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Okay, this is my second year playing football and I am pretty good. I'm agressive and I play well and I work really fu**in hard. Last year I was a scrawny little bitch and even so, I was pretty good considering it was my first year. Now i've been working really hard, I just recovered from an injury a couple weeks ago, and they haven't played me one play on Varsity this year. I played more varsity last year. I think I should quit because my true passion is bodybuilding anyway and I guess the coaching staff just doesn't like me for some reason. But this is total bull **** because I get out there and bust my ass and work hard and I am one of the biggest 2 guys on the team, and all I get is **** from some of the coaches. (They suspect that I am juicing I guess... maybe that has something to do with it). In addition, I moved to this school last year and maybe they don't won't to replace the starters with me because I'm new?
Should I quit or not? I'm not going to practice today - I'm just going to lift. Thanks a lot