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Thread: My Show Prep Journal 2005 - with details

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada

    My Show Prep Journal 2005 - with details

    I have decided to start a Contest Prep log.
    Starting weight 207lbs at 15%-BF current weight around 195lbs at 11%-BF, need to get down to 176lbs at 3-4%-BF for middleweights.
    This will be updated every week, please place all question within this thread and not PMs so everyone can ready the answers. Ok let’s get started.
    The before pics were taken 12 weeks out of my first show, my shows will be April 30th, May 14th and June 18th. As of right now the supplements being used are:
    300mg of Test Enenth E4D
    200mg of EQ E4D
    10mg of Anavar ED
    ECA stack 2 times a day Monday through Friday
    Clen at 120mcg Saturday and Sunday
    T-3 100mcg 5 days ON and 5 days OFF
    .75mg of Arimidex ED
    5iu of Humolog Tuesday & Friday mornings before breakfast, I find that enough to keep my muscle bellies round & full and maintain anabolism.

    Starting at 8 weeks out which will be next week, the supplements will be changing to:
    75mg of Test Prop ED
    75mg of Masterone ED
    100mg of EQ ED
    ECA stack 2 times a day Monday through Friday
    ***’s Clen at 120mcg Saturday and Sunday
    T-3 100mcg 5 days ON and 5 days OFF
    .75mg of Arimidex ED
    ***’s Oratropin 40mcg per day for 8 weeks
    ***’s GHRP-6 80mcg ED -2 injections of 40mcg each morning and 12 hours later or as close as i can get to spacing it out even
    ***’s .5mg of Letro ED
    5iu of Humolog Tuesday & Friday mornings before breakfast

    Cardio is done in the morning on empty stomach 30-45 minutes 5 days a week, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday. Sometimes on weekend I do double cardio and go out hiking.
    My workouts are quick but intense usually getting me out of the gym in 30-40 minutes. All reps are done in 1 second positive and 4 second negative. They are all very slow and controlled each set is done 110% all out, with balls to the wall attitude, no energy is saved for later sets, give it all I got.

    Monday – LEGS
    Warm ups
    Squats 3 sets – 20 reps
    Leg Press 2 sets – 20 reps
    Sissy Squat 1 set – 12-15 reps
    Leg Extensions – 2 sets 12-15 reps
    Leg Curls – 2 sets 12-15 reps
    Extreme stretching.

    Tuesday – Chest
    Warm Ups
    Incline Hammer Press 3 sets – 8-10 reps
    Flat Bench 2 sets – 8-10 reps
    Flat Flies 1 set – 8-12 reps
    Cable Cross Overs 1 set – 10-12 reps
    Extreme stretching: hold pair of dumbels in stretch position of flat flies for 45-60 seconds.

    Wednesday – Back
    Warm Ups
    Deadlifts from the knees 2 sets – 10 reps
    Chin Ups 2 sets – 10 reps
    Barbell Rows 2 sets – 10 reps
    V-Bar close grip Pull downs 1 set – 10 reps
    Behind the back pull downs 1 set – 10 reps
    Bent over flies 2 sets – 10-12 reps
    Shrugs 1 set – 10-12 reps
    Extreme stretching: Grab a side of a machine and pull away from it stretching the thickness of the back, hold for 45-60 seconds second stretch hang in the chin up position for 45-60 seconds stretching the width of the back.

    Thursday – Shoulders & Calfs
    Warm Ups
    Behind Back Shoulder Press 2 sets – 8-10 reps
    Machine shoulder press with palms facing each other 1 sets – 8-10 reps
    Side laterals 2 sets – 10-12 reps
    Upright Rows 1 sets 10-12 reps
    Extreme Stretching: Facing away from the squat rack, grab on to the bar behind you set at shoulder height with palm facing upwards and pull away from the bar, hold for 45-60 seconds.
    Seated Calf raises 2 sets – 12-15 reps
    Standing Calf raises 2 sets – 12-15 reps
    Extreme stretching: Any type of calf stretch for 45-60 seconds

    Friday – Arms
    Warm Ups
    Close Grip Bench 3 sets – 8-10 reps
    One arm Extensions 1 set – 8-10 reps
    Push Downs 1 sets – 15 reps
    Reverse grip push downs 1 sets – 15 reps
    Extreme Stretch: Just like doing one arm extension, hold the dumbbell in one hand in the stretch position for 45-60 seconds.

