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I know that. Im simply stating my opinion that gear does not belong in this sport and in the long run will be of no real benefit to him.
Take the fact that today a Welsh touring side or 2nd string International players spanked the ass off the USA eagles. If ground roots rugby in the USA is based on youngsters on gear. In a sport heavily governed from the use of performing enhancing substances, how are you guys ever going to compete as an emerging nation?
I know you say this kids playing collage rugby, but say for instance he actually develops in to a decent player (on gear), and decides to go to the UK or France for a big wage in a higher ranked team, with out the gear he will not live with the competition.
But bringing it all back to the present, if he wants to play rugby and can only do it on gear... id suggest finding another sport to compete in.
Just because you got big strong lads playing, dont mean they are good.
At his height and size hes big enough to live in the backs or the loose forwards.
Unless he wants to move to the front row id stay away from the juice all together and just concentrate on a good diet.
Gear wont help him absorb the knocks or recover from them afterwards.