anyone have a great off-season lifting program/workout for FOOTBALL?
anyone have a great off-season lifting program/workout for FOOTBALL?
BFS works great the first time....if you've done it u could do it again, but add a lot heavy hamstrings to the leg days ie. romanian deadlift, stiff-led deads, glute ham raises, revere hypers, back ext. ect. Upper body subsitute a lot of heavy tricep work ie. extentions, california presses, pushdowns, and also add wide grip chins. Your bench and squat will def benefit from this.
here is mine i will explain anything on it.
Box Jumps 3x10
Wood Chops 3x8
Bear Squat Jumps 3x5
Hang Clean 3x5
Push Jerk 4x8
DB Incline 4x10
Front Squat 3x10
Back Circuit Consisting of three different excercise, 3 sets and 10 reps
Bi Circuit" "
Glute Ham
Med ball abs
Box Jumps 4x6
Forearms 3x25
BB Bench 4x8
Jammer 4x8
Bear Squat 4x8
DB Military 3x10
Walkin Lungew/ weight 20 yards
Clean Pulls 3x5
Neck machine
Hanging knee raises
Bear Squat Jumps 3x8
Wood Chops 3x8
DB Incline 3x10
Hang Clean 4x5
Push Jerk 4x5
Front Squat 3x5
Back, Bi, Tri Circuits
RDL 3x8
Box Jumps 3x10
Forearms 3x25
DB Bench Press 4x8
Jammer 4x8
Bear Squat 4x8
Military 3x8
Clean Pull 3x5
Shoulder Circuit
Hanging Knee Raise
way too much for each day imo. YouOriginally Posted by JJEB2
way too much for each day imo. You needOriginally Posted by JJEB2
There is no focus ie. hamstrings, triceps things that will make your squat and bench go up. You jump for one thing to the next for ex., hang clean, to push jerk, to db extentions.
yea i hear ya. he is a strength coach and worked with the blue jays and BC. i go to a d1aa school. i recently have made some gains with my numbers and i did an old BC training last year and it was simlar to this.
see i have talked with many powerlifters who would say these secondary things are not needed. when you bench you use tris and hammy strings are used in full body movements and are done once a week. but it is a lot but i will say that i have made great gains within 3 weeks. esp comming out of the season 18 pounds lighter and injured shoulder my numbers are far surpassing those at this time last year and I feel that I am 4 months ahead of schedule as compared to last year.Originally Posted by dr.shred
bro, thats great you made some good gains from this approach, but in the future i doubt it would work again for you. Try the westside program, i went up 50 pounds in my bench in one year naturally. I lost bf, dropped my 40 time and have much more power running the ball now.
ok is there anyway to incoporate cleans and jerks and jammer. and i won't touch dl anymore after i hit a triple for 455 and killed my back like a dick.
yo bro u play ball in mass? i am from mass. what school u play at?
Hey JJEB2, right now were doin a more higher volume program for post-season lifting also. Its a lot of high reps and more geared towards hypertrophy instead of strength. When i get back to school we get back into heavy lifting. I play 1-AA also, in the NEC.
hahah me too.
Last edited by JJEB2; 01-02-2005 at 09:36 PM.
yea we went through the higher rep phase and they have us in our strength phase over break
check your pm.
do the west side workout, one of the best out there, it is used by world class powerlifter Paul Childress, my squad uses it, and we all see incridble gains
the workout has already been posted on this forum, pm me for inquiries
Originally Posted by JJEB2
Much unneeded stuff in your workout. I think you're going to want to do clean FIRST after you warm up alittle. Also box jumps id recommend doign them after you squat. DB bench press you might want to follow with burnout sets of regular bench 2 sets of as many reps as you can do of liek 185 or 225. And also do military press and push press before you bench. I went up SIGNIFICANT weight as soon as i started doing bench in the middle of the workout and after some other sorts of shoulder workout like dumbbell bench or push press. I went from 225 for 9 to 225 for 15 in about a little over a month. 1 more thing, practice going down SLOW on your bench and then gently touching your chest and exploding up. Ill post my workout one of these days its definatly the most disgusting workout im sure many of you have ever seen. Talk about helping my explosion so much and dropping my 40 significantly in a month.
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