Judge for your self
Judge for your self
idiot used 2 have a fine body cut 2 da bone
he makes me puke
Yes that is real. His name is Greg Valentino. He claims he has never used synthol.
Sure he hasn't.... ha
Yea... and I claim I've never done steriodsOriginally posted by j_kiler
Yes that is real. His name is Greg Valentino. He claims he has never used synthol.![]()
Yeah and I am not sitting here typing on AR either..
By the way nice porn page. that is the only thing that looked good on that page.. the chicks..
It just seems so silly. Why bother?
BTW one the subject of grossly developed bodyparts, a few years ago I saw a photo of a German BB with truly incredible calfs something akin to this Valentino guy. They were totally out of proportion - so huge.
I have never been able to track him or the photo it down again.
Do any of you guys know the BB I am talking about. I'd love to see that photo and those calfs again.
i think you might be talking about this oil bag....Originally posted by sjbildermann
It just seems so silly. Why bother?
BTW one the subject of grossly developed bodyparts, a few years ago I saw a photo of a German BB with truly incredible calfs something akin to this Valentino guy. They were totally out of proportion - so huge.
I have never been able to track him or the photo it down again.
Do any of you guys know the BB I am talking about. I'd love to see that photo and those calfs again.
fuk that shit is just nasty synthol or not. fuk them nasty ass arms.
Jeez, that's right up there with pimples, abcesses, goiters and tumors. I'll toss in chancres and well.
Nope - as big as them calves are the guy I am talking about has just gross calves - I'm talking 30" - no shit - 30" calves - I seem to remember seeing the picture in a Muscle and Fitness mag but I can't pin it down. When you see the picture you'll know what I mean.Originally posted by -Envious-
i think you might be talking about this oil bag....
Thanks guys I appreciate the info
Both of those guys look horrible. I would be covering myself up if I had that look. It is so un-natural looking I don't know how they fool themselves into thinking it looks good.
Just plain stupid.
That is gross, I wouldn't be proud of something like that. What an idiot.
yep, dicks like that give all of us a bad name. Who the hell thinks that looks good needs help!
What is synthol anyways? Is that Valentino guy going to be that way forever? He looks like he needs a head doctor.
man that looks nastywhy would someone wanna do that to them selves
i guess they think they can fool someone whos not into bb, but anybody who is knows its synthol. synthol is an oil, correct me if im wrong but its supposed to last about 5 years right.the oil fills up your muscles inflating them making them look bigger.
There should be a picture of that dumb ass next to the word "DICK" in the freaking dictionary.... What a loser!!! That just pisses me off!!!
yall my 15" guns can curl 55's!
He looks like a fucking crack baby. What kind of clothes does he wear? I'm guessing nothing with sleeves.
synthol is only a temporary mesaure - its MEANT to be posing oil (at 100 bucks a teeny bottle lol!)
injected into the muscle the object is to stretch the fascia around the muscle to allow you to grow bigger agian, but of course some people take it in excess and try to make their muscles look big with just the synthol.
the thing is that this oil will eventually disspiate into the body - in fairly small amounts its probably not going to kill you bit in the amounts valentino is using??
the valentino fool has been busted recently i think, for supplying roids if im not mistaken!
nasty stuff!! nasty nasssstttyyyy!!
thats absolutely disgusting looks like hes got tumors growing in his arms or some type of infection
Fucking idiot ruins his body like that, what a fuck!
He was on the news a while back, he owns a gym and he got busted for selling roids. I think they said he was injecting in his biceps
I think that guy your talking about with the huge calves is Mike Matorrazo...i think..
I've read a interview with that Valentino guy and he does claim that he has never used synthol, but has admitts to spot shooting tremendous amounts of AS into his arms. I think the article was in musclemag a year or so ago.
yeah i read an article about him also where they qouted him stating that he had never used synthol. then 2 or 3 months later I read that he got arrested for selling roids to minors or something like that.
The sad thing is his earlier pics he looks great in!I hope for him that shit has gone down by now!I think his site is www.bicepmania.com
How about everybody shut the f**ck up about this guy and stop pushing the thread to the top all the time?
The guy's in jail. end of story. Move on...![]()
Cheers Chyna
shit, he totally misses the point... lewser
That is fuckin sick. I just showed it to my girlfried, she swears its not real. His left arm is way out of proportion but looks a hell of a lot better than the right. The right bicept looks like huge bicept implant surgery gone horribly wrong!
Might want to start shooting some of that stuff in your right shoulder you stupid freak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by jamotech; 05-18-2002 at 12:13 AM.
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