First time posting here, so ill let you guys know my numbers or whatever so you can go from there. Im 5/9 175lbs pretty much all muscle. Ive been doing speed type workouts and manual resistance and a running program since summer. My forty at the beginning of the summer on a track with running shoes was a 4.48. Then 2 weeks ago i ran a 4.50 flat on grass with cleats on. I know their is a difference between track and grass but i felt slower then normal when i ran the 4.5... When i ran the 4.48 my 20 times were like 2.8ish... When i ran the 4.5 on grass i have been running consistant 2.4-2.5 in the 20 so obviously my explosion is fine i just feel slow after the 20 yards. Anyone have ideas on improving my top end? 100 meter in track i ran like an 11.4 2 years ago so my top end is nothing impressive...I play div 1 football by the way..
So the question is... anyone have any supplements or anything that they would recommend taking to improve speed and something that wont make my joints or anything weak...I heard winstrol was good but wasnt sure where to get it and what to combine it with since ive read that it was worthless by itself. My strenghth is decent i maxed at 300 on bench and do leg press instead of squat but i could squat around350-400 if put on the spot...
Thanks in advance guys.