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Thread: will this help my pitching

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    will this help my pitching

    im 6'2 and im a weighing about 220 right now i need to trim down to atleast 200 195, im just started a cycle of winni, did i pick the right one? i did my research on it but i just cant get enough info on it. im kinda new to this stuff so sorry if a sound like a rook!!

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgomez10 View Post
    im 6'2 and im a weighing about 220 right now i need to trim down to atleast 200 195, im just started a cycle of winni, did i pick the right one? i did my research on it but i just cant get enough info on it. im kinda new to this stuff so sorry if a sound like a rook!!
    bro, winstrol will not help you be a better pitcher. having muscle will help you throw faster, and for that u need to work out.
    there is a lot of information about winstrol out there just type winstrol profile and ull find lots of info.

    now as far as doing a winny only cycle, i think thats a bad idea as u should try to include testosterone in ur cycles, but it sounds to me like ur not ready for steroids just yet. u need to do ur research before u mess with this drugs or u will regret it bro. ive seen and talked to many newbies like u that just wanna take the shortcut but dont know shit about these drugs.i say u drop the winny and keep working ou naturally and do more research.

  3. #3
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    How much are you taking?! What moron advised you on winnie? Winnie is a terrible steroid for athletes...

    Do you know what PCT is?

    And no, do not listen to Stallion, you do not need test! Baseball player should only take specific steroids, and test(on season) is not one of them, nor is winnie EVER!

    What leauge are you playing in? Or are you still in college?

    What are you expecting to get out of AAS? Why do you need to cut down?

    BTW Stallion, having more muscle will NOT make you throw faster...

    Age ?
    height 6'2
    weight 220
    BF% ?
    diet summary/# meals per day ?
    years lifting / workout split ?
    cycle experience (including current one with dosege) ?
    pct/estrogen control knowledge ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    miami, fl
    thanks war4btt. im 21 right now, i cant really say anything but i eat about 2-3 times daily i havnt been lifting much because im a pitcher, i do alot of cardio and light i did this to slim down and get definition. this is my first cycle ever and im doing 1cc every other day resting on weekends. im also taking milk thistle everyday but i dont know if to take it while on my cycle or after? also im sorry but i dont know what pct is.

  5. #5
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    You're gonna have to drop some more details. College.. professional? Is testing an issue? Plus your goals aren't very clear. You reiterate that you're a pitcher, but that your goal is to slim down?? Are you trying to get better at pitching? or at looking good?

  6. #6
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    well im trying to slim down to look pitching is on point even though ppl are saying that when you take winny it makes you throw harder so i thought of it as a plus. i didnt take this for pitching but then i found out it could help.

  7. #7
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    Did you not listen to anything i just said? Are you currently taking it now? If so, how long have you been on? How many mgs a week?!

    and give me those stats i asked for!

  8. #8
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    well im currently taking the winny, im also taking milk thistle with it. ive taken 4 shots and im doing 1cc every other day. so this is going to be my 2nd week on it.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    How much are you taking?! What moron advised you on winnie? Winnie is a terrible steroid for athletes...

    Do you know what PCT is?

    And no, do not listen to Stallion, you do not need test! Baseball player should only take specific steroids, and test(on season) is not one of them, nor is winnie EVER!

    What leauge are you playing in? Or are you still in college?

    What are you expecting to get out of AAS? Why do you need to cut down?

    BTW Stallion, having more muscle will NOT make you throw faster...

    Age ?
    height 6'2
    weight 220
    BF% ?
    diet summary/# meals per day ?
    years lifting / workout split ?
    cycle experience (including current one with dosege) ?
    pct/estrogen control knowledge ?

    Give the information i asked for... Have you read what PCT is for or not? Youre gonna be in a world of hurt without it...

  10. #10
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    4 shots and 1cc isn't enough, means nothing unless we know the mg/L of what your particular bottle of winny. you really need to read some other posts around here as examples of how people respond when they are asked for stats. you'd have much better answers for you already if you had done so. that's for future reference. as it is, no matter what the dosage is, that winny should be stopped right away. you're gonna get hurt taking that.

  11. #11
    winny is a horrible idea. It deteriorates ligaments putting you on the DL. Maybe deca would be a better option.

  12. #12
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    I can see youre new so im gonna let you off easy...^^^

    Where are you Gomez?

  13. #13
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    war4BTT why is test during season a bad idea?

  14. #14
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    #1 its gonna cause water retention...(given you dont like ED shots and dont do Prop)

    #2 youre going to gain too much during the season(your goal should be a few extra pounds, if you need to run a full cycle, do so before the season starts).

    #3 youre leaving yourself open to questions concerning AAS use... test E for example has a detection time of at least 3 months from the last shot given. Idealy you want something to be outta your system with a month at the most...

    The best AAS for baseball to use DURING the season would be Anavar. Although i would never advise steroid use to people during thier actual season...

