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Thread: Such thing as working your legs to hard running?

  1. #1

    Such thing as working your legs to hard running?

    I know its bad to weight lift too much during the week since your body cant recover but what about running? Ive been going pretty hard on my running 5 days a week and i was just wondering if im doing to much? And if i am what kind of things shuold i do on the days that i should take a break?

  2. #2
    Here is the running i did last week. tell me if its too much and what i should do to benefit myself more.

    1. all speed ladder drills (10 different things) x 2 sets
    2. lateral jumps over a mini hurdle 2x30seconds
    3. 40's with overspeed pulley 4W/overspeed 4 normal
    4. Jumprope for 5 minutes

    1. Highknees overhurdles (1 leg) 6 sets slow, 6 sets fast
    2. speed ladder with bungee behind. 4 drills with bungee 4 drills without
    3. Leap frogs 20 yards, 2 w/bungee 2 without bungee
    4. 40's with 2 1/2 lb weights in hand. 2 with, 2 without
    5. 20's x2 that get timed
    6. Jump rope 5 minutes

    1. 20 yard sprints x4 and get timed
    2. 40 yard sprints x4 and get timed, 1 with overspeed pulley
    3. 60 yard sprints x4 and get timed
    4. 2 sets of position conditioning.
    5. jumprope

    1. Speed ladder drills, set up in a patter 5 differnt drills
    2. lateral jumps over hurdle 2x 30 seconds, 1 with bungee 1 without
    3. Speedlader with sidewinder on legs (connects ankles together)
    4. Agilities with sidewinder on legs (high knees, carioca, etc..)
    5. 40's with rubber bands on arms x4 (to make sure elbow and arm are at 90 degree angle when running)
    6. Cone drills, 2 sets with bungee, 2 sets without
    7. Position conditioning, 1 set with bungee 1 set without
    8. Jumprope

    1. Speed ladder with bungee sideways instead of behind x6 things
    2. High knees over hurdles with sidewinder 3 slow, 3 fast
    3. 1 leg jump with sidewinder 40 yards 4 with 4 without
    4. 40's x4 with times
    5. Jump off box and straight up in the air x10
    6. Jump off box and jump as far as you can x10
    7. Jump workout with step ups and jumps on calves etc
    8. Jump rope 5 min....

    Let me know what you guys think if im working my legs to hard, and if so what should i do the days that i want to take it easy on the running?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    working solely on speed and acceleration everyday wont let you progress very much. speed training activities drain ur CNS quickly, id have a day off somewhere inbetween those session, or take away one of those sessions.

  4. #4
    so, maybe take wendsday off? And just stretch out and **** wendsday? Would doing hard workouts monday tuesday, thursday and friday be fine? Any imput would be great.

  5. #5
    Hm why is everyone jumping to answer this for me? (sarcasm)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Of course you can work your legs too hard running. The workouts you are doing look pretty hard. Only you can tell what your body can handle. You have a lot of the same stuff over and over, try to change it up a little bit to keep your body guessing. For a lot of people that sprint workout would would be too much. For you it might not be enough. But like I said only you can tell how your body fells. If your overtraining your body will tell you. Your workout looks pretty good. Go own how your body feels.


  7. #7
    aight thanks, that was the problem, my body felt good to run 5 days a week. All i would have to do was stretch and stuff cause i would be tighter then usual but once i stretched and maybe did 10 minutes of yoga and dynamic flexing, i was totally fine. Yeah i switch it up often i usually do the same stuff for liek 2 weeks then change most of the stuff aroudn

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