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Thread: Westside Trianing

  1. #1

    Westside Trianing

    what you guys think about the westside training??? im thinking bout putting my lil brother on it bc hes trying to increase his squat, heres the program im working on..

    WEEK 1:
    pc 5x50 5x60 x65 x70
    fsq 55x5 62.5x5 70x5 77.5x5 85x5 bonusx5
    single leg sq 3x10
    rdl 3x10
    hsh/1 calve rai 3x15

    hs 5x40 x45 x55 x55
    3 board -2 55x5 62.5x5 70x5 77.5x5 85x5 bonusx5
    db bp 3x12
    pullups/rear rai 3x10
    ham/triext oly 3x12
    ab circuit

    hc 5x60 x60 x60
    box sq band 8x2x45
    rev lunge 3x10
    glut ham 3x6
    gm 3x10

    ps 3x50 3x55 3x60 3x60
    speed bp band 8x3x50
    chinup/ropepull 3x10
    db press 3x10
    curls/declinedb ext 3x10
    hangin leg/side bend 3x10

    WEEK 2:
    pc 4x50 4x60 4x70 4x75 4x75
    fsq 62.5x3 70x3 77.5x3 85x3 92.5x3 bonusx3
    single leg sq 3x7
    rdl 3x7
    hsh/1 leg calve rai 3x15

    hs 5x40 5x50 x55 x55
    3 board-2 62.5x3 70x3 77.5x3 85x3 92.5x3 bonusx3
    db bp 3x10
    pullups/rear rai 3x10
    ham/triext oly 3x12
    ab circuit

    hc 5x60 x60 x60
    box sq band 8x2x47
    rev lunge 3x7
    glut ham 3x8
    gm 3x7

    ps 3x50 3x55 3x60 3x60
    sp bp band 8x3x50
    chinup/ropepulls 3x10
    db press 3x10
    curls/declinedbext 3x10
    hangin leg/side bend 3x10

    Week 3:
    pc 4x60 4x65 4x70 4x80
    fsq 70x1 77.5x1 85x1 92.5x1 101x1 bonusx1
    single leg sq 3x10
    rdl 3x10
    hssh/calves rai 3x15

    hs 5x45 5x55 5x60 5x60
    3 board-2 70x1 77.5x1 85x1 92.5x1 101x1 bonusx1
    db bp 3x8
    pullups/rear rai 3x10
    ham/triext oly 3x12
    ab circuit

    hc 4x70 4x70 4x70
    box sq band 8x2x49
    rev lunge 3x10
    glut ham 3x6
    gm 3x10

    ps 3x50 3x60 3x65 3x70
    spbp band 8x3x50
    chinup/ropepulls 3x10
    db press 3x10
    curls/declinedbext 3x10
    hangin leg/side bend 3x10

    Week 4:
    pc 4x60 4x70 3x80 3x85
    dl 55x5 62.5x5 70x5 77.5x5 85x5 bonusx5
    spilt squat 3x7
    rdl 3x7
    hssh/calves rai 3x15

    hs 5x45 5x55 3x60 3x65
    2 board -2 55x5 62.5x5 70x5 77.5x5 85x5 bonusx5
    db inclline 3x12
    latpds/stpds 3x10
    zott/pushdown 3x12
    ab circuit

    hc 4x70 4x70 4x70
    box sq band 8x2x45
    stepups 3x7
    glut ham 3x8
    gm 3x7

    ps 3x50 3x60 3x65 3x70
    spbp band 8x3x50
    1armrow/wsu 3x10 2x20
    db curls/inext 3x10
    stand situp/pillar 3x10/30sec

    Week 5:
    pc 4x60 4x70 3x80 2x90
    dl 62.5x3 70x3 77.5x3 85x3 92.5x3 bonusx3
    spilt squat 3x10
    rdl 3x10
    hsh/1calve rai 3x15

    hs 4x45 4x55 3x60 3x65
    2 board-2 62.5x3 70x3 77.5x3 85x3 92.5x3 bonusx3
    db inclline 3x10
    latpd/stpds 3x10
    zott/pushdown 3x10
    ab circuit

    hc 3x75 3x75 3x75
    box sq band 8x2x47
    stepups 3x10
    glut ham 3x6
    gm 3x10

    ps 3x50 3x60 3x65 3x70
    spbp band 8x3x50
    1armrow/wsu 3x10 2x20
    db curl/inext 3x10
    stand situp/pillar 3x10/30sec

