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Thread: Help! with runnin'

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Okinawa, Japan

    Question Help! with runnin'

    ok in the Marine Corps we have physical fittness test, one part of this test is a 3 mile run. You get a max of 100 pts for a run time of 18 min. and I am currently runnin' about 23:30 what can I do to drop the 5 min+ by febuary?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    two states
    don't do don't wanna bulk up. three miles is not that far to run. Concentrate on cardiovascuar shape you're in. Look up running on the internet, get a book on running. Run stairs to build explosive speed that would help you with shaving 5 minutes off your time. It's all about having your body adapt to higher speeds and higher energy output. you need to have a program where you run a couple of days, then take one off. Endurance (even for a short run) and explosive speed (when it counts) is the key.

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