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Thread: Body fat in off season

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell

    Body fat in off season

    What is the highest Bodyfat % you go in the off season. I`m taking this season off to gain some mass, I just had my weight and bodyfat done I`m 5`6 215 @ 11%. I`m trying to get to 225-230, and I want to keep it between 11-13%. How high does everyone go.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I go to about 13-15%, if i loose sight of my abs, i usually through in 4 weeks of dieting in there, just enough to get me little bit leaner and starting bulking again. I try to eat a lot of clean food when bulking up to stay as lean as i can. This year while bulking up i am going to try taking most of my carbs before 1:00 pm and the rest after my work out in the evening, all other meals will be protein and Flaxseed oil. I will let you guys know how that works out later.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell
    I wish I could get all my carbs. in before 1pm i work the midnight shift 7am-7pm, only 3 days a week. But it can wreak havoc on your system. The loss of abs is a good gauge, I`ll take it. Thanx.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    hey verdeda

    if you are truly serious about putting on some mass you are gonna have to do something every bodybuilder hates. get fat. well i dont mean real fat but fat for a bb. 15 to 17%. dont worry bout the abs and cuts this is not a show your looking to win but nearly just pack on some serious size. i woudlnt go above 17 % make that your max. see what happens with the extra added weight comes strength which will in time increase muscle size to handle the new aquired strength. just take this into consideration. look at all the major guys in the amateurs and pros they all get crazy big in the offseason to pack on as much mass as possible. the only thing i can say is its gonna play mentally on you because of the fat feeling you get but when diet time comes it will pay off.
    Last edited by wannabe; 03-10-2002 at 07:16 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Thats very True wannabe i think everyones different ..... it depends on your genetics some people have the tendancy to put on more muscle to fat and vice versa .... if you continue to compete yr in yr out u may wanna "bulk" up so u can have added size for next yrs comp if not u may want to stay lean and add lean mass.. it depends on goals and priorities i have no problems looking a little "pudgy" so i can manhandle bigger weights besides im 19 i find it easy as cake to diet off body fat .... but a good gage is anything up to 20% bf

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell
    I have a relatively fast metabolism. My bodyfat averages about 9-10%. The last show I did i really did not have to diet extremely. I`m not afraid of the getting fat factor, I`m still eating clean. My diet guru is telling me to eat the foods listed however I want. That I don`t have to eat clean. I`m just so used to eating clean and keeping my bodyfat at a low. I think I have a phobia or eating disorder when it come to not eating clean. But, I still think that I`m not going over the 13% range.

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