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Thread: My sitiation!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004

    My sitiation!

    during the summer of 2004 I was recruited fairly heavily by a d-1 school, went to camp and really impressed them with my speed and intensity, 3rd day of camp i went down with a knee injury. I had a hairline fracture in the femur and some cartilage damage on the patella. This pretty much ended my chances of recieving a scholarship because they saw it as just another knee injury and it probably actually stemmed from a weak hamstring. I stayed in contact with the head defensive coach and went to a dinner thing, they still seemed slightly interested. and all the coaches knew my name, and even the players that were there to brief us. the backup quarteback knew who i was.

    Well anyways i did not play very well the first half of my senior season the time when good tapes are needed because my knee was always killing me. I play linebacker and the linebacker coach came to scout I and another kid from the opposing team. I was limping everywhere when i wasn't in play. I did not have a very good game only like 12 tackles. but after september i never got another call. I called once asking if they wanted more tape because the last game of regular season I had 27 tackles against one of our rivals (who had the leading rusher in the state), it was amazing, but he said, he was ok with the film he had.

    I have decided now that I really need to go play d-1 ball and not this NAIA **** or d-2. I want to go big or not go at all.

    I now will probably have an oppurtunity to play in the state allstar game and should be one of the best linebackers there

    my question is what is the walk on process like? should I just call the coach and tell him I would like to walk on? It just seems peculiar to me that they didn't call and say that they would like me to walk on... I really don't know what to do my coach is being obstanent wanting me to go d-2 i just dont know

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    it all comes down to what you think your capable of.. if you think youll be able to over come this injury and go back to being the viscous linebacker you were when you had 27 tackles then go walk on. you have to put yourself in the shoes of the coaches at the d1 school, you are a great linebacker an intense player but your injured, and its not just a lil injury, a knee injury can and will most likely continue to haunt you for the rest of your career.. you sound like someone who is very dedicated and with some rehab and hard work i think you can def. earn a scholarship.. good luck bro and always keep your head up

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    did they offer you a scholarship before your u hurt your knee. and are you being recruited by any other d1 schools

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    A mile High
    I would hook up with a personal trainer who has some top NFL and D-1 calibre clients.
    That way you get a connection who can vouch for your athleticism and durability.
    What area of the country do you live??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Gettin lean wit it...
    dude go d1, **** them if they dont wanna recruit you. at least thats a good mentality. but just walk on and if your a real good linebacker it should not make a difference, you swould be a scholorship player in no time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Let me say this. With most D1 and D1 AA programs you don't just try out and "walk on" the team. A walk on is simply someone not on scholarship. Usually the kids that get on the team without scholarship are "preferred" walk ons. Just cuz they can't give those last 20 spots on the team to kids with scholarships doesn't mean they don't pick and choose who those kids are during the recruiting process. Is it possible to show up, try out, and make the team? Yes, of course it is. But at most these schools take about 2 or 3 or NO kids in that situation a year. And if you make it......99 times out of 100 you'll be a practice dummy. When they have open tryouts you aren't on the team until after preseason camp when everyone gets to school at most schools. Obviously your situation may be different because you said you impressed the coaches and such before your injury. I'm just tryin' to shed some perspective on the situation. Don't think that the guys at d2 or d3 aren't playing quality football either. I mean if you have aspirations of goin' to play ball after college, if you're good enough they (the league, cfl, afl) will find you. I promise you that. Regardless of where you play. Good luck with whatever route you go.
    Last edited by DoubleL; 01-18-2005 at 09:30 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    hey man, best of luck to you in whatever situation you take. If I were in your shoes, I'd look at some of the possibilities in d2 d1aa schools where I could get a good education. But whatever you do, finish your state all star game and like the bros said go to a physical therapist immediately. It sounds like you might be screwing up your leg pretty badly.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Arlington Texas
    i think flyguy has the right idea, use your football talent as a vehicle for your education

    in the end, knee injury or not, the education is what really matters

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    education is nothing really i will graduate with 46 college credit hours from highschool. and the scholarships they offer at these smalle schools are only like 5k for a 15k institution so it is the same amount of money going to the university.
    I just am not that much of a physical specimen, size wise that what worries the hell out of me I am only 195 lbs
    38" vert
    345 lb squat
    305lb bench
    4.6 - 40 handheld so like 4.75

