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Thread: Cycle for football?

  1. #1

    Cycle for football?

    I know this isnt the steriod forum but i was wondering if anyone had any experience with a cycle of test and deca. I was thinking about cycling them and from what im told and read ill put on lean body mass, lose body fat etc. Of course have good strength gains but i was wondering if i still train the way ive been training for speed (I run a low 4.4) will i be able to get even faster with test and deca? And how are these steriods on your joints and stuff i dont want to break anything lol.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    A mile High
    Man I don't know about those two.....might bloat you up alot......maybe test and var
    Equipoise might be the ticket for this in the steroid forum and see what you get for responses

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Aussie in Singapore
    I have done both at the same time and didnt get any bloat at all, its an individual thing, some do some dont. Deca will help lubricate your joints as well. You will get good gains from this kind of cycle. I cant comment on the speed thing though. Good luck bro !

  4. #4
    NIce so my joints will be fine? Im sure getting stronger and continueing speed strength and speed workouts wont make me slower. Also did you lose body fat on this cycle?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    if ur worried about getting tested deca is not the option prop and var are the best before a football season, no bloat and strength through the roof.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by boistheman
    if ur worried about getting tested deca is not the option prop and var are the best before a football season, no bloat and strength through the roof.
    I wouldnt use deca for football only because if you get injured it might not seem to bad at first but you could do some serious damage if you were and you kept playing, also it is def not good for drug tests, either is sust. try test prop and eq.

  7. #7
    yo skribble,
    deca stays in ur system up to 18 months. idk if you are tested. by the # you posted i would assume you are d1.

  8. #8
    if you are tested. anavar, winny, test prop and test susp. if you are not tested i would look into eq, var, tren and prop as a cycle. with that you won't put on huge amounts of mass and it is a lean mass cycle.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    what div do u play in

  10. #10
    Im division 1 but dont care about testing. I have that taken care of.

  11. #11
    So im not worried abotu testing or anything. Will deca and test make me fast? Im sick of running 4.4's (only a dick like me would complain but im a perfectionist) I get pissed when someone is just as fast as me and i need to be a 4.3. Just wondering if this stuff will make my speed blazing with continuted training. Im on the top of the line speed and strength training as it is.

  12. #12
    do u care to enlighten me on how u will pass a test if you are tested bc i need help in this area as we speak.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Aussie in Singapore
    Quote Originally Posted by JJEB2
    do u care to enlighten me on how u will pass a test if you are tested bc i need help in this area as we speak.
    There are some suggestion on the main page for getting through a drug test
    Last edited by seanw; 12-30-2004 at 11:36 PM.

  14. #14
    yea this is ncaa testing so its hard to do that **** but i have heard some possibilities such as getting piss and putting it in a condom taped to ur dick and poking a hole in it to piss. they test for the **** you can put in ur urine also.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Aussie in Singapore
    Quote Originally Posted by JJEB2
    yea this is ncaa testing so its hard to do that **** but i have heard some possibilities such as getting piss and putting it in a condom taped to ur dick and poking a hole in it to piss. they test for the **** you can put in ur urine also.
    I like the one where you put detergent on your finger before you go in and then piss on it as you are giving the sample. Doesnt pay to bite your finger nails after though

  16. #16
    yea they would detect the detergent hahah so its all bs nowadays. there are ways around it but they seem to be hidden from people such as piss being swapped and other methods.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    "the whizinator 2000" I beleive thats the name. Its a strap on d*ck thats you can fill with someone elses piss, some versions get pretty complicated such as having temp. control. It looks 95% real. I think the going rate was $145.00, might be more expensive these days.

  18. #18
    hahah yea. couple of my teamates were talking about it a week before their piss tests. thye have like 10 different skin tones and u just piss someone elses piss.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    yup, thats the one.

  20. #20
    There are drugs out that you can take to totally clean your system.

