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  1. #1
    jesse47174 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2006

    football lifting?

    I was wondering if it is good to lift just as hard on the on-season as i do on the much damage will i do to my muscles?

  2. #2
    BgMc31's Avatar
    BgMc31 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Depends on your position and whether or not your are a starter. If you are a kicker or don't start (or see very limited action). You can lift as hard as you want because you body taking the punishment. Otherwise, lifting during the season should be for maintenance and recovery. Otherwise if you lift too hard, you body won't be able to recover from the rigors of both playing ball and lifting extremely hard and heavy.

  3. #3
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
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  4. #4
    JJEB2 is offline Member
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    Mar 2002
    decrease the amount of sessions but bring the same tempo just drop the volume. a training program during season is essential to trying to keep mass and some strength during the season.

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