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Thread: Best type of sticks??

  1. #1

    Best type of sticks??

    I think this section of the board kicks ass. I know I have reffered lots of people just in the last few days because of the baseball section of this board. I wish this board was around when i was playing and taking the dreaded deca only cycle! lol I used to play and have had experience coaching on the college level. I play in both a wooden bat and aluminum bat mens league. My question is what is the best bat you have used either lumi or wood. Me the best aluminum was in 1997 right before the NCAA moved the barell regulations from 2 3/4 down to 2/58 (and weight from -5 to -3). It was the Louisville Slugger BB1 the -5 was green and black, -4 was blue and gold, -3 was red and black. I used the -3 and the barrell had one of the sickest sweet spots ever and the ball really had a trampoline effect off the lumi walls.

    I am going to a wood bat tourney next week. I was fortunate enough to get my hands on some major league woods. Man the difference between the wood the big leaguers use and other woods is amazing. I dont like the maple bats. I feel that the maple bats are too hard. I know that sounds weird since the whole point of the maple wood is to make it harder. I just feel that they dont give the ball as good of a ride as a good ash.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    A bridge down by da river
    ash is the better hands down. Ive never liked using maple either. But right now I play in college so, no need to get a woody yet.

  3. #3
    Thats cool you are playing in college good for you dude. I envy you right now lol. Playing in college was the best times of my life man. Do you guys have a bat sponsor? if so what company?
    It sounds like you already have experience hitting with woods and thats good. I firmly believe all college hitters should hit with wood during the off season. Hitting with wood helps in so many ways. You build bat speed with a wood, learn better pitch selection (cant get jammed with a wood and have the same result), and the woods have a smaller sweet spot. Picking up an aluminum after hitting with woods all summer is like having a weapon in your hands dude.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    A bridge down by da river
    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Balco
    Thats cool you are playing in college good for you dude. I envy you right now lol. Playing in college was the best times of my life man. Do you guys have a bat sponsor? if so what company?
    It sounds like you already have experience hitting with woods and thats good. I firmly believe all college hitters should hit with wood during the off season. Hitting with wood helps in so many ways. You build bat speed with a wood, learn better pitch selection (cant get jammed with a wood and have the same result), and the woods have a smaller sweet spot. Picking up an aluminum after hitting with woods all summer is like having a weapon in your hands dude.
    Im actually a pitcher lol. I was at a big 12 college and we were sponsered by rawlings. After an elbow injury and a huge drop In velocity on my fastball I lost confidence and Im trying to get back to where I was. Now Im at a juco In west texas trying to get things back together. After running a cycle I have gained a lot of muscle and I noticed that Im a lot more tight. However with this being said, I started to take some swings for fun and I guess you could say that My bat speed and power have gone out the roof. Im now going to continue pitching and try and hit as well. But anyways, I agree 100% about using wood. Swinging a wood bat during the summer is the best thing a college hitter can do. Not only for when you go back to school in the fall but for furthering a baseball career. I think college should start using wood bats, (coming from a pitcher), but that might be very expensive.

  5. #5
    Hey IMO its better to be at a Texas juco than anyplace. I may be a little biased but the baseball is outstanding! I now get to say that I played with a plethera of guys in the majors that played juco with me in TX. Most TX juco teams would crush northern Div 1 and avg D1 teams. D1 as you know has only 11.7 schollys and not many can afford to go. You also have to wait 3 years before being draft elig at a 4 year. Lots of draft and follows go to juco. My advice would be to be a cool person, learn as much as you can, and get to know your your teamates and coaches because you are going to be playing with and against some future millionaires. Who knows you might be one too.

    Lots of the TX jucos are cut throat baseball factories though. Not many coaches seem to care about grades and academics. LOTS of practice in warm weather year round. You only lived once and have a chance to play the game of baseball at a high level. Colleges are always going to be there when you are done playing.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Krunchtime
    ash is the better hands down. Ive never liked using maple either. But right now I play in college so, no need to get a woody yet.
    ash huh ??

    then you haven't tried out Diablo Bats - hard as a rock.

    once you use maple you'll never go back to Ash.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    A bridge down by da river
    I agree. Its a little different going from a big 12 school where we got everything for free to going to a small college where we have to pay for everything. Im hoping I get everything back together b/c I had a nice scholarship at that div 1. I did play with a guy that has already almost made it to the show. Remember the Name IAN KINSLER. Thats all Im going to say. Oh he plays in the rangers organization.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    A bridge down by da river
    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur
    ash huh ??

    then you haven't tried out Diablo Bats - hard as a rock.

    once you use maple you'll never go back to Ash.
    i might have to try one of those out. I just ordered a new Omaha today. I have always loved them and Im in need of a woody.