    Week 6:
    pc 4x60 3x70 3x80 3x80
    dl 70x1 77.5x1 85x1 92.5x1 101x1 bonusx1
    spilt sq 3x6
    rdl 3x6
    hsh/1calve rai 3x15

    hs 4x55 4x65 3x70 3x75
    2 board-2 70x1 77.5x1 85x1 92.5x1 101x1 bonusx1
    db incline 3x8
    latpd/stpd 3x10
    zott/pushdown 3x12
    ab circuit

    hc 3x75 3x75 3x75
    box sq 8x2x49
    stepups 3x6
    glut ham 3x9
    gm 3x6

    ps 3x50 3x60 3x65 3x70
    spbp band 8x3x50
    1armrow/wsu 3x10 2x20
    dbcurl/inext 3x10
    stand situp/pillar 3x10/30sec

    Week 7:
    pc 3x60 2x70 2x80 2x90 2x95
    bsq 55x5 62.5x5 70x5 77.5x5 85x5 bonusx5
    single leg sq 3x10
    rdl 3x10
    hssh/calves rai 3x10

    hs 4x45 4x55 3x60 3x65
    floor-2 55x5 62.5x5 70x5 77.5x5 85x5 bonusx5
    db floor press 3x6
    seated/rai 3x8
    ham/triext oly 3x12
    ab circuit

    hc 3x75 3x75 3x75
    box sq 8x2x50
    rev lunge 3x10
    glut ham 3x6
    gm 3x10

    ps 3x50 3x60 3x60 3x60
    speed bp 6x3x45
    sub max bp 2x2x85
    tbar/rope pull 3x10
    db press 3x10
    standsitup/pillar 3x10/30sec

    Week 8:
    pc 5x50 x60 x65 x70
    bsq 62.5x3 70x3 77.5x3 85x3 92.5x3 bonusx3
    single leg 3x6
    rdl 3x6
    hssh/calves rai 3x10

    hs 5x40 5x45 5x55 5x55
    floor-2 62.5x3 70x3 77.5x3 85x3 92.5x3 bonusx3
    db floor press 3x6
    seated/rai 3x8
    ham/triext oly 3x12
    ab circuit

    hc 5x60 5x60 5x60
    speed sq 8x2x52
    rev lunge 3x6
    glut ham 3x9
    gm 3x6

    ps 3x50 3x60 3x60 3x60
    speed bp 6x3x45
    sub max bp 2x2x85
    tbar/ropepull 3x10
    db press 3x10
    curls/declinedbext 3x10
    standsitup/pillar 3x10/30sec

    Week 9:
    pc 4x50 4x60 4x70 4x75 4x75
    sq 70x1 77.5x1 85x1 92.5x1 101x1 bonusx1
    single sq 3x10
    rdl 3x10
    hsh/1calve rai 3x10

    hs 5x40 5x50 5x55 5x55
    floor -2 70x1 77.5x1 85x1 92.5x1 101x1 bonusx1
    db floor press 6 4 6
    seated/raises 3x8
    ham/triext oly 3x12
    ab circuit

    hc 5x65 5x65 5x65
    box sq band 8x2x45
    rev lunge 3x10
    glut ham 3x6
    gm 3x10

    ps 3x50 3x60 3x60 3x60
    spbp band 8x3x50
    tbar/ropepull 3x10
    db press 3x10
    curls/declinedbext 3x10
    standsitup/pillar 3x10/30sec

