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Thread: Help

  1. #1


    I'm a 18 year old Track athlete. My speciality is 400m and 800m and I also run 1500m. I'm considering taking on some Gh, Epo or winni, etc etc? For the off - season then maintaining that through the summer track season. For what I do what recomendations would you have?

    Thankyou in advance bro.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    somewhere in reality
    first welcome to AR. Second, you need to do serious research on here.

    good luck

  3. #3

    I've done a fair bit of research. All i'm really looking at seriously is HGH. I can't find at what age taking HGH would affect my height, etc? As in would my growth plates have closed?

    At the level of competition I am subject to...You are naive to think that 'kids' my age aren't doing it. I know for fact of many national and state champions who are already doing it and they didn't do any research.

    I am interested in knowing if I was to, what would the affects be etc. And when I talk about using GH as an ergo aid i am talking in a small dose...

    Thank you

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    somewhere in reality
    Einstein is the resident GH guru, so he is the one to refer your GH questions to, but I know that he will tell you a few things...

    1. 18 is way too you to start GH.
    2. GH is not ever recommended for a first cycle.

    that being said, he will provide you with the information that you need. Good luck with the GH and good luck this track season.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

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