football, but wasn't really good. This year I was cut so I have another year to train for next year. I am a little smaller for my age, and wanted to know what you guys would suggest for me to do, to get bigger and faster. One of the reasons I was cut was because lasy year I was mostly a Wide Reciever and back-up Safey, and this year their was a taller WR and a better Saftey. I was wondering if anyone could help me with what I can do to get better at both of those positions. I need to gain about 10 pounds as well. But since I've been doing serious lifting and exercising now I want to add in something particularly good for becoming a better ball player now. So does anyone know any exercises or workouts that would be good for a Saftey/WR.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The South
    how old are you, high school or college? Also, you need to be doing compound powerlifting exercises to gain strength. get back to us on where you are at in your career.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by qccat
    how old are you, high school or college? Also, you need to be doing compound powerlifting exercises to gain strength. get back to us on where you are at in your career.
    yeah man let us know whats up. your states ect ect.

    liftin. .go search for a westside method, that is best for speed, power, ect ect IMO


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    im 18 now and next year ill be 19 and a senior in h.s. any help would be greatley appriciated

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Bandit County
    First I would try to go play in another league, (civil, whatever there is out there)
    so you dont lose that football touch.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The South
    how heavy are you, what weight are you tryin to get to? what are your lifting stats....there are a lot of guys on here that play colllege ball or have played and can give you some ballpark numbers and routines but help us help you. So you are 19...and?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    yeah bro all your numbers and info. to start though i can tell you to go to AS MANY football camps as possible and talk to the coaches what you are doing wrong, where you can improve ect ect. the best way to get better at football is to play football.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The South
    Quote Originally Posted by dalcowbag
    yeah bro all your numbers and info. to start though i can tell you to go to AS MANY football camps as possible and talk to the coaches what you are doing wrong, where you can improve ect ect. the best way to get better at football is to play football.

    yeah, thats a good point. Since you are already going to be a senior it may be a little late for that since season is about to start but let us know if you have attended any camps, etc.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Bandit County
    Like I said before, try to continue playing football in any types of league you can play, that the base for you, then you have to workout.

    Also, ask your coach why you were cut?
    Then examine if he's right or not (some coaches suck)

    and try to work on these problems, also try to know your best qualities and improve them also

    You said you were cut because there were a taller WR and a better Safety, well **** off, ever considered playing corner? half?

    anyway, we need your stats a bit, I was on my way to say go try OLB, but if you 5 1 100lbs Ill wont back my saying

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Currently I am an 18 year old Junior. I am about 165 5-9. I want to gain about 10 pounds. I have thought corner and half but half will be hard and corner I can also play but my primary position on defense is Saftey.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    the soccer field is calling you

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    most kids that small have to be fast. Whats ur 40 time? The main thing to do is keep ur diet in check (make sure ur getting enough protein at least 1.5 grams per body weight.) Since u got cut this year you will need to do some type of speed/plyometric training atleast 2 times aweek and lift 5 times a week. As far as lifting goes focus on Olympic lift such as:Cleans, Snatches, Hangcleans, power cleans. My favorite lift that will also help is the deadlift or u can do RDL's theyre good too. Also try looking up the Westside program like dalcowbag was saying.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    ****n Man 165 The Soccer Field Is Calling U I Just Graduated High School And Was 6'4 205 I Thought That Was Tiny Wr Now Going On To Play College Ball At A Small School Alls I Can Say Man Is Just Lift Ur Ass Off Eat The Right Foods And Try To Be Running A 4.4 .

    'only The Strong Survive"

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    ****n Man 165 The Soccer Field Is Calling U I Just Graduated High School And Was 6'4 205 I Thought That Was Tiny Wr Now Going On To Play College Ball At A Small School Alls I Can Say Man Is Just Lift Ur Ass Off Eat The Right Foods And Try To Be Running A 4.4 .

    'only The Strong Survive"

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    A mile High
    My small guy hero is Ricky Manning of the panthers........5'7"......but a beast at corner.
    One of the guys at camp used to lift with him and said he's just a total animal.
    Blazing 40.....huge vert......big bench......under 4 sec pro shuttle

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Land of the Ice and Snow
    My man, You clearly want to get bigger and faster. Here is a sweet workout i have posted at least twice already. Try it out, you will see strength and speed gains,
    Speed Bench 8x3 ( using lighter weight so you can push the weight up with more force)
    triceps 5x5
    military press 3x15
    back 3x15
    biceps choice

    Box squat 5x5
    good morning 3x10
    back hyperextensions 3x15
    calves 4x20

    Wednesday Off

    max bench 5x5
    triceps 5x5
    back 3x8
    military press 3x8
    bicep choice

    Speed squat 10x2
    good mornings 3x10
    powercleans 5x5
    back hyperextensions 4x10
    calves 4x20

    Give it a whirl kiddo.


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