  21. #21
    So test and deca will i get nice speed gains with continued speed training. The goal is a 4.3 when right now im a low 4.4. Also how will test and deca react with my body fat. Id say i have 10 max now but id like to have liek 5%. Will test and deca make make me more ripped?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    In my personal opinion deca is not gonna help ur speed or your body fat, I kno b/c there were some bros on my football team that were using deca and they got pretty strong and gained some good weight but never got any faster. I think Test Prop and anavar would be the best choices. If you want there are some sprinteris in the speed forum ask them what to use

  23. #23
    i would say anything that doesn't make ur body weight go up dramatically. look at what marion jones was taking. epo, hgh,and insulin. for the following anavar, prop(less bloat), eq, winny. the tendons get get much larger but become weaker and the body also becomes dry which could lead to pulls and tightness.

  24. #24
    also the way you train will be dependant upon ur speed. i feel that most steroids will help because your body is repairing so therefore you can do longer workouts. i did sust before and my numbers increased significantly. My vert was 34" and lost 2 tenths of my 40 in 2 months and this was battling through torn hamstrings. and this was all at 238 pounds

  25. #25
    Hmm not bad. Im going to look into avanar and winny. Since winny would make my tendons weak which i dont really want, would it be good to cycle deca, test and winny all together?

  26. #26
    i would say that would be fine bro. the deca is good for lubrication and will put on some good size, i would do test prop bc less bloat and winny. i get very lil bloat on test so i don't have a huge problem with that. The winny at 50 mg will be good for muscle hardness. just train as hard as you can. 6 months till next season bro. its all starts here

  27. #27
    Sounds good i will be talking this over with my higher authority and figure out what he thinks. I appreciate the help and patience JJEB2

  28. #28
    no doubt

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    hey guys, my question is almost the same so i wont start another topic. I was just wondering what a good cycle for a novice would be. I am an OLB and i want some strength and size, not alot of water retention, and i want to either keep all my body fat, or lose it, i dont want to gain any fat. I would prefer just doing one roid instead of stacking because im in HS, and of course ill get some nolvadex and clomid. Just give me some ideas on what roid would fit my needs best, thanks peace.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Aussie in Singapore
    Quote Originally Posted by playa4933
    hey guys, my question is almost the same so i wont start another topic. I was just wondering what a good cycle for a novice would be. I am an OLB and i want some strength and size, not alot of water retention, and i want to either keep all my body fat, or lose it, i dont want to gain any fat. I would prefer just doing one roid instead of stacking because im in HS, and of course ill get some nolvadex and clomid. Just give me some ideas on what roid would fit my needs best, thanks peace.
    How old are you, what are your stats and workout expereince ?

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    18 years old, 6', 170lbs, been working out since before i can remember, probably somewhere around like 8-9.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Aussie in Singapore
    Well the bad news is everybody here is going to tell you you are to young to do AS. Your body is producing sh!tloads of natural test at your age, take advantage of it. If you get your diet in order, I gaurantee you you arnt eating anough, and you workout hard, that you can put on heaps of muscle naturally. Eating is the key at your age, not gear.

  33. #33
    sean is that you in your avitar?

  34. #34
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Aussie in Singapore
    Quote Originally Posted by skribbble
    sean is that you in your avitar?
    Er, no

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    yeah that is kinda what i expected to hear. Well lately my eating hasnt been up to par but usually i try to eat as much as i can, as healthy as i can. I have just been lifting for a long time and i really would like to try a cycle, something small. If i did go through with it, i like the Enanthate and deca stack that is on the website. Dont worry i am going to buy that anibolics book (forget the name right now) and read up as much as i can before i consider it.

  36. #36
    i would say screw the book. read here and join other boards. read as much as you can.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    found the name, anyone heard of anibolics 2004?

  38. #38
    its not that the book is good or not. IMO its a waste bc u can learn here and as well as other sites. research and ask questions.

  39. #39
    Anyone ever hear of a water based deca?

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