    Warm Ups
    Straight Bar 2 sets – 8-10 reps
    Incline Hammer Curls 1 set – 8-10 reps
    Preacher Curls 1 Set – 8-10 reps
    Concentration Curls 1 set – 10-12 reps
    Extreme stretching: Facing away from the squat rack, grab on to the bar behind you set at shoulder height with palm facing down and pull away from the bar, hold for 45-60 seconds.

    Weekends off, just doing cardio.

    And here the most important part of it all DIET. All meals are in Bio-Zone ratios of 41% carbs, 31% protein and 27% fat except last meal & post workout meal. Later on this will be adjusted and fat percentage will be droped, The carbs are kept rather high as I work on my feet all day and need them for energy.

    250ml of egg whites, fat free cheese
    mushrooms and salsa
    1 small low carb whole-wheat tortilla
    60 gm of oatmeal
    10 gm of whey protein
    Protein-50.5gm Carbs-63gm Fat-17.5gm

    100 gm of chicken
    1 Cup Mixed veggies
    125 gm of Potato
    7.5 ml of Sunflower oil
    Protein-30gm Carbs-35gm Fat-9.5gm

    250gm of Cottage cheese
    15ml of jam
    45 gm of oatmeal
    8 gm of Whey protein
    7.5 ml of Sunflower Oil
    Protein-38gm Carbs-48gm Fat-13.5gm

    100 gm of chicken
    1 Cup Mixed veggies
    125 gm of Potato
    7.5 ml of Sunflower oil
    Protein-30gm Carbs-35gm Fat-9.5gm

    250gm of Cottage cheese
    15ml of jam
    45 gm of oatmeal
    5 gm of whey protein
    7.5 ml of Sunflower Oil
    Protein-36gm Carbs-48gm Fat-13.5gm

    After Training:
    40gm of whey protein
    1 apple
    4 rice cakes / rice crispies
    Protein-30gm Carbs-64gm Fat-0gm

    100 gm of chicken
    Salad with low fat drssing
    Protein-30gm Carbs-5gm Fat-3gm

    Total nutrients per day: Protein-245gm Carbs-298gm Fat-66.5gm
    Calories approximately: 2770 calories per day, this will be dropped to around 2400 calories at 8 weeks out.

    Thanks all and wish me luck!
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    Last edited by MIKE_XXL; 03-11-2005 at 12:51 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada

    8 weeks out update

    8WEEKS OUT – update
    OK I am 8 weeks out of my first show, this week I am making few changes & I will change my gear to:
    75mg of Test Prop ED
    75mg of Masterone ED
    100mg of EQ ED
    ECA stack 2 times a day Monday through Friday
    ***’s Clen/Keto at 80mcg Saturday and Sunday
    T-3 100mcg 5 days ON and 5 days OFF
    .5mg of Arimidex ED
    .5mg of Letro ED
    ***’s Oratropin 40mcg Morning for 8 weeks
    ***’s GHRP-6 80mcg ED (40mcg in the morning before breakfast & 40mcg before what I call dinner)

    I started the Oratropin-1 & GHRP-6 on Monday so far this is what I feel; my blood sugar drops about 1 hour post the morning Oratropin & GHRP, I feel tiered and hungry…my pumps are already beyond great, my vascularity has increased, my muscle bellies are always full and I do not look flat at all…and I lowered my carbs this week, so that is quite amazing…I have slept extremely well last night, which has not been the case before taking GHRP-6…sp far I am impressed I am reacting to it just the way I did to Injectible IGF-1r so I am looking forward to the upcoming weeks…I am attaching 3 progress pictures taken at 8 weeks out…next picture update will be at 4 weeks out, after 1 month of Oratropin-1 & GHRP-6 that should be interesting to see.

    Here is a few changes I have made to my diet, I lowered my carbs a bit as well as fat:

    250ml of egg whites, fat free cheese
    mushrooms and salsa
    1 small low carb whole-wheat tortilla
    50 gm of oatmeal
    10 gm of whey protein
    Protein-49.5gm Carbs-51gm Fat-7.5gm

    100 gm of chicken
    1 Cup Mixed veggies
    125 gm of Potato
    5 ml of Sunflower oil
    Protein-30gm Carbs-35gm Fat-6gm

    250ml of egg whites with atkins mix
    15ml of jam
    45 gm of oatmeal
    8 gm of Whey protein
    5 ml of Sunflower Oil
    Protein-38gm Carbs-35gm Fat-7.5gm

    100 gm of chicken
    1 Cup Mixed veggies
    125 gm of Potato
    5 ml of Sunflower oil
    Protein-30gm Carbs-35gm Fat-6gm