    Its just asking for trouble, and in baseball, the punishment is much stiffer than say football or MMA.

  15. #15
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    thanx thanks really good insight.
    maybe a dumb questions...

    1. why would water retention be that bad?
    2. what if you just took a low dose of test and
    3. knew you werent gonna get tested for like 8months?
    although you said youd never consider taking them during season, does that go for preseason as well?

  16. #16
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    No preseason or post season especialy is fine...

    Now to answer...

    1) Water retention sucks, you look bloated and its not LMM so its basically worthless LBs
    2) Taking a low dose is pointless, you take AAS to gain, you need a high dose (relative to what your body produces naturaly) to actually gain.
    3) If you knew you werent gonna be tested? I dont see how you could know? Does your leauge not have random drug screenings?

    Are still in HS? College? Out of U.S.?

    I know for a fact that all minor leauge systems have random tests... A, AA, AAA and the majors...

  17. #17
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    D1 we get tested early in the fall and then playoffs. its been like that for years i guess although i did just get a piss test by the ncaa this summer... all for anabolics
    i dont know where to get var
    so im thinking enan and eq - in the fall
    bad idea?

  18. #18
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    This depends... you know EQ is decectable for up to 6months...

    Gimmie these stats...

    diet summary/# meals per day (i want to see A MEAL PLAN, not " i eat 5 times a day and drink 5 protein shakes so my diet is on check"... include how much your food WEIGHS!!! )
    years lifting / workout split
    cycle experience
    pct/estrogen control knowledge
    goals (size/cut/strength/speed etc...)

  19. #19
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    dang everything i read said it was 5mo??

    bf?? getting checked soon
    diet was way terrible cause there wasnt one... been doing a lot of reading in the diet part of this forum. just started counting macros and working on that so gonna get that

    lifting for a couple of years but
    we have a strength conditioning coach that has us on a powerlifting routine (which im new to) mon wed fri
    but it might be getting switched up this year... cuz he has pitchers doing overhead stuff and front squats -totally stupid.


    nolva 20mg ed wks1-6
    unsure on what ai to use -- was gonna use proviron 50mg ed but dont want to lose my hair
    hcg? jiggaman said it wasnt necessary but i might use it anyways 500iu 2x a week
    (basically 189s pct)

    i hurt and rehabbed my shoulder once so i want to build as much arm/core strength as possible and basically throw gas ha without getting hurt again. so some size and strength and try to keep the bf / bloat as low as possible

  20. #20
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    Well diet is definatly key...

    Your training doesnt sound good enough, you need to be hitting the gym rather than PL...

    6 weeks for a PCT is long... 4wks is fine..

    189 is my boy, his PCT is awesome...

    jiggaman is right hcg is overkill for a Test E cycle.. Though you can still use it if you dont mind a few more injections...

    If you have MPB youre gonna lose it either way!

    Id rather be big and have a shaved head, then be skinny and have a mullet...

    If youre coming off an injury, (i hope it wasnt a legiment) AAS probably isnt a great idea.

    Let me see a diet plan...

    Bloat can be kept down by takin a AI on cycle, at a very lose dose.
    How much size are you looking for?

    Test E@ 250mg 2xW for 12weeks is the way to go... With an option of Dbol(this is a big water retainer though)

  21. #21
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    haHA mullets kinda rock tho.. and im gonna look like a complete weirdo with a shaved head! so i really dont like hearing that

    i dont think it was a ligament, worst case is frayed labrum but most likely shoulder tendonitis and capsul instability causing it to bounce around and irritate stuff when i throw a lot which rehab helped quite a bit

    im working on a diet plan right now -- weighing and counting. and finding stuff i like so when i complete that ill show u.

    maybe 25lbs - im super flexible so i dont think im gonna tighten up too much and my legs are skinny

    so ur sayin no on eq? i dont know about the dbol, i wouldnt mind blowing up but im pretty sure everyones gonna notice.

    how much do u typically keep pending on diet and all that?
    is dbol good for athletic performance?

    also thanks for the help man, i really appreciate it

  22. #22
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    EQ is good for althetic performace actually...haha

    Honestly, if you are not worried about the testing, go for it, youre gonna need to run it for 12-14 weeks though...

    Everyone is gonna notice something is up anyway once they see your Bench Press increase by 50lbs...

    If your diet and training is good, you should keep 75-100% of your gains, considering this is your first cycle...

  23. #23
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    eq is def a risk, are u shure its 6months?

    so eq 12 weeks id have to bump the test to 14

    ok thanks a lot for your help

  24. #24
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    Couple of things...

    As a pitcher if you really want to take advantage of AS you'll hit your rotator cuff hard during your cycle, take that aspect of your routine to a new level. Especially if you have had some shoulder instability. With some decent pro years under my belt I'd rate the cuff as the top priority anytime, but during a cycle provides a unique opportunity to really advance your arm health and strength.