    I do have a switch though and its almost always on even when it shouldn't be. I really don't want to "just play" at some NAIA or d-3 school. My favorite line out of friday night lights the book "any ****head can "just play""

    I really know that juice is dumb at 18 and the whole endocrine system thing but, I really understand why kids do it now. I guess i can keep pounding calories and hope it comes.

    thanx for all the background info

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Hey kid

    Why do you want to play football? Its obvious you don't have the skill to play D1aa let alone pro.

    But then again you would be competing in a sport were 95% of the players use at least steroids, and 80% of them use GH, Steroids, Clenbuterol, and any other drug you can think of.

    Who the hell do you think you are saying you can just eat more calories and then maybe play DI?

    Get your head out of your ass. It makes no difference who the **** you are, you can't play football at a high level unless you are on steroids. Unless you are a wide reciever who can naturally run under 10.4 in the 100M.

    What is with these guys??? Its no ****ing different then saying you can win the Mr. Olympia without steroids...

    If you did take them sure you could play DI but lets be honest who couldn't?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2004
    sorry man jesus,

    i am going to juice i just didnt want to get flamed by all the ****ers on here who are like diet, diet, rest, diet, supplement, diet

    its just a bitch man, getting on here and being 18 doing everything right, getting nowhere and everyone bitches at you but they dont know your situation. I could really care less about how i am when im 50 i want this. ****it i should have got some methyl-1 an 4-derm bfore ****ing ban

    and yes the proper PCT
    Last edited by SickNasty; 01-24-2005 at 02:22 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    No worries

    Cool, the sooner you figure it out, the sooner you can actually play at a high level.

    Make no mistake DI isn't **** with steroids. At least if its not a top 10 team.

    Maybe that sounds like bull**** but its not.

    You take a DI lineman that is squatting 500 on roids and GH, and put him in his natural form he would struggle to max even 275 in the squat.

    (and yes a lot of them do max around 500 in the squat)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I'll tell you one thing, its pretty crazy. This should make you feel better; There was this guy who got drafted to play for the patriots he was 6-4 300 and benched 520. He took roids and was drafted by Pats in 3rd round and started as soon as he got there, he just blew the other veterans away.

    I trained with his cousin who was also 6-4, but weighed an obese 300. He couldn't even bench 185 for one rep! This gives you an idea how important the drugs are, and what a freaking advantage they are on the field over someone (like you currently) who is natural.

    Make a long story short imagine what you could do if you ended up doubling your strength and taking 3/10 off your 40...

  14. #14
    Go walk on...Same **** happeend to me, was the fastest kid on my div 1 team in ohio and the last game of the year i destroyed my ankle. Its amazing how shady colleges are when they find out you got hurt. Sure i was 100% 2 months later but they still lost contact with me and so therefore i was forced to try out. Luckily i busted my ass all summer and pulled a 4.42 at the tryouts. Also caught everything thrown in my direction and Just embarassed any person that tried to think about covering me. Yes im all natural also but of course the thought always goes through my head. Im 5'9" 190 run a low 4.4 high 4.3 bench 225 17 times, squat over 350, hang clean 205 for reps of 5 and numerious other things taht people bigger can only dream about. BUt even though i have impressive stats the natural way, i always wonder waht i could be with juice. Its a hard decision that im sure everyone asks themself. Some people feel they need it some dont. I dont think i need it.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    skribble, and notice how you got seriously hurt right away...
    Not to sound like an asshole but chances are you will get hurt again without the drugs. I also was natural but couldn't stay on the field because I kept getting hurt, even though I was stronger then most NFL players.

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