    250ml of eggwhites with atkins mix
    15ml of jam
    30 gm of oatmeal
    8 gm of whey protein
    5 ml of Sunflower Oil
    Protein-30gm Carbs-25gm Fat-7.5gm

    After Training:
    40gm of whey protein
    1 apple
    4 rice cakes / rice crispies
    Protein-30gm Carbs-64gm Fat-0gm

    100 gm of chicken
    Salad with low fat dressing
    Protein-30gm Carbs-5gm Fat-3gm

    Total calories:
    Total Protein-240gm Carbs-250 Fat-37.5

    This is when this whole dieting things gets pretty old and hard, but got to keep on pushing…Peace…XXL
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    keep me posted

    i'm you're biggest fan!!!haha

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by partyboynyc
    i'm you're biggest fan!!!haha
    And looks like the only one LOL

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    over the hills & far away
    lookin good mike.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001


    Quote Originally Posted by MIKE_XXL
    And looks like the only one LOL
    so this means i have to be like president of the fan club by default,hahaha

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Tropical England
    Quote Originally Posted by MIKE_XXL
    And looks like the only one LOL
    im reading this and seeing what i can pinch for my own prep. Not got any experince in contest prep tho so i wont be delivering any critisism

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    well if you want my opinion....

    Quote Originally Posted by Prime
    im reading this and seeing what i can pinch for my own prep. Not got any experince in contest prep tho so i wont be delivering any critisism
    i think it stinks haha. get those bastards mike!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Looking great Mike,

    Got 1 Q: Why are you taking T3 5 days on, 5 days OFF ? what's the benefit of doing that, and how long are you doing that for ? This is the first time i heard someone taking T3 like that... do you temper down at all ?
    I guess i had several Q's , not just one

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Yo mike, Looking really good bro, keep posting your progress... Best of luck!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    Best of luck mike. You and i have very similar builds, feels like i'm looking in the mirror. Maybe it's because i stole your diet.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by snowman
    Looking great Mike,

    Got 1 Q: Why are you taking T3 5 days on, 5 days OFF ? what's the benefit of doing that, and how long are you doing that for ? This is the first time i heard someone taking T3 like that... do you temper down at all ?
    I guess i had several Q's , not just one
    The T-3 method i am using was formulated by someone on this board, if you search around you will find the posts...i can;t remember who and i wish i did so i could give them credit...that person used 7-on 5-off schedule it fits better for me at 5-on 5-off...the idea is not to mess up your own Thyroid and keep it functioning at all times and yet still have the benifit of T-3 fat burning...i feel i loose around 1lb each 5 days while on and around 1/2lb in the 5 days seems to work well for me...i will taper down once i stop, however i will proly continue at 12.5mcg for about 1-2 moths after my shows and cycle to remain somewhat lean and not become a big pig

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I know you'll lean out like crazy Mike.... wish you the best in the next 2 months.... doing great...

    You're talking about Mallet I believe, he favours the 7/5 split...
    Last edited by Blown_SC; 03-13-2005 at 12:54 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Good luck!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Looks like you know your stuff. Good luck to you and keep us posted.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Keep us posted on your progress mike, great set up

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Blown_SC
    I know you'll lean out like crazy Mike.... wish you the best in the next 2 months.... doing great...

    You're talking about Mallet I believe, he favours the 7/5 split...
    Yes the T-3 idea belongs to Mallet...i thought that's who it was ...thanks to Mallet for inovation of T-3 use

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Ask me
    Hey mike im also your fan as far as getting ready for contests. You ALWAYS impress with your bodyfat levels and cuts. When your back is cut, its amazing. YOu had a pic where you were very cut and tan i have it on my other pc very impressive.
    Why are you taking clen only on saturdays, and why are you taking eca throughout the week? I would choose between the two if i were you, they both downregulate beta receptors, so if you go off clen to give them a chance to refresh, but take eca throughout the week, youre going in circles.
    Check out my other thread, started by cardiodan in this very forum. See if you can help man, thanks a lot!
    Good luck, illbe following this thread. Im going on spring break (snowboarding) then starting competitino diet.
    Ill follow nonetheless (ill try)

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Inside a 3cc Dart
    looking good bro. keep us posted. have you ran T-3 before? are you checking BBT each day for the T-3 dose? just wondering cause i'm on it now and trying to figure out how much i need.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Bump this shizzel...i will update it this coming week...XXL

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2004

    from one competitor to another

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Yo Mike... i'm curious as to the role of the sunflower oil you've included in most of your meals.

