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Thread: whats ok

  1. #1

    whats ok

    wouldnt anavar be ok for a high school player to take. everything ive ever read on it says it doesnt affect test levels and it wont stunt ur growth. I know everyone is against highschool kids juicing but some people think its worth the risk because theres always people that will anyways and so then they have an edge on u not just in the game but in schlolarships and stuff.

  2. #2
    you cant spell very well....i wouldnt reccomend high schoolers juicing without knowing the technique....what part of west texas are your from. Im a San Angelo man.

  3. #3
    hey dont act like u know alot about it when ur a freshman in highschool man

    and i read about this **** everynight

  4. #4
    not a freshy anymore my friend. took my friends profile. junior in college at Angelo State

  5. #5
    right, ok dont ever make your forum name the same as your AIM screename

  6. #6
    yeah old sn dude

  7. #7
    this isnt Payne
    payne goes to central, and he is a freshman
    this is his cousin

  8. #8
    aight its cool

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