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Thread: Does anyone know a good Powerlifting Program for a Defensive Tackle?

  1. #1

    Does anyone know a good Powerlifting Program for a Defensive Tackle?

    Hello. I am currently a Freshman in High School. I play defensive tackle for my football team and am a starter. I go to the gym at least 2 or 3 times a week after practice, but I need a good Power Lifting and Speed/Conditioning Routine to help increase my strength, explosiveness, and speed. Please send me a routine you think would help me, any help is greatly appreciated.

    Bench Max-180
    Incline Max-145
    Forty-5.6 (im a slowe mother)

    P.S., is it better to do sets with over ten reps in them or to do heavy weight and less reps? Which would benefit explosiveness more?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    well first off you shouldnt even be on this site if your a HS frosh, and second off, there is already a solid westside power program in the football section, so search for it


  3. #3
    what is wrong with being on this site as a fresh? i have a ****load of determination. i dont mean to sound rude, but wouldnt it be better to ask for help then to do it wrong? or to help me you could give me the link to the "westside power program" because i cannot find it.


    wtf is wrong with being a freshman powerlifter

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    u have to be 18 to be on this site big boy. .LOOK IN THE FOOTBALL FORUM FOR THE PROGRAM and find it b4 you get banned


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dalcowbag
    u have to be 18 to be on this site big boy. .LOOK IN THE FOOTBALL FORUM FOR THE PROGRAM and find it b4 you get banned

    LMAO Bro

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Do a yahoo search for the program that Adam Archuletta (sp?) did. Its great for any position. It turned him into a super-"natural" freak! He can bench like 500 as a safety. He should be a backer, he hits like one and is stronger than Ray Lewis.Oh by the way, the program is worth it, but if you follow this program, intensley, you will get awesome results. I knoiw someone who bought it and followed it to a T, he went from 225 to (listed weight) of 266.

    He was one of those kids in highschool who was strong, but couldnt lift a lot. You know db curl 65's but couldnt bench his weight. Power clean 250, but couldnt squat 250. Anyway, he is a frosh at a d1a school. He was gonna redshirt, but becuse of his progression in the weightroom they are not going to. He gets the garbage minutes, but any experience is good.

    He was gonna let me try the program, but Ive got so many people helping me now and I am seeing so many gains, I dont want to screw anything up. Its an awesome program though. Give it a try, its worth it. Good luck!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    san diego, ca
    try e-mailing the defensive coordinator for the miami hurricanes bro

  8. #8
    i didnt know you could do that

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