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Thread: Winstrol Depot ONLY - Not stacked, good idea?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Winstrol Depot ONLY - Not stacked, good idea?

    I have a buddy who runs track and is looking to improve running times. I am trying to convince him that it would make more sense to stack it with Test, and if anything, just use the oral Winstrol.

    He insists that he does not want to 'get big' and just wants to improve track.

    What do you guys suggest about a Winstrol Depot only 'cycle'?

  2. #2
    Winny alone will work but there are negatives like stiffening of the tendons and increased joint pain from prolonged winny use.

    The major down side is that new testing methods are able to detect winny several months after you stop using the drug. Hence all of the positives for winny at this past Olympic Games in Athens.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    A mile High
    How about just oral-turinabol.......or straight anavar.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The biggest downside of using Winny Depot is that it can stay detectable for up to 2 years! For some reason it can attech to fatty tissue and just stay there until another time in history!

    The winny tabs should be okay but they are very toxic and you need to watch your liver values and make sure that you are taking the necassary Milk Thistle etc

    Personally, although I have used winny depot and I enjoyed the look and the feel I had from it I wouldn't use it now as an IOC tested athlete.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Winny is not good used alone.. it makes you prone to ligament, muscle pulls and so on.. its not that good for sprinters since you friend might be tested winny can stay in your system for up to 2 years

  6. #6
    Winny is horrible for the sprints, well based on my personal experience, i got extremely stiff , but strangely I had a huge p.b. in the 100m two weeks after I went off it when I was nice and loose.That's why I'm really puzzled when sprinters use it. Supercompensation? Or is there something unique about winstrol that we can exploit? I dunno..any ideas guys? I've heard of theories citing prolonged AAS use converting muscle fibers into type II, maybe that's what winstrol does.

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