    Noting that there's a carbohydrate component in said meals... the addition of a fat source hasn't proven to be a problem?

    Not a critique...rather, curiosity

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    No tren mike? just curious.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I do not respond well to Tren i get boobies from it's progesterone related properties so it's masterone in it's place and i like masterone better right now, plus there is no liver toxicity with masterone...

    As for oil is in there for my monounsaturated fatty acids, good fats and to slow down the digestion of the carbs, i work phisically and need stead release of the energy...i have changed my diet since then and will update it early coming week...XXL

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2004
    'k Mike... i'll keep the thread BUMPED...out of interest

    Is your previous contest prep in this forum also?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Looks like you have everything laid out nice. You can tell you've done this before so i have faith in everything you do. stay strong

    btw, what is your fiber intake like? I see you are consuming various mixed veggies but i didn't see any brocholli in the diet. Do you do fiber supplementation? thanks
    Last edited by Served; 04-03-2005 at 11:35 AM.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Hey Mike I am impressed with all of your knowledge! I am concerned with my diet and supplementation. I would like your help if you had the time. My first show is July 31 and I would like to do well. I am 37, 5'9" and 225 with about 18% bf, give or take %. I have sixteen weeks and I started cleaning up my diet. I liked your diet, should I follow it. I am not taking var or clen or many of the other supps your on. I just need a helpfull hand in dieting and supplementation. I will do whatever you say to a T. You read my other thread so you know what I am taking at the moment. Please help. Thanks

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Hello Mike,
    It has been a long times since i have been able to contribute much on this board. I can see you have more then extened yourself to many here for some time.

    The information that you are providing the members on this board is priceless.
    Meaning pratical real life experences can't be replaced with any other method of learning. I think its great your willingness to share with everyone. I try to do the same thing for guys over at ab and get very little feed back. Maybe just not many over there competing.

    You and I will be starting at the same point I'm 5'6" and 207# at about 11%.
    I'm 43 years old and have competed as a middle weight 20 plus times. Yet I read your post and see how you are doing things and enjoy a different approach to reaching the same goal. Fresh ideas positive ideas are fun to read in our sport. My shows will be in the Fall. However with my desk job I will diet closer to 18 to 20 weeks to get back to 176.

    Thank you for spending the time you do keeping this log up todate and letting us share in your journey.
    I will you all the best come show time.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    OK here is another update, i manipulated my carbs a bit and dropped them as i increased my fat calories...this will be last adjustment, it seems to be working pretty good acording to my wife and few other people i have look at me every week (they have been in the game for a long time so i trust their coments) Other then that Oral IGF-1r has been stopped as unfortunatly all i could get was 1 kit...the results were good, and i would deffinitly do it again...GHRP-6 is still being used it's been about 5 weeks out it and another 2-3 to go, it is deffinitly doing something, i sleep a lot better and that is usually a big problem for me, i am tighter and fuller then usual, my vascularity is very skin is thin, and i am gettin gleaner...overall i am very happy with the results from is going good...i am getting sick of dieting, i have allready done 13-1/2 weeks 3-1/2 more to my first show, 2 more after that to the next and then 5 more weeks to the last one...this is getting old in a hurry, but this are likely my last shows so i have to keep on pushing...i wil post pics this weekend as i forgot to take then this week, so they will be 3 weeks out pics...well here is the diet...

    250ml of egg whites, fat free cheese
    mushrooms and salsa
    75 gm of oatmeal
    10 gm of whey protein
    Protein-47 Carbs-58 Fat-7

    80 gm of chicken
    Little steak
    7.5 ml of Olive oil
    Protein-32 Carbs-6 Fat-19

    125ml Egg whites
    3 whole eggs
    2 slices of cheese
    Protein-36 Carbs-4 Fat-25

    80 gm of chicken
    Little steak
    7.5 ml of Olive oil
    Protein-32 Carbs-6 Fat-19

    125ml Egg whites
    3 whole eggs
    2 slices of cheese
    Protein-36 Carbs-4 Fat-25

    46gm of whey
    7 Rice cakes
    Protein-36 Carbs-80 Fat-2

    66gm of chicken
    Protein-20gm Carb-0 Fat-0

    The only gear related thing changed is i dropped Arimidex and i am using 2mg of letro at this point, every thing else stayed the same...XXL

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Hey Mike,
    Can you give me some idea as to how many eggs = 250ml?
    I'm guessing you are buying liquid egg white.
    Also you are using 75 gm of oats is this = to 1 1/2 cups dry?

