Since there are several of us that are closing in or are already in what I call the Drop Zone"weeks 4, 3, 2,". I think that it is only appropriate to post what we use to kill those hunger and phsycological pains.
For me when I enter the "Drop Zone" I start to think I'm not lean enough and that I 1) either eat less or 2) do more cardio. This type of thinking often haunts me because I end up F***cking up and do too much cardio and eating to little. Now I ask another BB, or the guy who helps me to take a look and see how I'm doing. To kill the hunger pains I freeze crystal light and eat them like popsicles, one after the other. I have also frozen diet root bear and diet orange drinks and ate those like Ice pops. If your still using protien powder during this time I would only mix a little water with it and stir it up and eat it like pudding. You can also add cinninnmon to it to spice the taste. Anyway enough from me lets her what helps other BB use too keep themselves in check.