    Week 10:
    pc 4x60 4x65 4x70 4x80
    fsq 55x5 62.5x5 70x5 77.5x5 85x5 bonusx5
    spilt sq 3x5
    rdl 3x5
    hsh/1calve rai 3x10

    hs 5x45 5x55 5x60 5x60
    bp-3 55x5 62.5x5 70x5 77.5x5 85x5 bonusx5
    db bp 3x12
    pullups/stpd 3x8
    zott/pushdown 3x12
    ab circuit

    hc 4x70 4x70 4x70
    box sq band 8x2x47
    stepups 3x5
    glut ham 3x10
    gm 3x5

    ps 3x50 3x60 3x60 3x65
    spbp band 8x3x50
    chinup/wsu 3x10 2x20
    db curls/incext 3x10
    hangin/side bend 3x10

    Week 11:
    db spilt jumps 4x6
    pc 4x60 4x70 3x80 3x85
    fsq 62.5x3 70x3 77.5x5 85x3 92.5x3 bonusx3
    spilt sq 3x10
    rdl 3x10
    hssh/calve rai 3x10

    hs 5x45 5x55 3x60 3x65
    bp-3 62.5x3 70x3 77.5x5 85x3 92.5x3 bonusx3
    db bp 3x12
    pullups/stpd 3x8
    zott/pushdowns 3x12
    ab circuit

    squat jumps 4x5x30
    hc 4x70 4x70 4x70
    box sq band 8x2x49
    stepups 3x10
    glut ham 3x6
    gm 3x10

    ps 3x50 3x60 3x60 3x65
    spbp band 8x3x50
    chinup/wsu 3x10 2x20
    dbcurls/inext 3x10
    hangin/side bend 3x10

    Week 12:
    db spilt jump 4x5
    pc 4x60 4x70 3x80 2x90
    fsq 70x1 77.5x1 85x1 92.5x1 101x1 bonusx1
    spilt sq 3x5
    rdl 3x5
    hssh/calve rai 3x10

    hs 4x45 4x55 3x60 3x65
    bp-3 70x1 77.5x1 85x1 92.5x1 101x1 bonusx1
    db bp 3x8
    pullup/stpd 3x8
    zott/pushdown 3x12
    ab circuit

    squat jumps 4x5x25
    hc 3x75 3x75 3x75
    box sq band 8x2x45
    stepups 3x5
    glut ham 3x10
    gm 3x5

    ps 3x50 3x60 3x65 3x70
    spbp band 8x3x50
    chinup/wsu 3x10 2x20
    dbcurls/inext 3x10
    hangin/side bend 3x10

    Week 13:
    pc 4x60 3x70 3x80 3x80
    deadlift/lj x2 55x5 62.5x5 70x5 77.5x5 85x5 bonusx5
    single sq 3x10
    rdl 3x10
    hsh/1 calve rai 3x8

    hs 4x55 4x65 3x70 3x75
    bp-2 55x5 62.5x5 70x5 77.5x5 85x5 bonusx5
    db incline 3x12
    latpd/raises 3x8
    ham/triext oly 3x12
    ab circuit

    squat jumps 4x5x20
    hc 3x75 3x75 3x75
    box sq band 8x2x47
    rev lunge 3x10
    glut ham 3x6
    gm 3x10

    ps 3x50 3x60 3x65 3x70
    spbp band 8x3x50
    1armrow/rope 3x12
    db press 3x10
    curls/declinedbext 3x8
    hangin/side bend 3x12

    Week 14:
    pc 3x60 2x7 2x80 2x90 2x95
    deadlift/lj x2 62.5x3 70x3 77.5x5 85x3 92.5x3 bonusx3
    single sq 3x4
    rdl 3x4
    hsh/1 calve rai 3x8

    hs 4x45 4x55 3x60 3x65
    bp-2 62.5x3 70x3 77.5x5 85x3 92.5x3 bonusx3
    db incline 3x10
    latpd/rais 3x8
    ham/triext oly 3x12
    ab circuit

    squat jumps 4x5x30
    hc 3x75 3x75 3x75
    box sq band 8x2x49
    rev lunge 3x4
    glut ham 3x11
    gm 3x4

    ps 3x60 3x65 3x65 3x70
    spbp band 8x3x50
    1armrow/rope 3x12
    db press 2x10
    curls/declinedbext 3x8
    hangin/side bend 3x12

