I have heard several times that running is good for the arm. That's why pitchers do so much running. Just wondering if there is any truth to that statement. After throwing can running actually help the arm/shoulder?
I have heard several times that running is good for the arm. That's why pitchers do so much running. Just wondering if there is any truth to that statement. After throwing can running actually help the arm/shoulder?
yes running is good for the arm - the day after you pitch you should run long distance if you are a starting or threw alot of pitches, running long distance will flush you arm of all the blood and will get new blood to repair the muscle that where used in throwing, as a relief pitcher you should do alot of sprint work as relief pitching is mostly 1 or 2 inning which needs to be explosive, so doing sprint work you will be getting a explosive work out.
running gets all the lactic acid out so it should help out the sorenss
K, I thought so just wanted some facts.
yep-good for the armto flush the lactic acid the day after throwing- also not necasarilly just for starters-good for relievers too. Helps with recovery. As a reliever sprints work best if you think you will throw again that night. Or long distance if no throw that night.
the running doesnt condition your arm it just flkushes the lactic acid out of your system and gets rid of the " heavy feeling"
Well bro...the main reason for pitchers running so **** much is for the simple fact they throw a baseball ALL game long and need stamina. If you want to strengthen your arm do TWO things, build your legs... your legs and driving with your legs will give you an enormous amount of power to your speed and distance of throwing. And the second step to strengthening your arm is long toss..... start out at about 60ft...and every couple minutes one of you back up 50ft or so.... everyday make it a little further till your throwing long distances.... When i would pitch in the bullpen... i would actually pitch from behind the mound.... That would help strengthen my arm amazingly.... good luck
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