hay hows it going fellas? i have been a member of this board for awhile now but i havent posted for months because life has been a lil busy. but im back... anyways heres my dilemma;
i have been playing football ever since i was 8 (i just turned 18) after my senior yr. of football i was offered a scholarship to a junior college here in az. i signed w/ the team and began training with them in jan. to make this short, i basically quit because of money problems/ i wasnt gonna play very much. now heres the thing, i have only been out of it for close to 2 months and i already miss it soo much... so im thining next yr im going to try and join again.. but im not sure if i should try and go for linebacker (where they had me) or gain some speed and then go for safety... im 5'9 180 and run a 4.7... i just want to hear everyones opinion and some suggestions, because no matter what position i decide to go back to i still have to gain weight and speed... thnx