    Week 15:
    hs 5x40 45 55 55
    dl/lj x3 70x1 77.5x1 85x1 92.5x1 101x1 bonusx1
    single leg 3x10
    rdl 3x10
    hssh/calve rai 3x8

    hc 5x60 x60 x60
    bp-2 70x1 77.5x1 85x1 92.5x1 101x1 bonusx1
    db incline 3x8
    latpd/rais 3x8
    ham/triext oly 3x12
    ab circuit

    jump squat 4x5x25
    pc 5x50 5x60 5x65 5x70
    box sq 8x2x50
    rev lunge 3x10
    glut ham 3x6
    gm 3x10

    1 arm snatch 4 3 3
    speed bp 6x3x45
    sub max bp 2x2x85
    1armrow/rope 3x12
    db press 3x10
    curls/declinedbext 3x8
    hangin/side bend 3x12

    Week 16:
    db spilt jumps 4x6
    hs 5x40 50 55 55
    sq 55x5 62.5x5 70x5 77.5x5 85x5 bonusx5
    spilt sq 3x4
    rdl 3x4
    hssh/calve rai 3x8

    hc 5x65 65 65
    bp-3 55x5 62.5x5 70x5 77.5x5 85x5 bonusx5
    db floor press 3x6
    seated/stpd 3X8
    zott/pushdown 3x12
    ab circuit

    squat jumps 4x5x20
    pc 4x50 60 70 75 75
    speed sq 8x2x50
    stepups 3x4
    glut ham 3x11
    gm 3x4

    1 snatch 4 3 2x2
    speed bp 6x3x45
    sub max bp 2x2x85
    tbar/wsu 3x12 2x20
    dbcurl/inext 3x10
    standsitup/pillar 3x12/45sec

    Week 17:
    db spilt jump 4x5
    hs 5x45 55 60 60
    bsq 62.5x3 70x3 77.5x5 85x3 92.5x3 bonusx3
    spilt sq 3x10
    rdl 3x10
    hsh/1 calve rai 3x8

    hc 4x70 70 70
    bp-3 62.5x3 70x3 77.5x5 85x3 92.5x3 bonusx3
    db floor press 3x6
    seated/stpds 3X8
    zott/pushdown 3x12
    ab circuit

    squat jumps 4x5x30
    pc 4x60 65 70 80
    speed sq 8x2x50
    stepups 3x10
    glut ham 3x8
    gm 3x10

    1 snatch 4 3 2x2
    speed bp 8x3x45
    tbar/wsu 3x10 2x20
    db curls/inext 3x10
    standsitup/pillar 3x12/45sec

    Week 18:
    db spilt jumps 4x4
    hs 5x45 55 60 65
    bsq 70x1 77.5x1 85x1 92.5x1 101x1 bonusx1
    spilt sq 3x10
    rdl 3x10
    hsh/1 calve rai 3x8

    hc 4x70 70 70
    bp-3 70x1 77.5x1 85x1 92.5x1 101x1 bonusx1
    db floor press 6 4 6
    seated/stpds 3X8
    zott/pushdowns 3x12
    ab circuit

    squat jumps 4x5x25
    pc 4x60 70 3x80 3x85
    speed sq 8x2x50
    stepups 3x10
    glut ham 3x8
    gm 3x10

    1 snatch 4 3 2x2
    speed bp 8x3x45
    tbar/wsu 3x10 2x20
    db curls/inext 3x10
    standsitup/pillar 3x12/45sec

  2. #2
    come on people stop looking and give me some feedback..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    I know some about westside but I have no idea what exercises you mean with pc and hc and all that. Also put this in the powerlifting forum to get more feedback.

    I will take a look at it tomorrow when I get back from work. Plz let me know what all abbrivations mean so I know what Im looking at

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    I know some about westside but I have no idea what exercises you mean with pc and hc and all that. Also put this in the powerlifting forum to get more feedback.

    I will take a look at it tomorrow when I get back from work. Plz let me know what all abbrivations mean so I know what Im looking at
    i believe in doing some kind of platform lift daily.. pc= powerclean/ps=powersnatch/hc=hangclean/hs=hangsnatch. hsh=hang shrugs/3board press-2 is a 3 board press with a number 2 grip

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