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  1. #1
    baseball1717 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2013

    Need help. New guy over here.

    Hi. I'm a baseball player playing in college right now, I'm 21. 5'9 about 145 lbs. I really wanna get a bit bigger and stronger and faster, so I was thinking bout going on Equipoise and susta 250 a week? Or should I stay with equipoise along? Any suggestion would be much appreciated

  2. #2
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    Oct 2012
    Welcome buddy!

    According to your stats the place you should be is nutrition section. YOU HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO EAT.

    One of the most important factor to CYCLE is to have solid body base to start. Without it you wont be able to hold any of your gains after cycle!

    Hit the nutrition section first, post your diet and goals and youll see how FAST you will grow!

    Good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Yeah nutrition is key to have a solid foundation of before roids. I've had a solid nutrition program in place for 5 year now and still haven't started my first cycle yet. It's crazy with what just a good diet will do to energy and performance. Also as a side note, a week of anything won't have and noticeable effects. Check out the stickies in the nutrition section like GASPACO already stated. Good luck!

  4. #4
    baseball1717 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2013
    Thank you bros for your suggestions! I will check out the nutritional first. Although I've been playing all kinds of sports basically my whole life so I am pretty lean and muscular for my size. When I was on my first cycle I had a strict high protein diet. Thanks again for your suggestions. I will post soon again. Peace!

  5. #5
    baseball1717 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2013
    I just calculated my body fat percentage and it's at 9%

  6. #6
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    You are skinny at that weight and height. Steroid at your age will not put weight on you. Diet and training will. You might gain weight quickly but it will be water and you will loose it. ...crazy mike

  7. #7
    teezer33's Avatar
    teezer33 is offline Associate Member
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    Enjoy your youth, your natural test is a booming, you really don't want to mess that up at your age with synthetics

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