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Thread: training program

  1. #1

    training program


    I am currently in a grade 12 weightlifting class and have to do a sports training program.. I have picked to do it on hockey... I have to do 12 month training program... in season and off season.. and need to include a nutrition program.. Any help would be good..


  2. #2


    any help would be good

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Long Island, NY
    Ill ask my buddy who is in the NHL about his training that he does on and off season. As far as what I know, he does cardio in the offseason for about 45min-1hr a day, as well as LIGHT lifting (just the basic movements liek benching, squats, military presses, etc). Im not sure what he does during the season, but ill try to find out for you.

  4. #4


    alright.. could you maybe get a copy or maybe he knows where on the net i could get it... i was told that off season is when they train the hardest and in season they just maintain there muscles... as well a nutrition plan would be good.. who is your friend?... thanks for the help bro


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Long Island, NY
    Chris Higgins and Mike Komisarek. Both play for the Montreal Canadiens. Ill see what i can get

  6. #6


    alright bro.. thats cool... i dont know what they would think about you giving me their email if i have questions.. if not its cool i understand..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    there's a book called something like "Conditioning for Performance and Injury Prevention in Hockey" which is entirely about conditioning (including weight lifting) for hockey. Search on amazon. Also, check out Peter Twist's "Complete Conditioning for Ice Hockey"

  8. #8


    i dont want to buy a book because im only doing it for one class..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    what happened to icemmmman and all his nhl buddies? we know they arent busy skating right now!

  10. #10


    serious.. hahah

  11. #11


    please.. any type of help would be good.. nutrition for training.. exercises... what kind of training.. thankyou

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    san diego, ca
    check out some books from your city library they always have GREAT books on anything man i love the library

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    penalty box
    The way a player trains is going to be alot different depending on the position/role they play.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by hockeyman20
    The way a player trains is going to be alot different depending on the position/role they play.

    thats not true!!!..... all of the aerobic,speed, strength, traingin programs are basically the same with very few variations....

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    i'll sum up how a hockey player trains in one word...SKATE. there is no amount of off ice training. no roadwork. no riding a bike or lifting weights that will replace the most important thing you will do. you have to be on that ice as much as humanly possible. on the days you do skate, hit the bike for half hour 45 mins. on the days you dont skate, do it twice. was never to big into the weights when i played other than going through the basics to keep fit. also i found my body was always so beat to hell all the time that going at it hard in the weight room was impossible anyway. try to stay away from the rollerblades too. you wind up developing way too many bad habits. just my opinion, worked for me so i stuck to it. listen to your coach and trainers as far as what they want you to do off ice, but like i said, stay on the ice and skate as much as you can. you should feel more comfortable there than anywhere else. make it your second home.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    san diego, ca
    hockey is definately a mans sports bros

  17. #17
    Hi, i am a D2 level college player, I play D for school but also play goal for a club team. Im a relativly small guy, 5ft 10 bout 165 pounds. I dont recall seeing you lay out any info as to your level of play, size, weight, and what u want to accompilsh etc..this would be helpful info, however ill tell you my basic routine which seems to do me fairly well. cardio 3 times a week for about 1 hour to 1.5, depending how i feel(this is not counting time spent skating). I stick to a rather routine strength training regimine, hitting all the major parts hard. I cant over emphasize how important legs are, just like a house you are built form the ground up and your legs are you foundation, if you look all the most prolific players are also the hardest to take off there feet, i think Jaromir Jagr could skate through a pair of D with five other guys trying to haul him down, all based on his legs. aside from that, based on my size, i like to work espescially hard on quickness, felxibility, and agility. i figure what the big boys cant catch they cant hit! ie. Theo Fleury/Brian Gionta. I stretch thoroughly daily, and routinely take yoga, pilates and other assorted classes. At the recommendation of my grandfather i took 2 years of ballet, which believe it or not did wonders for my agility, footwork, and for the diet part of things, ive never been the count calories and measure serving sizes type of guy, as an athlete you should have a decent idea of how to properly fuel yourself, i stick to 4 to 6 meals a day depending on my mood, i mix in a good amount of the basics and snack on healthy things only, fruits, vegies and so forth...make sure you drink your 8 glasses of water a day, as mundane as it may sound, water out weighs food in the importance dept any day, without water your muscles cant stretch cuz they all dehydrated, and ull hurt yourself. well, hope this helps you, if youd like more specifics, leave me some info here and ill do my best to offer what i can...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    look at the date on this thread it is old bro, and he is no longer

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