  9. #9
    Hey keymastur....Lots of people say the same as you about maple. I used the Sam Bats and a Louisville maple (broke fast). I think maples are favored more by guys who have getter bat speed. A guy like Canseco in his prime might have seen some benefit from a maple. Some hitters bats go slower through the zone like say a raffy palmeiro. I have s bit slower bat speed due to bulk and think the ash has more of a recoil effect at the moment of impact kind of like the strings of a tennis reacket. The maples I used were too hard for that and felt like i was hitting with a dead bat. Thanks for that link on them diablo bats though dude. Man those look like some really nice bats. I like ordering bats from lesser known companies because you know you are getting their best work for the most part. Lots of big companies will pawn off blem bats as real MLB woods.

  10. #10
    Diablo is somewhat small right now (not like Louisville or Sam Bats) but they are on their way up quick. The guy's located out in Phoenix.

  11. #11
    Cool man I am in AZ. I think thats why the name Diablo rang a bell. I have often thought of looking into getting a lathe to make bats and open my own idep company.

  12. #12
    Oh ya thanks agian for that link on the diablo bats Keymastur. I have been wondering what make of bat that was that Manny uses. I think I might have to order one. Them shirts they sell on the website are sweet too.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    A bridge down by da river
    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Balco
    Oh ya thanks agian for that link on the diablo bats Keymastur. I have been wondering what make of bat that was that Manny uses. I think I might have to order one. Them shirts they sell on the website are sweet too.
    Im going to order one right now. 80.00 isnt that bad..

  14. #14
    heard alot the guys like the sam bats and the new x-bats for the maple-heard they are good woodies.

    I got a buddy that makes all types and takes the exact modification of anything you want- WADEMADE BAT COMPANY-Let me know if you want me to hook you up-good prices-GOOD WOOD

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Hey how do you know WadeMade...Travis was a teamate of mine for 4 yrs in proball....I talked to him today, and he's leaving to go play in colombia, so he's probalby not spinning much wood

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Dirty South
    i like sambats, but they're too **** expensive and i dont like the fact that they were bought out by wilson....i also like x bats...those are good wood...however, you can buy good wood that is made by the same company as x bat at bats are called a-bats....i used to swing those and liked them alot....i think for now, however, i am going to stick with good ol louisville slugger just because i can get them so cheap.......this is kind of a spin off to this thread, but what models do you guys like......i used to swing a m110, but am thinking about switching to c243

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    P72, B343, C271, S216 I'm not much into the big headed models...I like a more balanced bat, Like the M110

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Krunchtime
    Im going to order one right now. 80.00 isnt that bad..
    80.00 for 1 bat...You have got to be smoken crack. I would never pay more than $50, and it better be Big League wood. is who I endorsed this year...they do a great job..will put you autograph on the bat if you want, and make whatever size and weight you want. Should be under $50 for maple.

  19. #19 - i'm tellin ya. **** good wood & customer service

    louisville actually came out with professional grade maple at a lower price. check out their site. they're m3's or something.

  20. #20
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    Oct 2004
    I've seen diablo bats..wasn't impressed, nor did I see half a dozen all year long.

    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur - i'm tellin ya. **** good wood & customer service

    louisville actually came out with professional grade maple at a lower price. check out their site. they're m3's or something.

  21. #21
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    Oct 2004
    KeyMastur....who do you play for?

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Theedge
    KeyMastur....who do you play for?
    i don't

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Dirty South
    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur - i'm tellin ya. **** good wood & customer service

    louisville actually came out with professional grade maple at a lower price. check out their site. they're m3's or something.

    they're actually M9....if you paid close attention to the world series you would have seen many guys swinging them...including Pujols.....i know that pro ball players can get the louisville maples for $34 each.....tough price to beat.....thats why im swinging LS

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by big swoll
    ....if you paid close attention to the world series you would have seen many guys swinging them...including Pujols.....
    you'd use it to if you were getting paid to use it.

  25. #25
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    Oct 2004
    Some Guys get paid, some guys get free wood. Good wood is tough to come by, until you get to the higher levels, so anything they'll give to you other that crappy Louisvill Slugger Pro Stock, you'd better take.

  26. #26
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    Dirty South
    Quote Originally Posted by KeyMastur
    you'd use it to if you were getting paid to use it.

    dam right i would!!!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    X BATS all the way .... A-bats are like a ghetto version of xbats ... didnt like them too mch

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    on the field
    I like the Rock Maples, i used to use the Sam bats until, the wilson company bought them out and they moved to $120 a pop, but yea Maple all the way

  29. #29
    Yeah, $120 is just too much. I like these guys, Maple, Ash, Bamboo, Laminates, Composites... Pretty reasonable and wide range of prices too. I got a sweet Alex Rodriguez model Old Hickory for $76, with my name on it. Soooooooooo sweet. They have a bunch of bats in stock, plus they have 6 pack discounts and cheap blems. Check it.
    Last edited by johnny5; 07-19-2005 at 07:48 PM.

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