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  • 1 Post By Rick hunter

Thread: Junior hockey player

  1. #1
    Hockey25 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2015

    Post Junior hockey player

    Height:5 11

    Im a junior hockey player and needing to gain strength,size and speed for next season. I have tried a pro meal plan and nutrition diets nothing seems to work because im on the ice and at the gym everyday i weight never stays on. I want to go on my first cycle but i dont know where to start. People have told me test c but im not sure. Can somone help me on what to take!

  2. #2
    Rick hunter is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey25 View Post
    Height:5 11

    Im a junior hockey player and needing to gain strength,size and speed for next season. I have tried a pro meal plan and nutrition diets nothing seems to work because im on the ice and at the gym everyday i weight never stays on. I want to go on my first cycle but i dont know where to start. People have told me test c but im not sure. Can somone help me on what to take!
    Hey buddy if there one guy who knows hockey it's me. I played hockey my whole life and left home at 16 and played 5 years of junior hockey and I currently play pro now. I can relate to you wanting to get an edge on everyone and become quicker faster stronger. I took steroids for one cycle and yes I had a great off season of training and got stronger but it didn't make me a better hockey player and I know a lot of other hockey players who have tried steroids and stopped after a cycle as well. For the off season, you'll gain muscle quicker obviously being on a cycle but overall it's not worth it and especially at your age there's no need and way to much risk. Plus you'll be gaining a lot of muscle and weight which will change your whole balance and the way you move on the ice. You want to gain weight gradually. You know Hockey a different sport and look at guys like datsyuk kane crosby Ect none of those guys have a body builders body they wouldn't be able to move if they were that big! The main guys who take steroids that play hockey in pro are strictly fighters cause they don't need do anything else! The point I'm trying to make is you don't need steroids for hockey. Just work hard in the off season get stronger naturally, work on your core and legs the most and do lots of agility drills. Trust me it's not worth it ! Hope you take my advice.
    parksy likes this.

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