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  1. #1
    TxFireMedic24's Avatar
    TxFireMedic24 is offline New Member
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    "Pacman" Jones supspended for season

    Too harsh of a penalty? I think not. The guy is a thug.

  2. #2
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    not harsh enough IMO....he's a bottom feeder that happens to be a good athlete.

  3. #3
    HSFootball's Avatar
    HSFootball is offline Associate Member
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    The NFL doesn't need a Pacman Jones. I don't know why they choose to draft people without any character or discipline.

  4. #4
    dhriscerr's Avatar
    dhriscerr is offline Senior Member
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    Sounds like him and Maurice Clarett should hang out together How can you have all the fame and money, and play an awsome game, and throw it all away because your a punk ass thug, seriously, people would give there most worldly possesions to have a chance at the NFL and people like that just throw it out the window, You can take a thug out of the ghetto, but aparently you can't take the ghetto out of the thug.

  5. #5
    BgMc31's Avatar
    BgMc31 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    I played 4yrs in the league at league minimum and busted my ass for everything I got. I stayed strict to all the rules, but the released me without any regards. I can't believe they didn't send this cat to the unemployment line. F--- him. There are hundreds of other athletes, who would die for his opportunity. Classic case of wasted talent!!! Pisses me off to no end!!!!

  6. #6
    lifterjaydawg is offline Senior Member
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    I am glad to see the NFL finally do something about this. It's not a right to play in the NFL, it's a privaledge. And Pacman has pissed away all his chances and needs a wake up call. It will also send a real message to the rest of the league.

  7. #7
    heavyhitter08's Avatar
    heavyhitter08 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lifterjaydawg
    I am glad to see the NFL finally do something about this. It's not a right to play in the NFL, it's a privaledge. And Pacman has pissed away all his chances and needs a wake up call. It will also send a real message to the rest of the league.
    yes, but his record is clean! he has not been convicted of one thing if i can remember.

    Plus this will get turned around easily in court. There are no moral values in NFL contracts and therefore there is nothing saying Pacman was doing anything wrong before this rule. Before you get suspended or fired you have to know you were doing something wrong.

  8. #8
    BgMc31's Avatar
    BgMc31 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by heavyhitter08
    yes, but his record is clean! he has not been convicted of one thing if i can remember.

    Plus this will get turned around easily in court. There are no moral values in NFL contracts and therefore there is nothing saying Pacman was doing anything wrong before this rule. Before you get suspended or fired you have to know you were doing something wrong.

    Yes there are. Check one out and you will see that there are player conduct policies in lots of contracts. Of course they are carefully worded and not based on religious morality or anything like that. But there are 'morals' clauses.

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