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Thread: Help Needed For Baseball Player!!!

  1. #1

    Help Needed For Baseball Player!!!

    I am looking to improve my mph's from sitting 87-89, touchin 90-92. I want to be sitting 89-91, and hitting 92 plus. I want to be as safe as possible. I am 6'4" 230 so my size is good and I am looking to set my muscular base and achieve better velocity. I dont want my tendons to snap! When you reply to this will you please keep it in simple terms. Do I need to stack anything or take tendon or joint strength pills during the cycle?

  2. #2
    how old are you ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Getting Fat
    A well educated strength and conditioning specialist could easily do that for you naturally!

  4. #4
    just turned 19

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Goldenarm
    just turned 19
    just turned 19 and you wanna juice already. not worth it, especially for something so easily attainable.

    key words - long toss.

    don't run yourself to death like they do pitchers. that'll wear your strength down if you run too much. you're a pitcher not a marathon runner.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    19 yrs old and you're already that might be the last guy on Earth who needs to juice. If you're serious about advancing to the next level, get somebody who knows what they're talking about and get them to set you up with a good leg program. Have them keep an eye on you so you don't hurt yourself if you're a beginner. You can't lift for your arm but you can lift for your legs and also get your trunk good and strong and be sure you implement them in your throw. They day after pitching, my lower back was always sore. a sign that those muscles are recruited a lot more than you might think.

    A good drill is...

    If you're a righty pitcher, kneel down on your right knee and simulate an exagerrated delivery starting with your hands at 180 degree angle from your body (in the Jesus Christ pose) and going forward. The key is to really make sure you are using your left arm to whip your upper body through and start the torgue and using your abs to rip your upper body down and finish the motion with your chest on you knee. Throw the ball against a wall or to a friend or whatever.

    Work on refining your mechanics...your leg kick and all that. Depending on how tight your mechanics are right now, that alone might be able to give you the gains that you're looking for.

    Like the last guy said, there's also no replacement for simple long toss using a nice long smooth motion (not a short, jerky catcher type throw) to increase arm stregnth.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    West Coast
    There are execrcises you can do to improve velocity. I hope you are familiar with rotator cuff exercises, also called jobe excercises. There is an extended series of these exercises that when done properly, can give you higher velocities. The idea is to strengthen your decellerators, both from a power and an endurance perspective. Pitch to pitch, your shoulder takes such a pounding, that alot of your natural velocity is lost simply through wear and tear. Reduce that wear and tear, and your average velocity can rise closer to your top velocity. Now the average velo can increase significantly, you can sustain this velo for higher pitch counts than you are acostumed to. Top velo can also improve, though not as drammatically as average velo. Now, being only 19 years old, you still have plenty of natural room to get stronger and gain velocity, without doing any excercises. With a good rotator program, you can maximize what you are capable of today, as well as protect your shoulder and elbow in the long term. Let me know if your interested, because it'll take a while to type this out, so I don't want to waste my time. Also Rod Farva was dead on about strong legs and abs, they are absolutely neccessary.

  8. #8


    I would love for yo to send me those workouts it would help a great deal. thanks alot

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    im 19 to and i am looking to juice. i am a 6'0'' 195lb catcher. I want to juice now so i dont have to get much bigger later.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    19 is too, protein and calories will help you gain all the weight you need. Wait till atleast 21 to start juicing.

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