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Thread: Serious who's cheated on thier diet

  1. #1

    Serious who's cheated on thier diet

    Who's cheating? primma are you? XXL what about you. I have nine weeks to go, over half way home. I've already started to buy my post contest treats. YUM YUM and yes I've cheated a few times

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    When i went to Arnolds Classic three weeks ago, i had a Snickers icecream bar...YUMMY YUMMY IN MY TUMMY....that was so good...and i had some protein chips...............but for the most part that's about and there if i am really craving something, i'll have a low carb (high glycerol) protein bar on the weekend..............5 weeks to go, got to tighten things up no time to screw up now.............home stretch....can't wait to eat...

  3. #3


    Hell, I just cheated tonight. Peanuts and potato chips. 7 weeks out as of today. I am definitely paying for it , I can't lie down because my stomach hurts too bad (some medical problems as well), and I've been on the throne for past 45min. Talk about being stupid. Just because I want a damn potato chip... can't eat just one.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    My recent "cheat meal" was a protein shake with raspberries/blueberries in it after a leg workout last week...does that count?

    Funny how something that you might normally do quickly becomes a cheat meal when you're dieting

    I have yet to completely lose it...(see my thread about that)...the only thing i have had in the past 6 weeks that was bad was a few pieces of chocolate after training 3 weeks ago...i figure if i'm going to do it, at least the sugar can be used for something good
    (nice rationalization, don't you think?)

    And who is the person who wants to die that put a "buy one pizza, get one free" flyer on my door knob yesterday?

    Dr. D - you can actually keep evil foods in your house and not eat them?

    On a not-so-related note, why do some people count the week of the show and some people not? i.e. Your show is May 11 and you're 8 weeks out (counting the week of) vs 7 weeks out and you're not counting it...?
    What happens here, stays here

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I always count the week off the show even known i get to have food for carb up, the water goes, and that's even more miserable then no food, so it definitely counts in my books.

    I always try to rationalize having something i am not sepouse to, come on how bad can one protein bar be right after your workout, right...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    lol.. good thread and yes, usally 1x per week, but 5 weeks out so no cheating from here in, time to get READY. I am with mike it's sad when i protien bar is a cheat/treat, when those things start tasting good i know i have been dieting too long!

  7. #7
    Originally posted by primodonna
    Dr. D - you can actually keep evil foods in your house and not eat them?

    On a not-so-related note, why do some people count the week of the show and some people not? i.e. Your show is May 11 and you're 8 weeks out (counting the week of) vs 7 weeks out and you're not counting it...? [/B]
    Primo, I have two kids yes the evilness is all around me, Too Boot my wife is dieting for a fitness show, and let me tell ya she's bitchy, when she diet's. The climate is the least to say tense around here. My kids eat ice cream everynight before bed, in a way i get enjoyment out of watching them eat, only a BB would say that. As for me I get enjoyment out of the 15 glucose tablets after my workout, they are like sweettarts, Yum Yum. I Had a thin mint chocolate cookie last week, and I still eat Lee Labrada Low Carb Bars once a day,this pretty much clenches my sugar cravings. Jesus I feel like I'm at confession, Ha Ha.

    As for why some people do count the last week is because I think they figure the b/f loss is done, after all your not going to loose much if any at all during the carb depletioin/loading phase.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    i have to say it, i cheated before the mr spain,6 chocolate eggs with flapjacks , there were no egg whites hehe,but nothing happen ,i even look better, confused ha??me too

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    Berry...i think you just fat loaded by eating all this chocolate, i see a lot of people eating chocolate before thier shows around here. If done correctly it will suck all the water from under the skin and give you some major vasularity, making you look even better. From my personal expirience, it does not work for me, i need a high carbs (liquid carbs) and very low fat shake with creatine and glutamine, before i start pumping up. It just needs to be absorbed very quickly for me.

    So is every body still going strong, NO CHEATING, i had a protein bar on the weekend, and now i feel so sounds stupid i know.

    I think this thread doesn't get many replies, because no body want's to admit we are cheeting once in a while...just do what Cathy and Lee Priest do, have a big cheese cake and then do 3 hours of cardio to burn it of.

  10. #10
    I did lick my kids ice cream spoons when they finished tonight. Other than that nothing, we'll see how it goes, I'm dropping my low carb bar starting monday, which will putg me 6 weeks out. at four weeks I drop the last two protien drinks and replace them with solid food thats when it start sucking for me. My mind is playing tricks on me as it is, I cant wait until then, just yesterday I was contemplating uping my t-3 dosage. how fucking stupid does that sound. anyway check back in a week or so.

    I hope primma is still alive

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I'm alive but tiny
    What happens here, stays here

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    Licking your kids icecream spoons, you should be ashamed of yourself...LOL...i know what you are talking about, your mind playing tricks, one day i think i am right on schedule and others i think, shit i am way off, need to up the i can't wait for this to be over...