    I liked EQ and test prop more than most anything I used. Deca was my fav, but obviously is not doable with it's detectability. Anavar was very good too and given your windows I'd agree it's prob the best choice, plus it helps strengthen connective tissue as an added bonus.

    On a side note, far as water bloat goes, it can be a pitcher's best friend. It can really help that shoulder and elbow joint feel good. Of course the extra weight can hamper cardio routines since pitchers are out running most every day, may require a shift to bikes, ellipticals, etc.

  25. #25
    youll get more mph to your pitching by throwing everyday... just throw further and further from your knees.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dillon44 View Post
    youll get more mph to your pitching by throwing everyday... just throw further and further from your knees.
    Don't like the sound of that one...

  27. #27
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    ha ditto

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by asimov View Post
    Don't like the sound of that one...
    well it got me throwing 92 mph in college with the slightest bit of weightlifting... of course it will take a little time and hardwork but your arm will get stronger.

  29. #29
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    The process of throwing/pitching tears down the shoulder, why would you want to isolate it? Keep all the supportive muscles (from the ground up, legs, glutes, back) as involved as possible to help deal with the deceleration/stress/wear and tear. Don't see any positives, just eventual negatives for an exercise limiting intense throwing to the upper-body.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by asimov View Post
    The process of throwing/pitching tears down the shoulder, why would you want to isolate it? Keep all the supportive muscles (from the ground up, legs, glutes, back) as involved as possible to help deal with the deceleration/stress/wear and tear. Don't see any positives, just eventual negatives for an exercise limiting intense throwing to the upper-body.
    everything you said is completely right.. it makes you use your hips also... your on one knee not both..

  31. #31
    Listen, like everyone said Winni will dry your ligaments out and you will get hurt if you are a pitcher. I've posted on here before. This is the best link for a pitcher to know what to do to throw harder. The best info I ever got and it made me more knowledgeable than I ever thought. I threw on Sunday, 172 pitches and I was at 91 in the 9th inning.


  32. #32
    172 pitches in 9 innings? You might wanna work on your control, just a it one of those 12 outs per inning leagues?

  33. #33
    Relax....dude I had no defense. We made over 10 errors. LOL I didn't walk one person and only gave up 7 hits. K'd 15

  34. #34
    Is this one of those weekend leagues? I suggest you take the defense out of the equation and just strike everyone out. If you're hitting 91 after 172 pitches (questionable), then you gotta be hitting some 94's or 95's early on. Should be easy for a guy like you.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by dynamicathlete12 View Post
    I threw on Sunday, 172 pitches and I was at 91 in the 9th inning.

    CC Sabathia cant throw 91 in the 9th and hes the best pitcher in baseball...

    And no one in there right mind will ever throw 172 pitches in one game...

    I havent seen a pitcher throw over 125 in like ten years!

  36. #36
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    ...kinda what I was thinkin'...I used to be able to top out at 96, but would no matter what kinda of shape I was in would hit a serious wall around the 115-120 pitch range. at that point even breaking 90 would have been a stretch.

  37. #37
    If any of you live in AZ please feel free to come see me pitch. I routinely throw over 120 pitches and my MO is throwing harder in the 7th, 8th and 9th than I was in the beginning of the game which is why I'm a starter and not a reliever. I'm in very very good shape and I have a rubber arm. I've thrown double headers before in tournaments. I was 86 to 88 in the 1st 5 innings. BTW you're way off base on CC.....he's around 94 to 96 in the 9th. I've seen him pitch 20x's and alot of MLB pitchers throw just as hard at the end than in the beginning. Bc they throw so many innings in a year is why most are on pitch counts. Almost all of them could be effective in 130 pitch range but they're in it for the long haul.

    Like I said if any of you would like to see that I'm not full of sh** I'll be throwing in Chicago at the end of the month, Tampa Bay in Nov and the rest of the year in AZ. There's no reason for me to lie on here, I wasn't doing it to brag, I was saying that the information I got from the people on the link I posted really know what they're talking about as well as Asimov on here. He knows his stuff too.

  38. #38
    P.S. it is a men's league team that I play on here to stay in shape all year. I wouldn't let them take me out b/c I knew whoever came in would blow it. I felt good still and wasn't tired or sore. That's why I stayed in. Not that it matters to anyone.

  39. #39
    PSS I also get alot of very weak ground balls bc of my change-up which makes my D make plays which unfortunetly don't really make them all the time. I could go out there and try to blow everyone away but that wouldn't make me a better pitcher so I try to go out there and pitch rather than just throw. Sorry for the rambling guys.

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by dynamicathlete12 View Post
    ...I'll be throwing in Chicago at the end of the month, Tampa Bay in Nov and the rest of the year in AZ...
    Sweet, let me know the dates and I'll book my flights and hotels right away.

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