Looking for a big high.
energy-need it quick burst!
ever since ephedra has been banned I have been screwed.Any suggestions?
Looking for a big high.
energy-need it quick burst!
ever since ephedra has been banned I have been screwed.Any suggestions?
If you look hard you can still find ephedra...do it with caffiene...I also take Korean Ginseng and Ginseng Tea, Gurana Extract (herbal form of ephedra) with Maca also helps.Originally Posted by bballs11
Rockstar energy drinks always get me wired...
ephedra is still legal as a bronchodilator. the only thing is its sold minus the caffeine....you need to buy the ephedra and also an ephedra free pill, like a mini-thin....they have about 200mg of caffeine....take them together, voila, just like the ephedra products of old.
Its nos the same.
Itrs still good quick energy-but its ephedrine HCL not the ephedra (stems/leaves)
It might not be the extract of the leaves and stems, but to me it works just as good. Ephedra is a bronchodilator, and its really the caffeine that gives you the initial energy boost...so by taking the ephedra free mini-thins, you get that to start with.
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