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Thread: dyazide week out from show

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    South Carolina

    dyazide week out from show

    I am 1 week out from a show and I am holding some water I was going to use dyazide wed, thur, and fri 25 to 50 mg a day does how much fluie should I drink each day? And if anyone has any other ideas on cutting water let me know.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I can't comment on dyazide as i have not used it nor am i sure, i beleive it is not a loops so 3 day run should be ok, but aldanctone would be better for week pripor to show, and lasix or your dyazide night before. In terms of water, you should be drinking at least 1g per day right now, douple of even triple it mon-thrus, then cut down to about 1/2 gallon on friday and sip or none after about 5pm friday. Also keep sodium constant until Wed. then cut it out. If you have problems pumping up on Sat morning, take about a teascoop of salt about 30-45 min. before you go on stage.

  3. #3
    Here's what I do. I use aldactone five days prior, 36 hours out from the show I start using dyazide 25mg every 12 hours, increasing the dosage if I do not feel like I tightening up enough. I drink 16 ozs. h20 on thursday 8 ozs h20 on friday before noon after that I will only chew ice as i need to keep mouth wet. good luck, this is the tricky part. I have in the past used lasix, as last resort but it flatened me out big time- I could not fill up for nothing. I would keep it handy and only use it if your in severe despiration.

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