  13. #13
    Damn mike how'd I know it would be you to say something.... Caught in the act. My mind has played such tricks with me that I'm now removing all protien drinks and replacing it with real food. I've got to get lean, 1 hour of cardio a day (f-it)

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    Yeah, caught with your hand in a cookie jar, or your tongue on the spoon, whatever…hey saw your picture bro you look great no worries man…I do 45 min. of cardio now and I really don’t want to up it, I don’t want to melt away to nothing…shrinking enough as it is…

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by primodonna
    I'm alive but tiny
    Your scaring me

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I am doing 1 hr in am and 30 min in pm now...i hate being a woman

    *&%^ ESTROGEN
    What happens here, stays here

  17. #17
    Primo~ are you freaking out~ Thats alot of f**ing cardio. Don't pull a Dr. D and cycle off your legs. Good luck

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Yeah i pretty much have lost it ... not that i ever had it, but....
    What happens here, stays here

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    mmm diet coke with lemon
    why all the negativity Primo?

    oh and i cheat about once a month....nothing like the pineapple upside down cake from the bakery down the road

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Am i being negative? I don't even realize it's this...

    I am so lean it's abs are coming in ahead of schedule...the striations in my shoulders have striations and i have veins in my arms a heroin addict would be envious of

    What happens here, stays here

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    mmm diet coke with lemon
    hehe well done

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    The Rink!!
    5 weeks 4 days to go..until the end of my diet...been actually very strick with it...but I have to admit..I had 2 small chocolate chip cookies today...and my god did they ever taste good..but now it is back to reality...

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Primo i feel for ya, i am doing 1H in morning and 40 min at night after workout.....

  24. #24
    shit that alot of cardio. I do 30 min. am and 15 min pm. Mon. Wed. & Fri. the rest of the time I do 30 minutes in am. HUMMMMM Maybe I should be doing more.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    north carloina
    OK , I suck went to lonestar and had the biggest stake they had 16 oz prime rib , roll ,and baked potato , yes with lots of butter,and a salad swimming in ranch dressing !!

    I fell off the wagon it was so good !!!!! but I felt like a total slob for the next two days !!!

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    I do 45 min in the morning and i am going to start 15 min after my workouts for the last three weeks...hey primo it sound like you are going to kick some ass at your you got me motivated, sorry to rub it in but only 3 weeks to go now....

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    XXL- it's okay...when you gain your 15# in 2 days after your show and your abs are gone, i will still be badass
    What happens here, stays here

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Canada, Montreal eh!
    Does a KFC chicken sandwich count?
    I was out with my girlfriend and that was all we could find, I had to scrape the mayo off and skiped eating the fries.

    She gave me this weird look all the time.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    You are right primo, my abs will be gone by the time i get home and you'll still look now that's depressing...13 weeks of dieting just to make all of the results go away in a few days...oh well, it still will be worth it to have all the treats...

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I'm sure yours will come back after the shock of eating whatever you want wears off after a week or so

    Seems like 13, 14, 15, 16 etc weeks of this (which seems like years) results in one day of looking good then you're back where you started
    What happens here, stays here

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I know, it sucks...but we all love it and that's why we all do it...right...
    Last edited by MIKE_XXL; 03-29-2002 at 10:10 PM.

  32. #32
    Yeah we love it.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I love babies and the smell of rain... .

    Try another emotion
    What happens here, stays here

  34. #34
    I love chocolate bunnies, the kind with peanut butter in the inside. I had a great fucking easter..................NOT

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    We all had a great easter Derek...but i have a shit load of candy to eat up after the show can you say hello 200 pounds in 1 week...and swollen shins from water retention........

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I love sucking the sugar filling out of the original Cadbury Eggs and washing it down with the filling from a few hundred double stuff oreo's
    What happens here, stays here

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    It sounds like you guys and girls are working your asses off. I wish you all the best of luck at each of your shows.

    Primo, Doc, Mike - I'm not really familiar with precontest diets so if any of you have time to post what a typical day is like for ya'll I'd appreciate it.

    Good luck everyone and keep up the hard work, trust me, not everyone has the ability to do what your doing.

  38. #38
    OK this was, and I emphsis was my diet until, these assholes on this board comvinced me to drop my carbs, by the way thanks mike & Primmo I straving right now. Just kidding I do a low carb day every other, dropping from around 400 to 150 on your guys/gals advice and it seems to be working, thanks my weight hasn't changed that much and I'm losing B/F. This is what I typically eat along with the supplements. Dont freak out. I have my BP checked daily and bloodwork done every two months.

    1)2 scoops nitro tech
    2)12 egg whites 1cup oatmeal bannana
    3)10-12 oz. chicken 1/2-2/3 cup 1 potato
    4)same as three
    5)1 can tuna, half cup rice 1/2 cup corn
    6)same as five
    7)1 nitro speed drink
    8)2 scoops cell tech
    9)8 ozs 95 lean burger 1/2 cup peas 1/4 rice
    10)same as previous drop the rice.

    16 grams glutamine a day
    6 grams Vit. C
    chromium picolinate, 250 mg each meal
    5 tabs charcoal tablets
    750 mg pathenoic acid

    drug profile
    I wont even dare post it

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    My sincere respect for your determination and discipline. I seriously could not do that. I am now sticking to a low sugar low salt low oil diet and you will not smile because every time you would be thinking of what to eat next and you could find nothing at all....

  40. #40
    Alright you guys got me but I've got a good fucking excuse, if there is such a thing. I took my sons to a magic show tonight, I ate right before we left, well needless to say the show started 1/2 hour late and it was going on 3 hourss without eating so I broke a peanut butter cookie in half and ate one half. Kinda pist at my self but I've got this problem, that I think if I dont eat every 2-2.5 hours my metbolism is going to shut down. I know it was stupid and now I'm confessing to the bodybuilding gods.

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