    What was your weight at when you hit 8 weeks out?
    What was your weight at for this last post? 4 wks out?

    Thanks, I'm watching your progress closly.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by kdtl61
    Hey Mike,
    Can you give me some idea as to how many eggs = 250ml?
    I'm guessing you are buying liquid egg white.
    Also you are using 75 gm of oats is this = to 1 1/2 cups dry?

    What was your weight at when you hit 8 weeks out?
    What was your weight at for this last post? 4 wks out?

    Thanks, I'm watching your progress closly.
    250ml of egg whites is around 9-10 egg whites
    75gm of oatmeal = 1 cup of dry oats
    i have not really been weighing myself, i more go by the way i look and my waist measurment, as long as i loose atleast 1/4" of my waist i know i am doing good...i think at 4 weeks out i am around 183-185lbs, at 8 weeks out i was in the 190lbs waist is currently 31-1/2" at 4 weeks out i usually compete at 30-1/2" to 31" for waist measurment and that's dry, so i am right on track i believe...hope that helps...i should have some 3 weeks out pics this weekend...XXL

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    diet looks solid mike, hang in there bro lol.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by GeoQuadzilla
    diet looks solid mike, hang in there bro lol.

    I'm checking the progress of your prep Mike...good going

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada

    3 weeks out pictures

    Here are pics of me 3 weeks out from my first show, keep in mind i must do well enough to qualify for my second show which is 5 weeks from now...this might be a tough 5 weeks coming up...let me know what you think...XXL
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  35. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I know you told me you don't watch the scale that much. I still want to ask where your weight is? I'm guessing you plan on being on stage in 3 weeks as a small lt. heavy? We both know the light heavies are a hard class to compete in. One thing I have learned about shows is often there are a few guys that gun only for that show only. You and I compete in many shows and focus on one to peek at. I consider the middle and the Lt. heavy to be the best two classes in any show. You have to place 1st or 2nd to qualify. Remember being qualified last for two years. Have you not competed in a national qualifier in the last 22 months?
    You pics look good. The first is showing that you are starting to harden up. We both know you get harder as you go and the longer some supplements have to work.
    I hate to see you try to crash down to middle in 3 weeks knowing that you have five weeks later for the big dance. Yet, you must take 1st or 2nd. To be able to make it to the big dance. Tell me this do you have any other shows like 5 weeks from now? Thisa we will call a just in case show.

    I say stay the coarse you are coming in perfect if you ask me.
    Please step on the scale tomorrow morning and see where you are at.
    I'm guessing first thing in the morning you are looking very tight. Yes,
    keep on keeping on my friend.
    Good Luck,

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Mike, As a competitor myself I must say you are right on track with your diet... these last 3 weeks should have your abs incredibly chisled, you definitely have lots of muscle mass and real good vascularity! Symetry is bang on as well... Good luck bud.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Light heavies...LOL...i wish i was that big...i am going for Middles...i am kicking in around 180-183lbs right now, so just a few more to shows are as follows...
    April 30
    May 14
    June 18
    I did not pay my membership dues last year and all of my qualifications have expired...remember i am in Canada not USA...also top 3 qualify for the next level of the first show is Level 1 and must have me qualified for the May 14th show...which i am dialing in for and hope to be 100$ for that one...the April 30th show is the most competitive level 1 show we have around here, always lots of good quality competitors come to do this how, so i can not be a slacker and must dial in atleast 90-95% to ceom out in top for the June 18th show...i am planning to eat for 3-4 days after May 14th show and the get back on the diet to loose what i gain in those 3-4 days...the june show is Provincial (State) championships, which will be my last show for a while...hopefully it will qualify me for the Nationals down the road...i hope this explains my overall plan...

    ...other then that thank you guys from your kind words and positive re-enforcement...three weeks to go to the first showdown...peace...XXL

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Thanks for explaining. I didn't know of your location. I guess I have not been around enough to know enough about you.
    Yes, I understand us middle weight never want to hit the stage at 178 or something and fall into the lt heavy. So, you need to be just about in your best shape for this first show.
    Keep up the prep Mike you seem to be on target. You know how much you can dry out. I have no idea as to what you lose in the final days. I lose about a pound. I only water deplete and use dandelion root to dry out. I have yet to try anything stronger.
    Keep us in the loop.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    your doing a great job of holding on to your muscle gains and only stripping off fat and water. at 3 weeks out you look much healthier and fuller than alot of bbers is see. keep your focus and good luck.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Very solid bro, good work!

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