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Thread: Football Nooob!

  1. #1

    Football Nooob!

    Hey all,

    I have a few simple questions.

    1) I have never played football before, have always wanted to, but they dont have it anywhere near where I live. I play rugby. Is there still hope for me once I move away from this town to get anywhere with it?

    I just graduated from highschool.

    2) I am a BIG guy, I have ver broad shoulders and a broad, heavy set body. I am starting to work on more strenth training, I am at the moment 315 pounds. But once I am done toning a little and am able to run a ample amount I am sure that will loose weight just from cardio training. What position do you think I would serve best as, as far as my size and strenth goes?

    3) What are good strenth training drills?

    4) How do you all feel about Spartan combat training?

    5) What body shape and size do you suggest is safer for the use of "the juice"?

    Thanks ahead of time.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    1) Rugby is a solid background for Football. Keep in mind though Rugby is a very linear game, Football you can get away with moving side to side. Just keep that in mind.

    2) You'd be best as a Nosetackle or somewhere on the Offensive Line. You're a big man, tough to move and if you train right can be very lethal to ensuring your QB has enough time to throw the ball.

    3) Just keep in mind that bodybuilding doesn't apply to you here. You're not training for muscle size or shape, but raw power and performance. Powerlifting is a good start, but what you really want to focus on are Olympic lifts. Olympic lifts help increase your raw power and fast twitch muscle fibers. They're more sport-specific then powertraining as powertraining is more of a controlled slow movement. Olympic training is a short burst of energy, which is what you'll need for Football. Stick to the basics:

    Clean & Jerk
    Bench Press
    Military Press
    Sprint, Sprint and more Sprint. Your position doesn't require you to be a marathon man, don't train to run 100 miles. Just train to run 5 feet. You're good to go.

    4) Not familiar with it.

    5) Lay off the juice until you learn the game. Juice doesn't make you a super athlete, you need the brains and the talent to go ahead. Most athletes in the NFL don't use the juice as a means to play better and harder, but to recover faster.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    are you trying to play college ball, semi-pro, or NFL?

    anyway if you are not sure what you are trying to do yet ask around your town because alot of areas are coming up with semi-pro teams and they are a good place to learn the fundamentals and see if you really enjoy the game.

  4. #4
    Thanks all.

    Spartan Combar Training is training all your support muscles to well, support your majr muscles so that there is less chance of rips, tears etc.


    Sand bag full of sand, pick up and lift over head, rotate body a little.

    stuff like that. Spartans did for work outs, they were strong men, And mostly work outs like the original strongmen did, they were small guys, but some of the strongest.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    $ Make The World Go Round
    if your thinking about juicing,(which i dont reccomend) a good noobie cycle would be test ethante (maybe stacked with decca or Anavar) but you gotta do a lot of research bro before even thinking about doing it.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by bigordie
    are you trying to play college ball, semi-pro, or NFL?

    anyway if you are not sure what you are trying to do yet ask around your town because alot of areas are coming up with semi-pro teams and they are a good place to learn the fundamentals and see if you really enjoy the game.

    Ive played football my whole life and unfortunately couldnt continue into college due to high school recruiting issues when I changed schools my senior year, which ruined scholarships, ect which let me to bodybuilding and juicing....but I guarantee someone that has never played isnt going to just step up with some juice train hard and be on the starting lineup for a college or nfl team, there are alot of skills that take years to develop to the point where everything/situation on the field makes your instinctively react... If you could find a local semi-pro team that would be a great way to build skills that would lead to maybe some walk-on opportunities. A big guy like you would be great for an offensive lineman, if you trimmed down, gained some good speed for a big guy and had a mean ass attitude you could have the potential to be a mean ass d-lineman as is an awesome sport and i encourage you to get into still very young and may try to walk on to a college team in a year or two, depends on how many pounds this next tren cycle adds lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Land of the Ice and Snow
    Ahh Yes another person who played rugby. It really is a great game and I like it a lot. And it is a good basis for football which has been already stated. And since you played rugby I can safely assume that you have a **** good base of conditioning and know what hard conditioning can be.

    I also like seeing a fellow big man posting on the boards. Yeah, its gonna be tough, and like people have said Juice isnt going to make you an amazing athlete. It takes a lot. But if you train down, put on some speed, and work hard you can really step up on either side of the ball as a lineman.

    Football is a lot about instinct and that is where you have a major disadvantage, the instinct from being a lineman is a hard thing to explain. For me i know I could never look at a block on film or paper, and say how to defend it. But when I am on the field, as soon as it hits by body i naturally go into a direction based on where im being hit, from what angle, and many other factors. Instinct is HUGE. But **** man, work your ass off. The great thing about size is that in a lot of ways you cant make real great size, and atheletic big men are golden. You can be very succesful if you work.

    Also if you want a good workout I have an awesome West Coast training style workout that kicks ass. PM me for more details. If you dont know what west coast is ask around, and you will find good things out

  8. #8
    hey THEDUDEX2000 i was woundering if you could give me more infomation on the "West Coast Workout" if possible....thanks


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Land of the Ice and Snow
    pm me for details


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