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Thread: a huge decision in my life.... need some advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    a huge decision in my life.... need some advice

    hay hows it going fellas? i have been a member of this board for awhile now but i havent posted for months because life has been a lil busy. but im back... anyways heres my dilemma;
    i have been playing football ever since i was 8 (i just turned 18) after my senior yr. of football i was offered a scholarship to a junior college here in az. i signed w/ the team and began training with them in jan. to make this short, i basically quit because of money problems/ i wasnt gonna play very much. now heres the thing, i have only been out of it for close to 2 months and i already miss it soo much... so im thining next yr im going to try and join again.. but im not sure if i should try and go for linebacker (where they had me) or gain some speed and then go for safety... im 5'9 180 and run a 4.7... i just want to hear everyones opinion and some suggestions, because no matter what position i decide to go back to i still have to gain weight and speed... thnx
    Last edited by chevy44; 07-19-2004 at 05:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    a 4.7 isn't bad, i don't think you would be able to get to the right size to be a LB if i was you i would drop to that Safty spot and work on your fast twich muscle and all the good stuff.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    ur not big enough for LB and u def. need to im prove speed. Not trying to bash u it's just that I play LB at a D-2 school and Im 6'0 I weight 230 and run a 4.7. Just work alot on ur speed. ur weight is good for a Strong Saftey just work real hard in tha weight room

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    guys, it aint the NFL. you can def be a 210lb LB at JC level bro trust me. 30lbs i think you can gain and def gat back after it bro. get that diet in order and you should be set to go. hell being 5'9 and 200 wouldnt even be that bad. good luck in w/e you do though man.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The South
    i agree with dalcowbag, but it also depends on where you are wanting to go after JC. If D-1, you are gonna be too short for linebacker unless you make up that lack of height they love so much these days, with strength, size, speed, and a lot of heart. Size and speed can be gained at the same time with hard work. If i were in your shoes id stick to the position i know, set 205 as a goal to hit for next year and work on my speed like it was my job. if you can get down to 4.65 and weigh around 205, that juco will gladly say "welcome back!!"
    good luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    North Alabama
    My .02...I would give safety a shot. As far as the talent level in JC, down south where I hang, jc is full of division 1 talent waiting to qualifyto play for SEC teams. I can't remember the name of the school in Kansas, but Auburn gets a lot of talent from there, and Ole Miss and Mississippi State use their jc system to full advantage.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    yeah this program finished 8th in the nation last yr... glendale community college. if i go back as a linebacker i want to weigh 210 and run a 4.7 but if i go w/ the safety position then i want to go back at 190- 195 running a low 4.6. thanx for all the replies.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The South
    what do YOU want to do?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    You probably have a better chance going to safety because of your height, I would defeniantly go there if I were you. You would also probably have more of an impact for the team at safety. Work the crap out of a.s.$ and hammy's do the romanian deads, hammy curls, back extensions, and lunges like there is no tommorow

  10. #10
    I now live in AZ and have watched some JC football here. I think some people are maybe underestimating the talent a bit. How many great football players dont make grades coming out of high school and have had problems in life?? LOTS have. Those guys then sometimes attend jucos. AZ jucos get some sweet players from cali, tx and pretty much all over. There are lots of div 1 guys on JC rosters who flunked out as well.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    which juco

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    i agree with qccat it all depends on what you want to do after JC. Yeah you can get to about 200-210 and play linebacker, but if you are tryin to go D1 its going to be difficult. If all you want to do is play and you dont care where it is then stick with the position you know best. i would suggest starting a very intense plyo program and if you have acess to a pool do some speed work in there, gain a few pounds and crack some heads at strong of luck bro!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The South
    either can be done with some consistency, no quitting this time period if you want to make it at any level

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