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Thread: Running

  1. #1


    Whos in track? Whats your schedule like? I've been running everyday for about 15 minutes but haven't noticed that much improvement in speed or endurance. What should I do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    In The Heart of Mexico
    well you should run more than 15 minutes. if you want endurance start at 20 min at a comfortable pace. then every day bump it up 2 minutes.
    if you want speed, do sprint drills, short sprints, and power lifts.
    if you want both, do the endurance run 3 times a week and the sprint workout 2 times a week. having the days off after the hardest workouts. or just rest sat and sun and rest up for the next week and step it up each week.

  3. #3
    Thanks, I'll try that.

  4. #4
    What races? I ran track, looking for another private team now if you know of any in DC/Baltimore area. But 15 mins is just a warmup for me. When I train for track, I trained an hour and half every day. What experience level are you??


  5. #5
    I'm only 15 years old, I don't have alot of time to just run because I get home from football practice at 6pm and I have to do my homework.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    In The Heart of Mexico
    your a lil young to even be on this bored then. dont want to fill your head with bad ideas.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    In The Heart of Mexico
    [QUOTE=max2extreme]What races? I ran track, looking for another private team now if you know of any in DC/Baltimore area. But 15 mins is just a warmup for me. When I train for track, I trained an hour and half every day. What experience level are you??


    above the college level.

  8. #8
    I just need some advice on training.

  9. #9
    Monday: Distance
    Tuesday: Speed
    Wednesday: Distance
    Thursday: Speed
    Friday: Distance
    Weekends off

    Looking good?

  10. #10
    James, What race specifically are you looking at training for? OR are you trying to get faster for football? OR are you just looking to get into get 'running shape', not competing?


  11. #11
    Latino, I didnt see it here, but you may have told me, what races you race?


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    In The Heart of Mexico
    james-looks good.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by max2extreme
    James, What race specifically are you looking at training for? OR are you trying to get faster for football? OR are you just looking to get into get 'running shape', not competing?

    I want to get faster for football and get ready for track season when it comes, I don't know what races I'm doing yet but I just want to be prepared for anything, you know what I mean?
    I got a question, I have a workout schedule on top of the running schedule for the week and I was wondering if it would matter if I worked out before or after running, is there a difference in performance? I've also heard that building alot of upper body muscles will only slow you down, is that true?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    If it was me.........definately run first then lift

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Im a Decathlete at the college level..........we do our throws and jumps and then run..........that's all about 4 joke.......then finish off the day with our lifts
    I just can't imagine lifting before we did all that.......WOW
    Run first buddy!

  16. #16
    Im assuming you arent running indoor track in the winter, so you have a lot of time. I wouldnt even be worrying about track right now. When training for something, theres a certain time when you want to peak your performance. Im not saying it wouldnt be beneficial to do sprint workouts or anything, but I personally think right now you should concentrate on football workouts and lifting. Go to football. Lift after practice. I wouldn't lift right after practice unless you had to. Practice during the day then later in the evening after you've rested, go lift. The running you are doing at football is probably enough for now. If you wanted to, maybe on sat and or sun go to the track and do indian runs or build some cardio and do some long slow runs... If your main goal is track, I think the best thing for you right now is just lifting and the workouts you are getting from football. IF you are planning on running indoor, different story.


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Lift Before You Run!

    im a sprinter on the collegiate level and i can tell u we always lift b4 we run! sprint workouts tax ur CNS/energy levels much more than lifting does. do a sprint workout b4 u lift and tell me what ur puttin up, not to mention if ur lifting correctly, ha. but to be real, at ur age u dont need to be lifting as much as just 20-60m accelerations, some 100/200s, and some plyometrics. also remember to warmup and stretch properly, while ur still young learn to do those especially, so you wont have to learn the hard way later on. take a couple laps around the track to warm up so ur muscles are warm b4 u stretch. stretching and being flexible is one of the most important factors in being fast, besides the genetic factor.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    san diego, ca
    Quote Originally Posted by TestTubeBaby
    im a sprinter on the collegiate level and i can tell u we always lift b4 we run! sprint workouts tax ur CNS/energy levels much more than lifting does. do a sprint workout b4 u lift and tell me what ur puttin up, not to mention if ur lifting correctly, ha. but to be real, at ur age u dont need to be lifting as much as just 20-60m accelerations, some 100/200s, and some plyometrics. also remember to warmup and stretch properly, while ur still young learn to do those especially, so you wont have to learn the hard way later on. take a couple laps around the track to warm up so ur muscles are warm b4 u stretch. stretching and being flexible is one of the most important factors in being fast, besides the genetic factor.

    so true i agree with this college bro

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