What do you guys use for racing? I like caffeine plus ephedrine and L-tyrosine for untested situations(cos of the e). Gonna experiment with piracetam though at higher dosages.
What do you guys use for racing? I like caffeine plus ephedrine and L-tyrosine for untested situations(cos of the e). Gonna experiment with piracetam though at higher dosages.
Pure Ma-huang is shit hot. Let me know what the piracetam is like,
Hey LL,
Tested it out today at a slightly higher dosage of 4.8g, up from 2.4, it seems to increase my coordination when doing speed work and increases my reaction. Times are slashed too. It doesn't have the jitterity feeling of Ma-Huang/ephedrine. Ephedrine is still stronger though, considering it jacks up my frequency a lot. I'm gonna test with higher dosages next week.
Oh ya by the way, I have used andriol in the past and didn't really find it helpful in aiding recovery,what dosages of the capsules do u take?
Hey im just wondering how much caffine would i need to take to get a positive effect.
I wouldn't want too much of it as it can overstimulant u resulting in an uncoordinated nervous system...Try 180mg and work up or down from there.
Also very important note the time it takes to peak for u, varies from person to person and note the difference if taken before or after food
Oh ok.. What stims do you think are the best ones out there.. For reaction
Caffeine is good enough actually...together with ephedrine it helps a great deal
Of course i think if u add chek drops it'll be even more amazing but that's out of my level.
modifinil is the best i have ever had. great concentration, energy when you need it, and great reaction and coordination.
Also try amonia sticks used byemedics. that shit will wake your ass up.
Last edited by Cdub; 06-24-2005 at 12:51 PM.
How much modafinil do you use per dose? Also, do you use it on your speed days during training as well as race days, or do you save it for one or the other?
All you need is one pill a day. I forgot how much is in each pill they are all sold in the same dose. Also try adrafinil (spelling) Much cheaper than modi but not as strong. 1 modi last for 8 hours 2 adra for 6 hours.Originally Posted by SprinterOne
I use very sparingly mostly for meets. If i have a day when i want to try to break some pb i will take it. 30 pills of modi costs about 150.
I´ve read that vasopressin should be the best stimuland for improving reaction time, have you tried it?
never heard of it. you got some info?
Yeah check this out, says that the ultimate drug is vasopressin
and here is from another thread
Yeah...his coach was Charlie Francis, and here's what he had to say about Nootropics, like the ones I just mentioned:
"There are a lot of nootropics that are interesting. Hydergine is one used commonly in Europe. This is a popular prescription drug in France used mostly by old people to help the circulation system. Choline, inositol, inosine, noortropil and others are all being used extensively by elite athletes. "
Sorrry, here is a link that works (hopefully)
yea i know about the nootropics. good stuf, but the modifinil is better imo. A lot of people take modifinil when the need to stay up to study or they really need to concentrate on something. It only works when you need to think. I t as desighned for narcalepcy (spelling). It will keep you awake as long as you want
read these esspecially the first one
Sounds like something I defenetly need (alot of school work sometimes)
have you tried sprinting on a drug like this? I mean if its an important competition I´m always focused enough anyway![]()
ephedrine is different right? makes me alot stronger in the gym so i guess it makes me faster aswell, havent competed on it though![]()
Last edited by Big M; 06-27-2005 at 11:22 AM.
I like this better than ephedra. not jitters. YOu just feel awake. I also like it because one pill will last all day. Take it a soon as you wake up and you are ready. IT also helped my reaction to the gun. IT makes me zone out.Originally Posted by Big M
hey guys, is this modafinil that you are all talking about non positive. will it pass ioc testing etc... i thought that kelly holmes, or marion jones got in shiat for this? im not sure though, thats why i ask....
Hmmm... If she use it it must be really Good![]()
Got to try it some day![]()
I know kelli white tested positive for it, though she tried to claim it was given to her as medication from her doc. It's too expensive for me to even justify trying it. If I am going to spend that kind of cash it better make a big difference in my times.
Yea you can test positive on it, but i could give a fvck. Im done with college i run for fun. My fastest time is 10.38. Unless i drop a 10.1 i dont care. ITs not that expensive unless you plan on taking it everyday. No need to tka it on light days and only on some speed days. Mine lasted for about 3 months. I loved it. I will get some more, but until then ephedra is the cheap way to go. Also one modifinil will last 8-12 hours so all you need is one at a time. Also if it is too much try adrafinil. this is about 40 dollars. it takes 2 of these to equal one mod but it is ok. not as good but still better than ephedra.Originally Posted by SprinterOne
How much of an improvement on your times did you get from using it? Or was it more just the feeling you got from it?
I really dont know. I had used dbol early on in the season and wen i got off it and started loseing weight i ran very fast. I took the modi after the dbol just to try it out. I think it more help with my concentration and energy levels. IT help me run at my best at every meet. IT helped with reaction time, coordination and energy. So if you are not practicing smart and getting faster then dont take it but if you are then the modi will bring out your potential. IT also helps with jet lag.Originally Posted by SprinterOne
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